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Gambit / Re: Gambit 2025
« Last post by DanndyB on Today at 04:47:18 AM »
Sorry if I’m being too emotional. I’ve always considered myself a very optimistic person, seeing butterflies in every piece of news about a Gambit appearance, but Marvel managed to ruin that.
 I can't see how this could have been Gambit's year. Maybe it was better than other years, but not his year.
 I can't see how a good moment in an animation, where that good moment ends with him dead, could be considered his year, especially if we remember all the humiliation that came before – but maybe that’s just my drama speaking.
 I can’t see it as his year when he's in a comic, does something important that we don't even get to see happen – ok, it was meant to have an impact because it was a surprise, but still, that takes all the shine for us – and when there’s an opportunity for him to do something else important, it’s done without emotion, and accompanied by a line that he’s doing it for Rogue. What? So, I don’t see how a lukewarm writing, at best, that mischaracterizes the character, could make this his year. TVA had too little for me to comment on at this point.
 Yes, Deadpool and Wolverine fulfilled Tatum’s and many fans’ dream of seeing Gambit in the movies, but still, as a joke. Ok, that’s the style of Deadpool films, and at least here we got a good action moment, but I still think it’s too much to say it was his year.
 Again, I think it might have been better than other years, but when we say it was Gambit's year, the message we’re sending is that we accept the bare minimum as something really good, and I’m more demanding than that. Sorry for the rant.
Gambit / Re: Gambit 2025
« Last post by andresa on Yesterday at 07:21:21 PM »
Gambit not intended to be so stellar in x97 but ending up being anyway just by being Gambit is the most Gambit thing that could have happened, hahaha.

I was about to say exactly this. Gambit drawing that much attention was a total accident (also the humiliation and getting killed off). Now it's up to the writers to do something with this, which I don't believe they will. Comics didn't; no solo. Marvel studios might be smarter about it. We'll see. So, no, for me to call it "the year of Gambit", I need more than what we got.
Gambit / Re: Gambit 2025
« Last post by NElizaV on Yesterday at 06:34:21 PM »
Gambit not intended to be so stellar in x97 but ending up being anyway just by being Gambit is the most Gambit thing that could have happened, hahaha.

He was set up to be antagonistic to Magneto and to set up Rogue joining him later (someone had to join him besides Roberto) and for that he needed to lose Gambit, but both Magneto and Rogue acted so badly that people naturally sided with Gambit because he was the innocent part here.

For this, I absolutely blame Mayonnaise. Magneto's alleged cockiness was plain bullying. Remy wakes up happy bc it's Jubilee's birthday and first thing is his new boss telling him "my d*cks bigger than yours". He could have died without having those terrible comments he made and without the triangle plot and his death would have been equally heroic.
Gambit / Re: Gambit 2025
« Last post by Toadman005 on Yesterday at 05:19:18 PM »
I feel 2024 was his best year since 2007, when he returned in Messiah Complex/X-Men 200. That' God, 17 years.

I think when you look at his success you have to debate wether or not you LIKED it, as opposed to ACKNOWLEDGING it. This may be harder for us to do as diehard Gambit fans.

Optimistic: He stole the show in X-Men 97. He was THE hero of Remember It (it was named after him after all, though the entire episode involves memory, it was his saying). The episode was up for an Emmy, he broke everyone's hearts, went out like a boss, and his merch sales skyrocketed, and his costume was top 10 nationwide in October. He was the breakout character, and had some of the best action sequences of the series, rivaled ONLY by Nightcrawler.

Pessimistic: That was not the intention. He was still killed, and, as such, was only in 40% of the show. No idea if he'll be back. Rogue did him dirty.



(sorry ran out of time to post) 
Gambit / Re: Gambit 2025
« Last post by NElizaV on Yesterday at 01:44:36 PM »
To be fair, Disney did acknowledge the year of Gambit. They called it "the Remyssance" on their insta. It was little after D&W was released and the memes were everywhere. If they didn't use that to their favor, that's on them.

I wouldn't be hopeful, but maybe some of the changes to make for x97s2 had to do with adding more Gambit or to put him in a positive light.

Comics-wise, I think he could've had a better year, but at least he's in Uncanny which is a step-up from being in Excalibur for the entire Krakoan era.

Not being a prominent part of Krakoa era was a blessing in disguise for him, tbh.
Gambit / Re: Gambit 2025
« Last post by Sparta on Yesterday at 12:32:00 PM »
Nah, 2024 was huuuge for Remy.

I read conics probably since 2012 and it was Gambit's best year for sure.
Remeber It, Tatum's Gambit, on a flagship Uncanny book again, different alt Universe appearence in comics, 100k of likes on posts with Gambit.

2024 was our year. 2026 may be even better. Will see.

2024 was the best year he had in decades...

1993-1995 he was peak. He had the mini series that sold over 100k, he was the main character in Nicieza's X-Men run and Lobdell used him a lot in Uncanny as well. Plus the animated series where all the guys in school loved Gambit, they weren't comic readers, but they loved him on the show.

2024 I haven't seen a response like that since then.

Comics-wise, I think he could've had a better year, but at least he's in Uncanny which is a step-up from being in Excalibur for the entire Krakoan era.

2026 - X-Men '97 season 2. I'd hope he'd get more screen time compared to s1, but I expect to rely on Rogue's POV, which isn't ideal. Because season 2 was written in 2022, maybe season 3 will be better because now the execs would know of Remy's popularity.

2027 - Secret Wars and then a solid idea of where a younger Gambit will be at in X-Men movies...and X-Men '97 season 3 where he's not Deathbit.

Gambit / Re: Gambit 2025
« Last post by andresa on Yesterday at 11:19:19 AM »
The thing is, I don’t think 2024 was successful. A slight improvement compared to years of awfulness isn’t enough. Only a large role in a box office successful movie will turn the table. Still waiting on that.
Gambit / Re: Gambit 2025
« Last post by purplevit on Yesterday at 11:06:33 AM »
Juat because 90s were the best doesn't mean that 2024 wasn't huge.

I was born only in 1991 so I missed start and his shining.
XTAS arrived for me only in 2000s.

I enjoyed 2024 a lot and ready for more.
Uncanny isn't perfect but it is still miles miles better than anything Krakoa related.

I still think we will have a bright future for Remy.
Gambit / Re: Gambit 2025
« Last post by andresa on Yesterday at 09:58:30 AM »
Gambit’s best years were the early 90’s. What’s the point in being in a flagship book if you’re devoid of personality and is nothing more than a supporting character? Comics don’t even matter anymore. Movies make money. That’s my only hope, if Marvel doesn’t screw this up, that is.
Gambit / Re: Gambit 2025
« Last post by purplevit on Yesterday at 09:52:04 AM »
Nah, 2024 was huuuge for Remy.

I read conics probably since 2012 and it was Gambit's best year for sure.
Remeber It, Tatum's Gambit, on a flagship Uncanny book again, different alt Universe appearence in comics, 100k of likes on posts with Gambit.

2024 was our year. 2026 may be even better. Will see.
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