Author Topic: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted  (Read 157546 times)


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Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« on: November 30, 2006, 11:44:05 PM »
In the effort to bring fresh blood into the Lebeau Library (new and old stories that you think should be archived here), I'd like to put out the idea that perhaps a few people could scout around in something of a recruitment drive.

If you're interested in helping, leave a comment, and let's discuss an approach.

In the very least, you could list off stories and authors, and some way of contacting them, and we can try to track them down if the work is good - asking if they would like to submit their work to the Library.

Thoughts? Volunteers?
« Last Edit: December 08, 2006, 05:38:40 PM by Lucia »


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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2006, 08:35:02 AM »
I"ve done a lot of reading...Be happy to help bring in the fresh blood


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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2006, 09:56:43 AM »
Awesome. I'm just waiting on Neko to find the old submission guidelines so we have a list of criteria to ascribe to when finding stories (proper grammar, proper spelling, etc.)

But otherwise, I'd say feel free to get to work. Anything you find can be posted to this thread following "the usual" structure - and I'll get in touch with them:

Mail: (Absolute must that we have some way of contacting them.)
Spoilers:(If applicable)
Warnings: (If applicable)


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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2006, 12:47:08 PM »
After the 13th, I promise. I found my list of recommended fics. *sighs & stabs textbooks with a spork*


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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2006, 12:52:50 PM »
Cooool. We're both in the same boat, I think. Just as long as the idea's out there and people are thinking about it, I think. It's a step in teh right direction.

One thing we ought to consider is keeping a list of who's on the roster for recruitment so there's no duplication of people being contacted.


Will work on that.


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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2006, 10:59:57 AM »  No I have an excuse to read fan fic.


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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2006, 02:43:13 AM »
What about unfinished works currently in the library? There are some awesome pieces there that are driving me crazy because the ending isn't there.


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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2006, 09:52:07 PM »
Have you found them finished elsewhere?


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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2006, 10:14:50 PM »
I haven't had time to look at all of them but Google only gives different Lebeau Library URLs for CrystalWren's "This Exquisite Dance" and this is killing me.

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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2006, 11:07:53 PM »
I will send another email to Karen, I am certain her back up is more current.  And Lucia, lets just go with your guidelines, since I can't find that either and I don't want to hold the fanfic project up any longer than necessary.



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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2006, 11:32:14 PM »
Because I can't be arsed to do any more studying:

Title: Broken [WIP]
Author: mortongirl
Mail: just leave a message on her lj -
Universe: Evo
Rating: M
Pairings: Gambit/Rogue
Spoilers: some strong language (some in French!), violence
Summary: The biggest obstacle between Rogue and Gambit has little to do with touch.

Title: Diamonds Etched in Blood
Author: Galaxia Alpha
Mail: [email protected]
Universe: 616, post-Antartica
Rating: a mild PG-13 for violence
Pairings: Gambit/Rogue (mentioned but not a ship story; mainly gen)
Summary:  After the events that led to Remy being abandoned in Antarctica, the thief tries to piece his life back together, but is interrupted by the kidnapping of an old teammate.

Author?s Notes: Diamonds Etched in Blood is part of a larger arc of stories that I am currently working on, all of which center of the X-Man, Gambit. This particular story is post-Antarctica. It takes place about 2 months after the Trial in the period of time following Operation Zero Tolerance. All of the X-Men are involved in this story, but the focus is Gambit and the other characters are used mostly to explore his character. This story starts with the assumption that Gambit does not realize that it was his self-hate that caused Rogue to leave him in Antarctica after she absorbed him with her powers. This story is NOT primarily a Gambit and Rogue story. Though the couple is addressed, the main focus is Gambit. I think that covers everything. If anybody has any questions, just ask!

Has sequels found in the same website:
Tears at the Crossroads -- After using his powers to defeat Sinister, Remy is left barely holding on to life... and possibly about to let go... Just to let you know, there is a sequel to the piece that I'm working on.

Futures in the Mist --  Mysteriously healed, Remy is called upon by New Son to do a job while he is secretly tormented by strange dreams of an unknown future.

Offline tragicallyflawed

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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2006, 09:45:29 PM »
Title: The Apologist
Author: Spawn of Bonehammer
E-Mail: You have to be a member to get to contact this person.
Rating:T thru M.
Pairing: None.
Spoiler: Violence, harsh language.
Summery: The story takes place after XM #58 and UXM #340, so Gambit and Joseph had their catfight, Iceman is on leave and Xavier in the slammer, Bastion is preparing his move and Graydon Creed is being a dick. Although this piece was intended to fit as snug as possible into existing continuity, I took a few liberties with canon.
I took it easy with the accents, just because I'm sick of seeing my files filled with red angleworms crawling under every third line, and "Merkin (Louisiana)" is not on any Word pulldown list. Also, this is not my first language; I write in English to reach a wider audience. I plead you to point me in the direction of any blatant errors.
Foreword: This fic was born in the remote 2001 from a desire to make sense of a few botchered storylines from the 90's. Yet it took me a while to gather ideas and even longer to put them down on paper - and in the meanwhile, better writers had their say. Hence this story isn't going to be by any means original. Having said that, dim the lights, put on some background music, and let's begin.
Status:Unfinished, but it looks if the author hasn't abandoned it.

Title: Distraught
Author: Flitz
E-Mail: You have to be a member of to get a hold of it.
Universe: A mixture of comic and movieverses.
Rating: T.
Pairing: None.
Spoiler: Violence and language.
Summary: ? A young thief becomes a hot commodity.
Status: Finished.? Although the ending makes it seem as if the author might do a sequel.

Title: Memoirs
Author: K-Nice
E-Mail:Have to be a account holder to get access to the author's e-mail.?
Universe: Comic.
Rating: T.
Pairing: Remy/ Ororo.
Spoiler: Violence.
Summary: Reminisce with Gambit and Storm in a look back at their days as freelance thieves.
Status: Complete. Sort of . . . (this is what the author wrote on profile page)

Title: Alchemy Arc: Flash-forward: Blind-Sided 1-3
Author: Dandelion
Website: (for Part One) (for Part Two) (for Part Three)
E-mail: I haven't been able to locate one, but have left a message for the author on the website that I found the story.? Hopefully they will reply about whether or not they'll allow this website to post the story.
Universe: Comicverse.
Rating: None was given.
Pairing: Remy/Jean.
Spoiler: None.
Summary: Haven't written comic fic in years. Used to write quite a bit and the last stuff I really concentrated on was called the Alchemy Arc which was set after Scott was 'killed' by Apocalypse. It paired up Remy and Jean, an odd pairing even for me but for some reason it worked. I drifted away from comics and have drifted back to see what's going on.

Imagine my surprise at the turn of events. But, oddly enough, it made me start thinking of that series I was writing and I felt the yen to write again. So here's what I've put together so far. This is Scott's POV. Hope you all enjoy it even if it's not going to result in Scott and Jean reuniting or anything.

It's all Marvel's. Not mine. And it's all for fun.
Status: Unfinished.

I'm sorry for not being able to provide e-mail addresses to contact the authors, but if some people here has a account they'll be able to access them.? I'd be grateful if someone could do that for me since I'm not able too.?

I'll try and find more stories.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2006, 09:52:17 PM by tragicallyflawed »

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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2006, 07:40:13 AM »
    I just recieved a reply from Dandeloin, author of the Alchemy Arc.
Here is what Dande wrote:

"I used to have quite a number of fics at the Gambil Guild so I have no issue
with Blind-Sided being posted there as well. The 1-3 actually stands on it's
own for now. At the moment, I consider it to be finished though that could
change if I get the yen. :)

Let me know if there's anything you need from me.


« Last Edit: December 12, 2006, 07:43:08 AM by tragicallyflawed »


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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2006, 12:00:53 AM »
Ok - can you guys make a big bold, multi-coloured note next to the stories where you've contacted the author. I was under the impression that I was going to wind up doing a mass-email, so if you're doing the footwork, MAKE A NOTE OF IT SO I DON'T DOUBLE UP.

(Yay capslock.)

More importantly, the objective is to have them post their work as opposed to us posting their work for them. The new Library is a step beyond the old archive system specifically for that purpose.

(So you can pass that tidbit on to Dandelion. Let her know there will be a review thread as well that she can subscribe to to keep tabs. If she says no, she doesn't want to do that but still wants to be archived, I'll assume you're willing to compile and post her stuff for her, yes?)

Lemme know.


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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2006, 07:25:40 AM »
Okay.  I didn't know that I had ask them to post it themselves.  I will tell Dandelion about this and try to get  in contact with the other writers.
If they don't want to post the stories themselves, how can I post it in the library?  What is the process.  I know where to find the stories but not how to set them up in the Library area.  If you or anyone else could help I'd be grateful.