Author Topic: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted  (Read 158322 times)

Offline Valerie

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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #30 on: March 21, 2008, 05:12:47 PM »
My handle on is actually "Valerie J".  I'm sure there's probably someone else out there posting as just plain Valerie  ;D 


Offline Nevaratoiel

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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #31 on: March 21, 2008, 05:59:26 PM »
there's a lady that goes by "Valerie"  you should use her stories... lol.

Hmm.... I think I've heard of her. I think her last name was Johnson, no eh... Jackson.... Eh..... Jones?
Nicole a.k.a. Nev a.k.a. Neva

I come and go, and come and go, but you're not rid of me that easily... ;D
ELFAE | Gambit's Royal Flush Fanlisting


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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #32 on: March 21, 2008, 06:40:47 PM »
Okay, kids. To topic, please.

Edit: And before someone can say it: Valerie's already archived here. In fact, she archives herself. The point of this thread is to acknowledge and try to bring in new talent for the Library.

Kthx. Carry on.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2008, 06:43:31 PM by Lucia de'Medici »

Offline winterwolfen

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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #33 on: March 22, 2008, 06:50:23 PM »
I don't have much to give at the moment, but I have some things I want to point out.

For some really oldschool romy fanfiction, this arhive is really good at down home charm:
(sorry any romy-hater out there)  >:D

In the library, bella bayards fanfic "Rogue's Gambit" doesn't have all the chapters. I know the fanfiction is in two versions, one with a (PG-13)
rationg, and a different one with (NC-17 Version) rating.
All the chapters to the (PG-13) can be found here:
The (NC-17)-version is almost impossible to find, I think maybe I have saved it on the computer.
I know bella bayard have changed her mail, but I ahven't had the time to try to find the new one.

Same thing with "Free for a Second" by Vicki Lew and Caroline Dillon, all the chapters aren't there in the library.
The chapters can be found here:

Seven Sunningdale x-men evolution fanfic "Giddy" and "Love of my life" is one of the most popular on, it would be intresting to have it on the contact the auther or see the stories, you can find it here:

And speaking about Valerie Jones, I think you missed a spot :-) I found this fanfic on the net a long time ago and when I searched about really old fanfiction  ::), If it's a work of valerie, then you can always ask her ^^''

Cold Fire
by Valerie Jones

#It was long after midnight
#When we got to unconditional love
#She said sure, my heart is boundless
#But don't push my limits too far

Jean wasn't sure where the music was coming from, but the words
drifted out of the darkness like an echo of the discord that filled her
mind.  She knew she shouldn't be listening in, but she found it
almost impossible to shut the strident voices out.  They
reverberated through her thoughts, eliciting sympathetic pangs for
the suffering of her friends.

"How long y' gon' play dese games, chere?"

"Ya think this is a *game*?"

"Ain't it?"

"Ya tried ta kiss me, and you're accusing *me* of playin' games?
We've been through this one before, Remy!  You can't touch me
an' ah can't touch you.  That's nevah gonna change."

Sadly, Jean thought of the Z'Noxx filter mounted in a chamber
beneath the mansion, and wondered if Rogue realized what she was

"Maybe so, Rogue.  Y' know dat don' matter ta me."

"Then how come ya tried ta kiss me?  Huh?  Tell me that."

"Guess I must jus' be a fool, chere.  I thought y' might want t' be

Jean closed her eyes and pressed her palms against her temples.
The mournful music continued, drifting in with the breeze that
ruffled her bedroom curtains.  Needing reassurance, she reached
over to touch her sleeping husband's back.  His warm skin was
comforting beneath her fingertips.

#I said if love is so transcendant
#I don't understand these boundaries
#She said just don't disappoint me-
#You know how complex women are
#I'll be around
#If you don't let me down
#Too far

"That's not *fair*, Remy!  You can't expect me ta deal with this all
the time!  It's not possible for us.  Why can't ya just accept that?"

"Because we can *find* a way!"

"Why don't ya can the `love conquers all' crap!  You keep sayin'
that, but ah haven't heard ya jumpin' at the chance ta explain about
Seattle, now have ah?"

"Dis got not'ing t' do wit' Seattle."

"This has everything ta do with Seattle!"

"No, chere.  Dis about you tryin' t' put limits on our relationship."

"*Ah'm* just tryin' ta be honest.  You're the one that's still lyin',
Remy.  An' ah'm just not sure how much longer ah can live like

#It was just before sunrise
#When we started on traditional roles
#She said sure, I'll be your partner
#But don't make too many demands

Jean looked over at her husband's still form.  In the pre-dawn
dimness, she could barely make out the line of his face in profile
and she smiled.  That was one of the things she treasured so much
about their marriage.  They were partners, no matter what roles
they were called on to play.  Tonight, she was so grateful for that
bond that she wanted to cry.  The tears welled in her eyes as the
music played on.

#I said if love has these conditions
#I don't understand those songs you love
#She said this is not a love song
#This isn't fantasy-land
#I'll be around
#If you don't push me down
#Too far

"What happened t' all dat y' said before about not'ing bein' able t'
change how y' feel about me?"

"Nothin' that ya did in the past *can* change how ah feel.  But how
do ya think it makes me feel when ya won't talk ta me?"

"Rogue, I'll tell y' absolutely anyt'ing y' wan' know `bout de past."

"You. . . will?"

"Jus' take off y' gloves."

"No!  How could ya even suggest such a thing?!"

"It's de only condition I got.  Y' wan' know about my past, fine.
I'll be happy t' tell y'.  But it's got t' be dis way."

"Why?  Because ya have some romantic notion of us sharin' our
souls or somethin'?  Well, ya can forget that!   I'd be sharin' your
soul all right, an' you'd be a vegetable!  This ain't a fairytale."

#Don't go too far-
#The phosphorescent wave on a tropical sea
#Is a cold fire

"But maybe it can be a fairytale, neh?  If y' wan' it to."

#Don't cross the line-
#The pattern of moonlight on the bedroom floor
#Is a cold fire

"Oh, no.  Ah've been down this road before, an' it doesn't lead ta
anythin' but a heartache.  Ah'm not gonna do this ta mahself

#Don't let me down-
#The flame at the heart of a pawnbroker's diamond
#Is a cold fire

"If y' won' take de risk, chere, how are y' ever gon' know what y'
coulda had?"

#Don't break the spell-
#The look in your eyes as you head for the door
#Is a cold fire

"This ain't gettin' us anywhere.  Ah'm goin' ta bed.  It's late."

"So y' jus' gon' walk away?"

"Ah have ta get up early, sugah.  We can talk more tomorrow."

#Love is blind if you are gentle

"We c'n talk more tonight, too, chere.  Dere's not'ing we can't
work out."

"Goodnight, Remy."

#Love can turn to a long, cold burn

The last note faded away as Scott stirred.  He turned his head to
look at Jean.

"Honey, are you all right?"

She could only shake her head as the sobs she'd been holding back
burst forth.  Without another word, Scott slid over to her and
gathered her up in his arms.  He held her tightly, stroking her hair.

"What's wrong?"

Jean wrapped her arms more tightly around his neck.  "Just hold
me, Scott.  Just. . . touch me."

The End

happy easter everyone!


Offline Valerie

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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #34 on: March 22, 2008, 06:55:35 PM »
Aaaaaaaaugh!  No!  Let it die! 

My one and only foray into the world of song fics...  I can't believe anyone still has a copy of that  :-X


Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #35 on: March 23, 2008, 03:36:31 PM »
*chuckles*  Aww poor Val.

But to get back on topic.  I actually searched all the links I kept for the longest time for fanfic and I guess its not surprising that a large number of them no longer work or they aren't keeping up with it.

It feels like its fallen down or something.  Only fanfic dot net seems to have survived.  I don't read enough fanfic to help scout beyond

Hopefully those who are really into reading will find more. 


Offline winterwolfen

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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #36 on: April 01, 2008, 05:54:37 PM »
For neko and any out there searching for old fanfic on sites etc that has closed, use this site
Works wonders to show sites that stopped to exist years ago...but sometimes is doesn?t work because of the coding of the site :/
Btw, that?s how I found "Cold Fire"  ;D...sorry val if that was a painful sight :/ ...but it really good compared to my attempt to write fanfic years ago (I was a pokemon fan back then, thank god it's on swedish and noone of you will ever be able read it, mohahaha!)



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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #37 on: May 06, 2008, 03:35:55 PM »
ERgh I suck! I will get through all the stuff on my computer someday and someday soon! I've sorted through the finished pieces but some of the stuff I archived as unfinished keeps popping up on, which is great.

The trouble is that writers don't reply. I don't know what to make of that, do you think it's going to their junk mail or do they ignore it or what? Because if it were saying the mailbox didn't exist then I'd search for new addresses. It's almost impossible though, I mean people completely change their names for no good reason.

Anyway, if I didn't use my mailbox for years, hotmail would shut it down right? That's why I'm wondering why I don't get a reply at all. Any ideas? So far I have inspired 2 people to post their stuff, 2! Poxy! Apocalypsy! One of them was going to do it anyway and I'm not sure whether or not the other has! Anyway it's been a long time since I tried, but it's been a year I really needed to be in the real world for. Next year I'm doing my final year at uni so I'll be locked in my room the whole time - definitely time to go on the old LBL trail. And this summer. In theory I have two months to start revision for my final year. I.e. two months to stay indoors and research my little butt off!

I think it's a REALLY good idea to note who we've e-mailed requests to, is there any way of making a thread for that instead of making people search through this one? I'll fetch my list from somewhere, although I know for a fact that most of it is in another country right now... damn paper lists...


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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #38 on: May 06, 2008, 04:10:33 PM »
SBB is just finishing up the Adult side, and while there are some guidelines up, I'll see if I can't post a blow by blow How To. (I'm still trying to sort it out myself with multi chapters.)

Noted and will do though. :)

Adult? Blow by blow?  ;)


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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #39 on: May 06, 2008, 04:25:34 PM »
I haven't had time to look at all of them but Google only gives different Lebeau Library URLs for CrystalWren's "This Exquisite Dance" and this is killing me.

I only have up to Chapter 7, same as the LBL, sorry. And I got that in December '01, so no updates since then as far as I know! I loved it too, but luckily it's not such a big niggler for me, not like Blind Sight and Faith and Dreams anyway.


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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #40 on: May 08, 2008, 12:19:24 PM »
Adult? Blow by blow?  ;)

I'm full of fantastic puns. Revel in them.


Back to topic: These are great suggestions. The question remains, who wants to proposition these authors? Who wants to make first contact and invite them to post? Hmm?

« Last Edit: May 08, 2008, 12:21:21 PM by Lucia de'Medici »

Offline Valerie

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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #41 on: May 08, 2008, 07:43:30 PM »
I have an on-topic question... (I need a *handraised* smiled)

I have a couple of stories on my hard drive that people wrote for the Betrayal Arc universe.  "Father's Day" by Carol Galonis and the incomplete "Homecoming" by Morgan Lewis.  I had permission from them back when to archive the stories wherever  Betrayal was archived.  Is that sufficient?  I don't know how to contact either of them any more.



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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #42 on: May 08, 2008, 10:57:07 PM »
I think permission to archive is sufficient (assuming you've got that in writing somewhere.)

Offline Valerie

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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #43 on: May 08, 2008, 11:02:37 PM »
LOL, that was 3 email addresses, 2 physical addresses and 2 laptops ago.  I no longer have those emails.


Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Fanfiction Scouts Wanted
« Reply #44 on: May 09, 2008, 12:48:07 AM »
I will say .. that you were given permission and if for some odd reason someone contacts us, we will remove as requested.

I think it would be wonderful additions. ;)