I am enjoying it.
The first episode: I love how we dive right in, Jen gets her Hulk-powers, we get to the story right away. It felt natural, not rushed, and fun. God, do I love that actress. Here’s what took me out: knowing jerk-wits were going to be like: ‘oh she’s a girl so she’s better at being a Hulk than the Hulk! This is so woke!’ No, it’s not that she’s a woman, she just has different issues not revolving around ANGER. I don’t want her to have the same problems as Bruce, dealing with an anger persona. I’m glad they set her apart from that, so we can have a different story.
After episode two, I just thought: the show is too short! I love watching it so much! When she breaks the wall and says: ‘law drama!” I mean, I love that! Law drama is the best. Now let’s talk about Better Call Saul and how much I’m in love with Bob Odenkirk. Jen isn’t Saul, but I am so into this. Complex character with all the ISSUES trying to do the right thing, but also the self-interest thing. Yeah. Love it so far.