Talking about the Fox X-Men movie universe;
Well the time incursion is over. At this point, everything is leading up to what we saw at the end of DoFP. Assuming there isn't any more time travel, by that I mean future folk coming to the past, all roads lead to that. The future we saw includes X-Men Apocalypse. That's how time works... I don't think Singers X-Men timeline is destroyed, but definitely different than it used to be seeing Jean, and Cyclops alive. What's very possible however is Gambit being sent forward. I don't think Singer or Fox wants their next several movies to be period pieces. So far they've done 60s, 70s and now they are coming into the 80s so any following movie would be the 90s? Or late 80s at best? As much as I enjoyed growing up in the 90s, I want to see Gambit in the present with younger set of X-Men; Colossus, Kitty, Iceman, and Rogue. I'd love to see the triangle between him and the last two on that list.
I guess that'd be my Gambit included movie X-Men line up including a couple of others. Iceman, Colossus, Kitty, Rogue, Gambit, Beast (for guidance, Kelsy deserves more time in a good movie) and Northstar or Nightcrawler. With cameos or supporting role appearances from the older cast; Cyclops, Jean, Storm, Professor-X. Halle, Femke and others are getting up there in age and I believe they're large scale involvement as active X-Men may be harder to sell to audiences. Since the school still exists in that timeline, its believable that they'd stay at the mansion opposed to gallivanting around putting their lives in danger.