new info on the film.Rose Byrne returns as Moira MacTaggert
I always considered Gambit as younger than Bobby. While Gumbo looks older, I'd attribute it more to smoking and living a really rough life.
Yeah, I always go back to the issue of X-Men where Beast was turning 30 and he and Jean reflect back and then talk about the "younger" ones shifting to Gambit and Rogue.I don't remember the issue number but I think it was one where Gambit was with Rogue when she was temporarily blinded.
if its the issue im thinking off it was Arcangel not Jean, they talk about a test paper that Warren got Hank to write but then Xavier changed his mind at the last minute and they had to mentally give a synopsis of their papers, it was Uncanny Xmen 297
Nope, definitely wasn't that interaction. I just looked it up, it's issue 19 of X-Men. I did get the order wrong though. Gambit and Rogue first, when she was flying around with Gambit while she had no eyesight. It then cuts to Beast watching Gambit and Rogue and commenting on how they are carefree and playing and how the original 5 used to be like that back when "they were their age." Then Jean walks in and they start talking about Hank turning 30.
balls im losing my memory , so how old would you put them now?