<------------ Interactive version of the above map, to be updated every week or so.So Secret Wars is the story of Battleworld (what a name...). As we knew, a bunch of realities and franchises are being smashed together and forced to do battle. Even the Marvel Zombie universe and the 1960s Marvel are t excluded. Popular opinion says they will be fighting for the right to exist. Aka Marvel's version of a New 52. They say its not a reboot, but a company wide retooling... So reboot.
Seeing all these realities battle it out sounds fun... And expensive. I might try my best to follow it. But I will tell you guys, I'm not buying ##$# leading up to it. They've made their entire current crop of stories obsolete and pointless. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of folk start getting killed off. So much for canceling FF and Wolverine being dead. Why are they even launching new titles like Antman and Uncanny Inhumans?
Press conference states that the current creators may continue to write their characters but not necessarily in the same books... Different aspects from different parts of Marvel franchises will be merged to make this new reality All-New Marvel. Not sure how feel about this. If it came from a pure place that wasn't being controlled by Disney, I'd be cool, but there's an agenda that's been building since the purchase.
I see Squirrel Girl having an ongoing, Howard the Duck in X-Men books, mutants being watered down, and a more movieverse friendly Avengers ruling all. Check out the map, tell me what you guys think