Did we ever get any pics of this or what it was about?
I may have forgotten to get scans. Give me a few, I'll modify this post.

There is a few pages of a story with Lady Katherine of Bishop, and its in this book because I don't know and its continued in some other book. I'm not going to spend time on that part.
Secret War Journal #1
"We Worship What We Don't Understand"
Egyptia is the place in Battleworld. The Xmen are slaves to Khonshu -
Khonshu is one of the Gods of Celestial Heliopolis - Marvel wiki - I note this because I had no clue.Colossus says its time to break free from being enslaved. Wolverine, Kitty, Nightcrawler and Colossus are walking to the Khonshu's place - (at night which apparently isn't a wise decision).
Wolverine has info from Moon Knight/Spector on how to get closer to Khonshu. Moon Knights are her guard and Spector is no longer one of the guard. Spector betrays them, he turns into a Man Wolf (the coughing and holding either your head or tummy indicators that person is changing). They get bitten. Khonshu shows up.
Khonshu confronts the group and they tell Khonshu they don't want to be made to worship or be slaves.
Nightcrawler died in the man wolf attack, but Colossus, Kitty and Wolverine go back to where the rebel slaves are and all three have a crescent moon on right side of their face. The rebels recognize Khonshu's mark, and its not a good thing. Colossus, Kitty and Wolverine tell the group they would not have survived if not for Khonshu.
Colossus, Kitty and Wolverine tell the rebel group that there is no difference between slaves and lords to Khonshu, that they are given the gift of being allowed to offer greatness in her honor.
Angel argues that Khonshu wouldn't save anyone and is not some merciful God. Wolverine says Khonshu did save them, he begins coughing, Kitty is holding her head. They turn into wolves and bite everyone in the rebellion.