Author Topic: Gambit Watch  (Read 1493115 times)

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #2475 on: October 30, 2019, 05:53:23 PM »

You won't like this book. And if my theories are correct of what's foreshadowed, you'll hate it even more.

I like Betsy, so the story is fine for me. But the Gambit stuff? Might anger a few here...
Thanks! I appreciate the heads up. Its not just the price of the book, and while gas isn't horrendous, its a long drive to the shop too.

Also, I read the thread at the other place, is Rogue complaining about her powers again? Yikes, is that true? What does it take to put that issue with her on the history self and move forward.

Offline Zoks

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #2476 on: October 30, 2019, 06:51:07 PM »
I'm already convinced he's going to be blind, racky, and Death within 6 months.

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #2477 on: October 30, 2019, 07:58:31 PM »
I'm already convinced he's going to be blind, racky, and Death within 6 months.
Well, we'll have to see how well you do with your predictions; Nostradamus (I mean Zoks). wink LOL

Offline wantutosigh

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #2478 on: October 30, 2019, 08:11:08 PM »
I wasn't really a fan of this. The story is fine and all but it really comes off as a Betsy book with an emphasis on Apocalypse. Right off the bat when Betsy is doing the typical female angsty thing about how she is not like other girls I cringed already.

Gambit really came off impotent in this opening. I have a bad feeling already of how Gambit is going to be written going forward in this title. I hate when he's portrayed as a dummy. Rogue was super lame. Jubilee was pointless and lame. Apoc was ok I guess but it's still weird. This #1 really came off as a solo story with some side characters. Not like a team book or set-up. I'll be really annoyed if Gambit isn't a major player in this book. Him and Rogue are definitely all star players on this team and have been on their own successfully for a year and a half. I don't know we'll see.

And yeah, a baby seems like it could be in the cards at some point. But I really don't want it if they're being written poorly.

Offline RomeoSvengali

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #2479 on: October 30, 2019, 11:49:59 PM »
I wasn't expecting continuity to be followed with these two, even though the Rogue & Gambit series is only a 1 to 5 issue storyline that's only a year old and Mr. and Mrs. X is only a 12 issue storyline that ended 3 or 4 months ago... but that's what happens when you have hacks who haven't given a rats ass about continuity in decades.
-Romeo Svengali (Monican swordsman)

Offline Sparta

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #2480 on: October 31, 2019, 04:30:58 AM »
Thanks! I appreciate the heads up. Its not just the price of the book, and while gas isn't horrendous, its a long drive to the shop too.

Also, I read the thread at the other place, is Rogue complaining about her powers again? Yikes, is that true? What does it take to put that issue with her on the history self and move forward.

For me, I didn't mind the STORY, and I quite like Psylocke/Betsy almost as much as Gambit, and I do buy books for Betsy, so for me there is an investment there. For you, because I know you don't like Rogue, she'll be out of commission for the next 3-4 issues and the preview panels have him in action with Betsy and Jubilee, maybe there will be something there for you. But I DO think Rogue is pregnant, which leads me to believe that Gambit and Rogue's purpose is to share the first Krakoan-born child, maybe I'm wrong, but it's looking that way.

There's an intriguing theory of Apocalypse's horsemen being reborn through Gambit, Rogue, Jubilee and Rictor. In HoX/PoX there was a great divide between Krakoa and Arrako and it involved Apocalypse and his Horsemen (it was a great story that I'd like to see more of). If Howard tackles this, then maybe there's something for Gambit's development.

EDIT: Just to add, while I liked the story, I agree with everyone here that Gambit was NOT well written, I also got the Milligan vibes as someone else here pointed out. But it's just the first issue, hopefully things will improve.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2019, 04:39:06 AM by Sparta »

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #2481 on: October 31, 2019, 11:28:23 AM »
.... Milligan's portrayal of Gambit made me quit reading comic books for more than half a decade.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #2482 on: October 31, 2019, 01:34:28 PM »
Ah yes .... Fartbit/Gasbit (add whatever childish thing for the intestines - powers for Death which never made sense) .... I can't wait  - oh wait, I can because I'm not buying. LOL
I do like Betsy, but not invested enough. Rogue pregnant ... that make the romys swoon. All their ff coming true .... I guess.

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #2483 on: November 01, 2019, 12:33:30 PM »
That’s still speculation at this point. And I didn’t get a Milligan vibe. It didn’t have the cynicism and mean spirited satire of Milligan. I also think I read the most of the dialogue as more lighted hearted than most, so i didn’t hate it. It’s not a great start, mind you and it could get worse, so I won’t really ‘disagree’ with anyone yet.

Offline Icefanatic

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #2484 on: November 01, 2019, 02:05:24 PM »
I wasn't expecting continuity to be followed with these two, even though the Rogue & Gambit series is only a 1 to 5 issue storyline that's only a year old and Mr. and Mrs. X is only a 12 issue storyline that ended 3 or 4 months ago... but that's what happens when you have hacks who haven't given a rats ass about continuity in decades.

How can you have continuity when 'time is broken'?
« Last Edit: November 01, 2019, 02:14:24 PM by Icefanatic »

Offline cajunpirate

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #2485 on: November 01, 2019, 03:48:09 PM »
On the plus side, I liked the artwork, but, at least from issue 1, this appears to be a Betsy / Apocalypse book, as many have already stated. Gambit's role so far has been not trusting Apocalypse (shocker), and head-over-heels for Rogue. He would have been a better Marauder, and maybe down the road that is something being considered, but, for now, he's clearly not top focus, but above Rictor (who hasn't shown up yet) and Jubilee, who really had no purpose. Time will tell, but at least he's part of something, unlike House of X.

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #2486 on: November 01, 2019, 06:39:57 PM »
How can you have continuity when 'time is broken'?

You mean greater Marvel? Possibly. If you mean after House of X and Powers of X then you misunderstood the story? Time is intact.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline Icefanatic

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #2487 on: November 01, 2019, 08:06:48 PM »

You mean greater Marvel? Possibly. If you mean after House of X and Powers of X then you misunderstood the story? Time is intact.

The setup for time being broken is that time is in some way a living thing. That time-travel abuses have broken it, wounded it. Before, minor alterations would self-correct and major alterations would branch the timeline. Now, things were actually being rewritten. It's why we keep seeing mutations coming and going without explanation for characters like Beast or Anole. Things that were suppose to happen keep trying to happen in different ways, Archangel's repeating storylines. Kitty's three marriage proposals in a short period of time, each getting closer to a wedding but ultimately not happening. Doop, Star-Lord, Colossus... What wedding of Kitty Pryde's got erased that time is trying to correct for? I could make a list of all this stuff(actually, I am working on it).

Moira further altering time by rewriting it every time she dies isn't going to heal time, it's just going to break things even more, probably past some sort of tipping point...

Offline andresa

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #2488 on: November 02, 2019, 12:18:05 PM »
Can't say I’m disappointed with Excalibur. As expected it was a Betsy and Apocalypse fest. Although the story as a whole was fine, the characters’ voices were off, unnatural and robotic. Betsy’s conversation with her brother was apathetic and unappealing.

The state of Rogue’s powers is weird. It seems she can control her distance absorption but not skin to skin contact (?). It makes no sense. Her using her powers recklessly and falling into a coma again was dumb. It’ll make for Gambit crying over her body again ¬¬

The way Gambit threatened Apocalypse but didn’t follow through made him look lame and pathetic. Even his punch could’ve been handled differently if Gambit had thrown explosives at Apocalypse and the latter had used his arm to deflect them and protect his face or something like that would’ve been better than just holding Gambit’s punch so easily and Gambit wouldn’t’ve come off so unimposing.

Very weak start for Gambit. The only positive point was the gorgeous art.

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Gambit Watch
« Reply #2489 on: November 02, 2019, 07:16:29 PM »
The setup for time being broken is that time is in some way a living thing. That time-travel abuses have broken it, wounded it. Before, minor alterations would self-correct and major alterations would branch the timeline. Now, things were actually being rewritten. It's why we keep seeing mutations coming and going without explanation for characters like Beast or Anole. Things that were suppose to happen keep trying to happen in different ways, Archangel's repeating storylines. Kitty's three marriage proposals in a short period of time, each getting closer to a wedding but ultimately not happening. Doop, Star-Lord, Colossus... What wedding of Kitty Pryde's got erased that time is trying to correct for? I could make a list of all this stuff(actually, I am working on it).

Moira further altering time by rewriting it every time she dies isn't going to heal time, it's just going to break things even more, probably past some sort of tipping point...

Urmm, perhaps. House of X and Powers of X is a retcon of the past. All of Moira's lives have no impact on the next, which is why she's able to make different choices based on past experiences. The current timeline is the 616 main timeline. All the changes we're seeing in Krakoa are happening in real time, so the only change is the fact that Moira enacted a scheme she set up in the past. Everything we've known to happen to the X-Men since the 60s happened. However, the means and reason for several actions were retconned.

I brought up the greater Marvel Universe, by which instill believe is screwed up is because of what happened during Age of Ultron, the Apocalypse Twins and Secret Wars. The Avengers literally broke time and then space/time was shattered and glued back together, shattered and then reformed.

That's not what happened in HoX/PoX Moira didn't pull a Legion and go back in time and create a new 616. Her stories were all retconned leads up to the 616. Basically everything she did predated the 616 universe... Hope that makes sense.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony