Oh yeah Jubilee was slightly less badly written than Gambit in this issue. Gambit just needs to get his composure back, maybe the mission with Betsy and Jubes will keep him focused on something else, I hear he interacts with Rictor in the coming issues, but it's not just the fretting over Rogue, it's the anger, it's like how Milligan wrote him...and Alan Davis in parts way back.
But for me most of the major X-Men characters in this new Hickman era seem off, it's not just Gambit and Jubilee, it's Cyclops being a "yes" man, Jean regressing back to "Suzy Homemaker" status of the 1960's, Storm taking orders from Kitty Pryde (again), ...and Professor X is "dead" again, Kid-Cable is the worst character going around, Rachel is acting like a 13-year old, there's nothing at stake because they'll get resurrected, all the baddies are allies so it's just Sentinels that are the threat.