Hello albahan888,
Well thought out response. I enjoyed reading it.
My response will have some errors, I'll fix as I find them.
Re: The trust thing. That is a one a few sources of my ire with the coupling. I think in the beginning of the relationship as Marvel was working through this relationship, it seemed to be okay, as in tolerable in a new relationship. However, it was dragged on for far longer than needed in the relationship. At this point, the no trust thing needs to be addressed and put to bed. Its fake angst for the sake of drama. For some odd reason people who write don't know when to say when; when it comes to certain elements.
Re: Xtreme Xmen
I don't know if you are miss-remembering that book series or not but there are things that stand out for me. It's perplexing and makes my wonder about the "love" for it. Based on some elements laid out had the series continued, I suspect there would have been some drama for the couple.
I thought it odd, that as soon as Gambit and Rogue said they'd work on their relationship, that they were shipped out the book or put on the back burner for about 4 issues or so. And outside of showing their house and what they're up to, there was nothing more than, oh hey - they're a couple and sometimes the walk on the beach.
The kissing in XXM. Gambit kisses a naked Storm. He's been helping her cope with her injuries and they smooch. Gambit gets a bit more s*** for that despite the fact he tells Storm that his heart belongs to Rogue. He's merely trying to give her an ego boost. Probably a better way to do that but ... is what it is. I won't even deny, he shouldn't have kissed Storm.
Rogue kisses Bishop, and then she wraps her legs around his hips. Now, there are those who like to believe she didn't do that. She did, I'll attach the image. She may not have been lip-locked when her legs were wrapped around Bishop but the bottom line ... that isn't a believable situation. Yeah, I know, she's showing off she can touch people. Inappropriate if you are really trying a relationship with another guy. I'm tired of people not admitting that she wrapped her legs around Bishop.
The problem hasn't changed from what I can tell. Rogue was never written to apologize in the mini until the last issue. That was an issue for me and still is, she says all these things but gets a hall pass. It would have been more heart felt, stating it earlier. Having Gambit telling her, she doesn't have to apologize was disappointing. Yes, she did.
I'm with Remydat with the power issue, who cares. I know I don't. These issues are long standing, power and trust - its been the backbone of the relationship for far too long. There was 20 years of this sort of thing, give or take a year or two in either direction. It needs to move forward and in whatever direction but these elements are overdone.
RE: Other relationships for Gambit. Not touching all the stuff with Rogue as I've said before, its whomever the writer of her wants her to be with. It shows no growth for her. What should have been for her is for her to realize she still cared about Gambit but that was never written. The mini and series aside, I mean the other books for which she had "relationships".
There is the blind eye to other characters and Gambit and it really is disappointing. There is an attraction between Polaris and Gambit (not revenge or any of that stuff for the record). And there is an attraction between Sage and Gambit. That is in the books. The point being whats good for the goose, good for the gander, as the saying goes. It's not explored because only Rogue can sow her oats, and Gambit's rep already supplies the ideology without doing anything.
Re: Gambit and the Xmen
We both agree this is an oddity with Marvel writing. Whether his bromance buddies are dead or not, it is hard to believe he's been around the Xmen all this time and is still on the outside looking in .... its unrealistic.
In general, while I don't expect a ton of realism in comic books; suspension of belief is reserved for powers, aliens, sci-fi and fantasy. There is no room for that with relationships. In fact, it would be better grounded with those things if the relationships were actually written better or more realistically. IMO.
BTW - we all have our rose tinted glasses, it just depends which things we wish to see or not see. LOL
Oof, another long one. LOL