I like that idea. I’d only want to start with the backstory childhood stuff if it’s a tv series, where there is more time. If a movie, just use ‘mysterious’ past and Maybe have some reveals as it goes along.
As to the woke vs woke debate, it think it means the old fashion woke, like Claremont, was using female characters before it was ‘cool’ and he wrote them more or less like he did the male characters. He was also thinking bout the storyline, plots, sub-plots and interaction with other characters. Whereas in the female ghostbusters movie (did see it, it wasn’t bad but was very good. Kevin was the highlight, lol) The directed literally said he had the actresses doing improv. So not really paying attention to script, storyline, plots, more depending on the ghostbusters name and the fact that they were doing a ‘good thing’ by having girl ghostbusters. That’s how I was reading it anyway. *shrug*
Back to gambit, I would like a D+ series, but I also want him to be the rest of the X-men as well, not just stuck in ‘the past’ and/or New Orleans. That was one of the things I didn’t like about that leaked script, that is was literally stuck in the past.