LEGION?! My goodness... Legion!? I havent been this excited in a long time. I've loved Legion since the 90s, and Spurrier's take made me an even bigger fan. Next Gambit, he's oddly my favorite X-Men character. In my more geeky years of my early teens I played in several AOL based RPGs for a quite some time. I'm stoked. Cant wait to see how this is going to be developed. I wonder how much money Fox threw at Marvel/Disney? lol Fargo show runner and Bryan Singer are attached to production?! Can this be? They are going to be doing this right? OMG, this may lead to Legion's resurrection! If Marvel and Fox are playing nice like this, we may even see X-Men animation make a come back, no?
itll have elements im sure its the most the characetr has ever been fleshed out, still love the "come at me bro" with Cyclops
Kinda weird because I was thinking about that line just yesterday morning!
Something only readers of XML will understand...: