Author Topic: X-Men Apocalypse  (Read 79638 times)

Offline remydat

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Re: X-Men Apocalypse
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2016, 04:59:46 PM »
I wouldn't say you shouldn't go see it as different people like different things.  The purpose of this film was similar to BvS in that it was a vehicle to set up the future just as BvS set up the Justice League.  Viewed against that backdrop, I think the movie was fine.  The movie wasn't designed to give everyone focus as there were just too many characters in the film but I suspect some of these characters will now be farmed out to different franchises. 

Going forward, I suspect some of them to end up in X-men, some of them to end up in New Mutants, and some of them to end up in X-force.  So a lot of these guys were just getting extended cameos to introduce them to the movie verse and and the characters that got a little more focus like Jean Grey for example are likely to be the leads in the movies that Singer will continue to head up.  The others will probably get fleshed out in other films.  I knew Shipp for example has talked about wanting to do New Mutants and I suspect Psylocke and Angel may end up in X-force.

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Offline purplevit

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Re: X-Men Apocalypse
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2016, 05:14:54 PM »
So, I guess I shouldn't go see this in the cinema then?

I think you should. I am sure you will find something that you will like there.

Offline Dantay

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Re: X-Men Apocalypse
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2016, 07:14:19 AM »
So, I guess I shouldn't go see this in the cinema then?

not worth the money but if the film doesnt do well that could mean bad news for the x-movies

Offline Spoonz

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Re: X-Men Apocalypse
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2016, 01:10:39 PM »
not worth the money but if the film doesnt do well that could mean bad news for the x-movies

Or they'll oust Singer.  I mean, nothing against the guy personally or as a director but I think it's time to bring in somebody new.  You know?  Four films in the series is more than enough, it's showing that he doesn't know what to do with it now.  Same characters again etc. 

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: X-Men Apocalypse
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2016, 10:19:31 AM »

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: X-Men Apocalypse
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2016, 12:57:32 PM »

I don't get it, Mystique is no big deal to me ... but w/e

I'd understand a Jen Lawrence solo... but why would anyone care about a Mystique movie without her? The only reason they'd do it, is to hold onto Jen. I don't think anyone outside of cosplayers look forward to Mystique. Jen Law as her is just smart business. Without its... whaa?
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Re: X-Men Apocalypse
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2016, 05:01:55 PM »

I don't get it, Mystique is no big deal to me ... but w/e

Would it shock you to know that the people who are completely against a Gambit film on other forums, think a Mystique film would be awesome?

Offline winterwolfen

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Re: X-Men Apocalypse
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2016, 05:46:09 PM »
Comic book girl 19 did a review of this movie, for like 45 minites. She really hated it :/

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Re: X-Men Apocalypse
« Reply #23 on: July 11, 2016, 06:11:53 PM »
Why do they always cast short guys to play Cyclops?

Anyway, I saw this a few weeks ago, and yeah it's a disappointing film, a lot of repetition of previous films, for instance, the Quicksilver scene, William Stryker/Alkali Lake (yet again), Magneto trying to redeem himself (I just don't buy into it) ...and for some reason Mystique is a hero and an inspiration to all mutant kind.

I think the reason why it performed poorly (domestically) in the Box Office was probably because they overestimate certain characters like Professor X, Magneto and Mystique, I understand the relevance of some of these characters (and they're played by fine actors), but I just don't think people will fork out money to see SIX Professor X and Magneto films. 

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: X-Men Apocalypse
« Reply #24 on: October 06, 2016, 02:35:26 PM »
I didn't see this film in the theater because of JLaw. She is too over exposed to me, and that it was also set in the past was a deterrence but overall not as horrible as I thought.

I finally watched Xmen Apocalypse on demand (I get to watch it more than once and still pay less than a theater ticket).

I think of the that trilogy, it was probably the best, imo. I really liked it. Mystique was alright, while I still think she is too important to the Xmen in this series, it wasn't obnoxious. Loved Mags though - he started over and lost it all again. Man, the guy doesn't get a break.

The guy who played Nightcrawler was awesome. I just loved every moment he was on the screen.

While the Horsemen were not done like the comic books, how it was done was believable more so than the comic books. I really liked Angel's metal wings, very visually appealing.

I liked the Phoenix effect in the end with Jean.

The nods to the older films ... nice tough.

The after credits scene is great! Just plain great. Sinister Corp?! bwahahaha.

Anyway, I enjoyed it overall. Probably the most of any of the films. :)
« Last Edit: October 06, 2016, 05:54:09 PM by Nekobaghira »

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: X-Men Apocalypse
« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2016, 02:55:55 PM »
I just finally watched X-Men Apocalypse and I don't see the problem a lot of people spoke of. I'm a hard core fan and have plenty of hang ups but I'm adult enough to separate the books story from the movie franchise. The only real issues I had with this was the fact they killed off Apocalypse. He's a villain that could have been uses again and then of course Mystique somehow always being at the center of everything. They let Hollywood contracts and ego get in the way of the story. I rolled my eyes every time she said she was going to fight... She's a shape shifter. What was she planning on doing? Confusing Apocalypse to death?

Was it my favorite X-Men film? No. Was it anywhere near X3 or Origins? Heeeeeell no.

At this point I'll rank my favorite X-Men movies as the following;
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline purplevit

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Re: X-Men Apocalypse
« Reply #26 on: October 06, 2016, 03:47:45 PM »
I hated it. But everything was good untill they blow up school. After that everything became ridiculous for me.

Quicksilver was great but overall action scenes in movie were lame. Beast vs Psylocke fight was too bad(

And the most stupid thing in movie is Magneto. He helped to kill Apocalypse so he is a good guy now? How many had he killed at the end? Millions? They should have killed him.

Apocalypse was lame too. He is so dangerous but can't kill anyone)

From good to bad
First Class
« Last Edit: October 06, 2016, 03:54:18 PM by purplevit »

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: X-Men Apocalypse
« Reply #27 on: October 06, 2016, 05:37:38 PM »
You put Origins and X3 over "The Wolverine"?
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: X-Men Apocalypse
« Reply #28 on: October 06, 2016, 06:36:51 PM »
I don't know how I would list these movies. I would have to think about it, but DoFP, and First Class were not all that great to me. I guess its how you see things.

DoFP - all it did was do a reset.

I still haven't seen Deadpool yet. Not sure when I'll get to it.

X1 was good, X2 and X3 .... they were okay.

I haven't watched "The Wolverine" all the way through, and I've tried. I get bored 30 minutes in and move on to something else. Origins was okay at best.

XMA - I actually enjoyed. Enough to watch it again. Which I guess is my standard for things. Though don't hold that in high regard, I watch lots of movies over and over .. because TV is just noise for me while I do other things. LOL

« Last Edit: October 06, 2016, 06:42:06 PM by Nekobaghira »

Offline purplevit

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Re: X-Men Apocalypse
« Reply #29 on: October 07, 2016, 02:24:52 AM »
You put Origins and X3 over "The Wolverine"?

Ofcourse not ;D I just forgot about it. "The Wolverine" is 3/5 for me. I would give it 4 if it had better ending. But still I think I enjoyed it a little bit more then First Class or at the same level.

The Wolverine
First Class