Comics > Avengers/Marvel Comics

Marvel Solicits 2017

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Solicits for Feb

I really dislike CBR's new format. Looks like All-New Wolverine #17 is the only Gambit we'll be getting.


--- Quote from: Nekobaghira on November 22, 2016, 01:56:34 PM ---Solicits for Feb

I really dislike CBR's new format. Looks like All-New Wolverine #17 is the only Gambit we'll be getting.

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The format is very laggy.

And you forgot All-New X-Men 1.MU for Gambit...

--- Quote ---As monsters fall from the sky, the ALL-NEW X-MEN find themselves in NEW ORLEANS – but this trip is going to involve more than beignets and gumbo! While the rest of her team enjoys Mardi Gras in the city, WOLVERINE travels deep into the bayou with an old friend to investigate several mysterious disappearances. What will they end up finding? And what do the mysterious giant monsters wreaking havoc around the world have to do with it? Pick up this blockbuster tie-in to the epic MONSTERS UNLEASHED event and find out!!
--- End quote ---

So that's two Gambit/X-23 crossovers in Feb.

Good catch. I was scrolling too fast and annoyed with the format. I missed that appearance. Thanks Homme.

Take what I can get for Gambit. LOL

Yeah, that format is clear meant to be mobile "friendly" with that giant text, but it looks awful on desktop and performs terribly on my decent PC. I stopped going to their forums a long time ago, but now I'll avoid the site completely.  Yuck.

Still, I'm glad Gambit is called an "old friend" in the solicit. I just wish the whole gang could have been there with Old Man Logan taking Wolverine's place.


--- Quote from: Homme on November 22, 2016, 03:51:45 PM ---Yeah, that format is clear meant to be mobile "friendly" with that giant text, but it looks awful on desktop and performs terribly on my decent PC. I stopped going to their forums a long time ago, but now I'll avoid the site completely.  Yuck.

Still, I'm glad Gambit is called an "old friend" in the solicit. I just wish the whole gang could have been there with Old Man Logan taking Wolverine's place.

--- End quote ---

I was a tad taken back ... it does look horrible on a pc ... I thought - "what am I ten or am so old I need text the size of a house".  LOL

I bypass the main site to get to the forums. Their new direction which is fine for them, hides the forum which I believe is intentional.

Ah well - I guess as long as one of Gambitites find stuff, we can get what we want.  ;D


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