So I watched the show.. made some hot takes while watching...
How did they know she was in the building?
Who the hell is Marcos?
Why are the cops shooting at the building blindly?
Bellview? Like the sanitarium?
Strucker, as in Baron Von Strucker?
Joe Queasada is exec producing? Complex over?
Why would they call the gene, an X-Gene?
Can sense bolts in a knee but nowhere else? So there no metal pipping under the cell? Around it?
Why not just keep Lorna sedated?
Sister has that Claire Temple cheerleader vibe. Feeling guilty.
People don't dance no more, all they do is this.
Those guys are way too interested in that kid
Neo Nazi haircut?
Why is she just standing there?
So how long until Marvel writes these kids into the books.
Digging the show so far.
Well it's your fault dad. Men pass on the gene... Right, X2?
Coming from church? Great blame it on the Lord.
I think Mom is in denial.
That's a dope kitchen.
Hey, the guy from Burn Notice.
Sentinels, huh?
Pushing into a house... Great way to not escalate a situation.
Slowest... Garage door... Ever
Thor Ragnarok looks good. Why did my phone predict "Ragnarok"?
I think Dad is in denial.
Amy Acker as a blonde... Dig it. Damn she can act. That single tear.
Dad seems pretty sincere. Telling me they didn't trust him? They live with the guy!
Don't trust Carla.
Stepping out a seedy motel in daylight. Big hoop earrings... At least two pair.
She's just throwing bubble wrap.
Yep, he pushed everything away but her...
Focus on how he felt? Takes it to a dark place, she does. Yeah, don't forget the Reece's Pieces!
If you know about the X-Men, those weren't the X-Men.
Teleporters 101, can't go where they haven't been!
Who heard that TAS ringtone!? Sounded sooo Nokia brick phone.
He knocked up Magneto's daughter?!
LoL you kept your license plate?!
Stan the Man...
No one else saw that palm trick? I mean if he's not trying to hide, what's the point in all the cloak and dagger?
Blackmail isn't a great place to start a relationship fellas.
Duct tape would not make that toy work again..
I'm guessing this tracking, super strong mutant is Thunderbird?
Seriously, no one likes sitting in the sticky spot.
Mom's trippin.
They are stopping really far away. Facest America.
These cops are idiots. Did no one think they could just run through one of those many unguarded doors?
Robot spiders... Ok that's pretty terrifying
I don't get... Why can't she make a portal?
Ok... I'll stick around for this. Enjoyed this way more than Inhumans.