Avoiding the question? I didn't know you were asking... Sounded rhetorical. You read far too into that. When I respond its like you see what you want, sometimes. I never said I wanted this book, written by this writer. When it was announced I found it hilarious. I wasn't swooning as you seem to believe. I'm just not opposed to it as you are. I already said just a couple posts ago: "I THINK THIS BOOK IS A SET UP TO SEPARATE THE CHARACTERS." That's what I voted above in the poll I inserted on this thread more than two weeks ago. My lack of disdain for the couple doesn't mean I'm cheering them on, or even want them together. I. Don't. Really. Care. That is what Marvel has done to my "preference". End of the day, it's still happening. Got to live with that.
Most of, if not all, of my fandom for them as a couple doesn't exist past 2002, or whenever XXM ended. The only version of them that worked for me were alternate reality versions of the characters (The End and AoX, and that wasn't even them together). I just want to read a good book with my favorite comic character. And he's not slated to be anywhere else for the foreseeable future (I'm not happy about that. I'm already reading a DC title). I simply don't have the same hang-ups about Rogue as some of you. I don't think the character is the problem. Its the writers lack of imagination and their understanding of what makes Gambit work, ultimately. I said a looooonng time ago, that the only way I'd buy them being together was with some sort of universe reset or them to be able to address, on panel, the last decade of bad story lines. I figured that wouldn't be possible in a team book due to time constraints and I didn't see either of them getting a solo to do that and TBH I didn't think a book like that sounded like much fun. I've said this. If I had the patience I'd go find the post.
I think a while after I mocked up Gambit/Rogue fanfic outline to demonstrate as much. I think Purp got a kick out of that. But I digress... this announcement was quite a surprise. I'm also the same guy that's been advocating for Polaris, and Sage. You're painting me out to be some sorta of Romy-warrior. Go ahead and back track my posts and see where I'm such a bleeding heart. Before I spoke KT I was not onboard with giving this a shot. And thats all I'm doing. I'm not singing any praises outside of how different she is to Soule (patronizing), Duggan (dick), Gage (spineless), PAD (spaz) and Carey (nutcase). I even pointed out that she was implicated in that "comic-gate" thing, which would be a strike against her. So I'm not saying this book is going to work or even be good. I'm saying I'm keeping an open mind, and I rather see how this boils out opposed to Gambit being in limbo alongside Boom Boom, Cecelia Reyes, and several other characters I like.
You're making assumptions about my mindset based on the fact that I don't feel the same way you do. It's like your insinuating that your either: Spazticat (die hard fan) or Badou (zealot against) in terms of how you feel about the couple. Man, @#$% that. I'm Pricetag. Can't put Pricetag in a corner. No one puts Pricetag in a corner! (thats probably going over everyones head).