There is an uneven feel to the relationship that's been there for a long time because the guy writers that have grown up and are writing seem to have an aversion to Gambit while adoring Rogue. That doesn't always work out, though... I really haven't been a Rogue fan since Carey got his mits on her. And because Remy doesn't have the page time that Rogue does, she gets to have new relationships and flirtations (some of which happen completely off-screen... Rogue/Johnny Storm) whereas if Remy so much as hits on another woman, Rogue invariably shows up to be judgemental.
Talk about your double-edged swords. But, hell, that was set up ages ago on Utopia with Remy's speech about how he knows that he is Rogue's endgame but she's know so sure, so until she is, he's not going to be following her around. Then he disappears for years at a time and shows up to puppy dog eyes at Rogue while she snubs him. It's a boring trend and has been for a long time. About as boring as the "Ah cain't TOUCH yuh, Remy!" "Mebbe, mebbe not, cherie..." merry go round of angst that started in the 90s in the first place.
Their barbed banter has always been fun but if there's nothing to back it up, it's just empty.
That being said, Remy asking her not to bring up the fact that they're beyond repair in whatever therapy they're going to take part in was a vulnerable moment that I could appreciate. Rogue's defeatist attitude about their baggage being too much followed up by Remy saying he's the only one carrying it... well, that's all true. It has always seemed like Rogue loved being the object of Remy's attention and affection but none too eager to put in the actual work. She always has excuses but never just says 'Look... this just isn't going to work, I'm not as invested as you. I shouldn't be jerking you around like this.' Because she LIKES the attention. So, either fish or cut bait as the saying goes.
If they want to move forward with them coming together again then Rogue has to step up in a big way. And if they're not going to do that, then let Remy have an actual relationship that isn't a freaking joke in the books. For as much as he's supposed to be a ladies man, Remy is the most celibate Cassanova ever.