
What is the true purpose of this mini?

To explore and solidify their relationship.
To officially split them apart.
Neither, just a fun adventure.

Author Topic: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk  (Read 316391 times)

Offline Sparta

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #405 on: February 13, 2018, 06:25:33 PM »

Gambit doesn't have any other "ships". The only actual character that exists outside of background art or issue/book exclusive was Bella Donna, Frenzy and Storm. Bella is his far behind ex-wife, and Frenzy was off panel and one embarrassing kiss. Storm seems to be only sticking point but I think that would effect them both. I think I'd be a huge revelation if this turned into an ongoing with them giving each other a clean slate just for it to be revealed later on that he and Storm had a "friends with benefits" relationship for a period. Possibly before or a little after Gambit started officially courting Rogue. Itd explain the origin of the infamous waterfall kiss between the two.

Frenzy was more of a consolation prize for Gambit during Carey and Gage’s runs on Legacy, and for that reason it should never, ever be revisited. It was forced and never felt natural to me…I know they had some off-panel history beforehand, but the chemistry was non-existent. Storm on the other hand? Makes a lot more sense and a far more formidable rival for Rogue (for Gambit’s affections) if we were going to go that path. Gambit and Polaris had a lot of chemistry too in X-Factor. A shame they didn’t explore that further.

Offline AeroSennin

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #406 on: February 13, 2018, 08:36:13 PM »

Frenzy was more of a consolation prize for Gambit during Carey and Gage’s runs on Legacy, and for that reason it should never, ever be revisited. It was forced and never felt natural to me…I know they had some off-panel history beforehand, but the chemistry was non-existent. Storm on the other hand? Makes a lot more sense and a far more formidable rival for Rogue (for Gambit’s affections) if we were going to go that path. Gambit and Polaris had a lot of chemistry too in X-Factor. A shame they didn’t explore that further.

I so agree on Frenzy being left behind. Polaris strarted off interesting till PAD torpedoed it with that infamous kiss/slap and never recovered it due to lack of time. Antthing now would have to jump the hurdle of what happened again after that. We never even find out what happens to serval/xfactor its like it just fell of a cliff.

Storm though is in the too hard bucket between tchalla/logan/forge messes which get the airtime. It would be a total stealth steal and the revolt from segmemts of the community would likely be fierce if it became more than a really intimate friendship.

Offline Meliorist

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #407 on: February 13, 2018, 09:34:23 PM »
There is still Sage~

Or am I alone on wishing for that one...? Ah well

Polaris strarted off interesting till PAD torpedoed it with that infamous kiss/slap and never recovered it due to lack of time. Antthing now would have to jump the hurdle of what happened again after that. We never even find out what happens to serval/xfactor its like it just fell of a cliff.

Not much of a hurdle when compared to the Gambit/Rogue baggage but getting it addressed (in a positive light >.>) would be nice.

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #408 on: February 13, 2018, 09:51:07 PM »
No, not wishing. There is still Sage. That was never finished or addressed. She liked kissing him and had done so a few times.

As for Polaris - I hold out hope for that despite the clumsiness of what PAD did with Gambit and Polaris.

Offline AeroSennin

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #409 on: February 14, 2018, 01:04:12 AM »
No, not wishing. There is still Sage. That was never finished or addressed. She liked kissing him and had done so a few times.

As for Polaris - I hold out hope for that despite the clumsiness of what PAD did with Gambit and Polaris.

Given the nostalgia bender they are on I think Havok might get in the way of that.

The only time i felt that it kind of looked like it would work was that tender moment when she was in his room playing with the cats.... right up till she almost smooshed the one who nicked her. I think that put a bit of a dent in it. Then it disappeared with that wierd thing with snows wife which clumsily segued into the kiss/slap... which is a pity cause in that early scene coupled with the mystery as to why she sought him out to join just got wasted.

Offline Meliorist

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #410 on: February 14, 2018, 01:18:12 AM »

... which is a pity cause in that early scene coupled with the mystery as to why she sought him out to join just got wasted.

That seems to be a theme; interesting set up but the follow up fails.

Agreed that Marvel seems to be on a nostalgia kick. I can't decide how I feel about that but I am willing to read and find out. Your point would be heavily reinforced if Gambit and Rogue get back together after this mini. Then again...Marvel has been continuity lite of late too

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #411 on: February 14, 2018, 10:18:22 AM »

I so agree on Frenzy being left behind. Polaris strarted off interesting till PAD torpedoed it with that infamous kiss/slap and never recovered it due to lack of time. Antthing now would have to jump the hurdle of what happened again after that. We never even find out what happens to serval/xfactor its like it just fell of a cliff.

Storm though is in the too hard bucket between tchalla/logan/forge messes which get the airtime. It would be a total stealth steal and the revolt from segmemts of the community would likely be fierce if it became more than a really intimate friendship.

I agree there wasn't much if any chemistry between Gambit and Frenzy, but I like the characters depth. Better than anyone she may be able to understand him better due to her past being even muddier than his, and willingly so. She's a great character and I think they could have been great friends. A sort of reality check or anchor for him when he's about to do something stupid. One of the reasons I hope she ends up in his orbit if he gets a book with more focus on him. Not necessarily romantic, I think they'd make better friends. Much like he and X-23. As for Storm and her other relationships. I think it reflects her personality. It's super hard to read Storm. She can warm and compassionate, turbulent and wrathful, or stoic and nearly emotionless... much like the weather. But with that, I can understand her not latching onto anyone for long periods of time and probably why she and Gambit may have been able to establish an understanding about an intimate relationship where they are friends, but also engage in less than platonic activities without letting overwhelming feelings get involved. It'd be one helluva a situation for anyone on the outside to swallow.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline Sparta

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #412 on: February 14, 2018, 10:30:08 AM »
With Rogue's characterisation in R&G, and the high praise it's getting from Rogue fans, at least it puts the "Gambit ruined Rogue" debate to rest, which annoyed me greatly. Around 10-12 years ago Gambit was copping a lot of harsh and unfair criticism from fans who blamed him for Rogue's whining and weak story lines (especially in Milligan's run), he was the scapegoat.

If you're a Rogue fan, you can't really complain about the way KT writes her in 'Rogue & Gambit'. She's strong, witty, and fun, the way she's supposed to be written. It proves that Rogue can be written very well with Gambit around.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2018, 11:33:43 AM by Sparta »

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #413 on: February 14, 2018, 11:29:13 AM »
With Rogue's characterisation in R&G, and the high praise it's getting from Rogue fans, at least it puts the "Gambit ruined Rogue" debate to rest, which annoyed me greatly. Around 10-12 years ago Gambit was coping a lot of harsh and unfair criticism from fans who blamed him for Rogue's whining and weak story lines (especially in Milligan's run), he was the scapegoat.

If you're a Rogue fan, you can't really complain about the way KT writes her in 'Rogue & Gambit'. She's strong, witty, and fun, the way she's supposed to be written. It proves that Rogue can be written very well with Gambit around.

Loved this post and a great observation.

Offline remydat

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #414 on: February 14, 2018, 01:56:56 PM »
50K and that was only because it had the special legacy variant cover that month. The 'flagship' titles are all in the mid thirties.

The flagship titles are late in their runs.  R&G was a #1 issue.  Gold and Blue for example debuted with 114k and 109k respectively and that was at 4.99 and they double ship.

If R&G is only at 38 debut shipping monthly at 3.99 then not much reason for it to continue as an ongoing unless it somehow maintains those sales levels which is uncommon.
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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #415 on: February 14, 2018, 02:03:54 PM »

Frenzy was more of a consolation prize for Gambit during Carey and Gage’s runs on Legacy, and for that reason it should never, ever be revisited. It was forced and never felt natural to me…I know they had some off-panel history beforehand, but the chemistry was non-existent. Storm on the other hand? Makes a lot more sense and a far more formidable rival for Rogue (for Gambit’s affections) if we were going to go that path. Gambit and Polaris had a lot of chemistry too in X-Factor. A shame they didn’t explore that further.

I disagree, the story potential was there and Gage just dropped the ball.  The beauty of a Frenzy and Gambit relationship would be you could explore it in the present and the past given the fact we know there was some history off panel.  That would make for a far more richer story if done right.

I always imagined Frenzy and Gambit linking up after his exile when Gambit was at a low point and perhaps a bit resentful and thus more willing to get involved with someone a little bit more radical.  Gambit was a dick back then as he got Genevieve to fall in love with him and there is no indication he would have given a s*** aside from the fact she died.  He also had a friendship with Scalphunter and was comfortable working with Sinister including assembling the Marauders.

So I would expect their relationship to have been passionate, explosive and very volatile with perhaps Gambit moving on because he wanted to be a better person.  So now that Frenzy has become less of a villain then starting with her pursuing him and trying to convince him she has changed for the better would be a welcome change from Gambit being the pursuer.
"Let me go first Lorna.  I"m their freaking king!"

Offline remydat

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #416 on: February 14, 2018, 02:10:54 PM »

I agree there wasn't much if any chemistry between Gambit and Frenzy, but I like the characters depth. Better than anyone she may be able to understand him better due to her past being even muddier than his, and willingly so. She's a great character and I think they could have been great friends. A sort of reality check or anchor for him when he's about to do something stupid. One of the reasons I hope she ends up in his orbit if he gets a book with more focus on him. Not necessarily romantic, I think they'd make better friends. Much like he and X-23. As for Storm and her other relationships. I think it reflects her personality. It's super hard to read Storm. She can warm and compassionate, turbulent and wrathful, or stoic and nearly emotionless... much like the weather. But with that, I can understand her not latching onto anyone for long periods of time and probably why she and Gambit may have been able to establish an understanding about an intimate relationship where they are friends, but also engage in less than platonic activities without letting overwhelming feelings get involved. It'd be one helluva a situation for anyone on the outside to swallow.

As for Stormy, I just always viewed them as having avery flirtatious relationship without necessarily consummating things.  I think for Gambit, he maybe he took it much further because a part of him will always see the young girl he first met when she was de-aged so while he can flirt and maybe even share a kiss, he wouldn't take things further.

As for Storm, I think she is weighed down by her responsibilities in a way Gambit never was so she is drawn to Gambit because he reminds of what her life was like when she had more freedom to do what she wants.  The young thief just enjoying life as it comes to her.  However, I also don't think she would consummate because she understands that whatever she has with Gambit is just a way to kick back as neither is ready for a relationship that requires more responsibility to each other.

Having said that, I wouldn't be opposed to a friends with benefits arrangement with no drama but I think I still prefer the flirtatious and carefree relationship with them making to to home plate.
"Let me go first Lorna.  I"m their freaking king!"

Offline wantutosigh

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #417 on: February 14, 2018, 03:50:05 PM »

As for Stormy, I just always viewed them as having avery flirtatious relationship without necessarily consummating things.  I think for Gambit, he maybe he took it much further because a part of him will always see the young girl he first met when she was de-aged so while he can flirt and maybe even share a kiss, he wouldn't take things further.

As for Storm, I think she is weighed down by her responsibilities in a way Gambit never was so she is drawn to Gambit because he reminds of what her life was like when she had more freedom to do what she wants.  The young thief just enjoying life as it comes to her.  However, I also don't think she would consummate because she understands that whatever she has with Gambit is just a way to kick back as neither is ready for a relationship that requires more responsibility to each other.

Having said that, I wouldn't be opposed to a friends with benefits arrangement with no drama but I think I still prefer the flirtatious and carefree relationship with them making to to home plate.

I have to disagree with this a bit. Though I'm not opposed to your overall preference. Storm is a strong, beautiful, smart, sexy woman and Gambit would be insane to not enjoy her physically if it was on the table. An unattached mature sexual hookup between these two is exactly what they could use if the situation permitted. And I like your take on how Gambit reminds her of a free-er time and I think that perfectly lends itself to a "no strings attached" intimate encounter. I'm not big into the "we shouldn't sleep together cuz we respect eachother" stuff. These are sexy characters with hormones, in need of comfort and understanding sometimes. I think Gambit and Storm are a perfect match for this type of scenario.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2018, 03:52:58 PM by wantutosigh »

Offline Paradox Jast

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #418 on: February 14, 2018, 07:25:04 PM »
Sometimes I just think about the 'who is with who' situation and chuckle to myself, because of the way Marvel operates on a compressed timeline.

It reminds me of middle/high school, where you'd hear about the popular boys/girls who are 'going out' with a different person every other month. If you take the compressed timeline into consideration, Rogue has been 'going out' or having a fling with a different guy every other month for the last few years, but keeps eventually rebounding to Gambit.

That's not to say he hasn't had his own dalliances, but when your panel-time is few and far between over the last couple of years, we can only guess.

If this series ends them with a clean slate, I'm both curious and (hoping/wishing/thinking?) about what might potentially happen now that Jean is back and single. Gambit and Phoenix has always been my number 2 for a few years, so...

Offline AeroSennin

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #419 on: February 15, 2018, 01:16:52 AM »
Sometimes I just think about the 'who is with who' situation and chuckle to myself, because of the way Marvel operates on a compressed timeline.

It reminds me of middle/high school, where you'd hear about the popular boys/girls who are 'going out' with a different person every other month. If you take the compressed timeline into consideration, Rogue has been 'going out' or having a fling with a different guy every other month for the last few years, but keeps eventually rebounding to Gambit.

That's not to say he hasn't had his own dalliances, but when your panel-time is few and far between over the last couple of years, we can only guess.

If this series ends them with a clean slate, I'm both curious and (hoping/wishing/thinking?) about what might potentially happen now that Jean is back and single. Gambit and Phoenix has always been my number 2 for a few years, so...

I figured they were going to press Namor into that role. Heck they in his kindom now.

I wonder if Gambit is there to play of Laura and now Gabi. Taylor has refrenced him a few times now. Gives her a familiar face to interact with.