
What is the true purpose of this mini?

To explore and solidify their relationship.
To officially split them apart.
Neither, just a fun adventure.

Author Topic: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk  (Read 316395 times)

Offline remydat

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #420 on: February 15, 2018, 09:13:59 AM »

I have to disagree with this a bit. Though I'm not opposed to your overall preference. Storm is a strong, beautiful, smart, sexy woman and Gambit would be insane to not enjoy her physically if it was on the table. An unattached mature sexual hookup between these two is exactly what they could use if the situation permitted. And I like your take on how Gambit reminds her of a free-er time and I think that perfectly lends itself to a "no strings attached" intimate encounter. I'm not big into the "we shouldn't sleep together cuz we respect eachother" stuff. These are sexy characters with hormones, in need of comfort and understanding sometimes. I think Gambit and Storm are a perfect match for this type of scenario.

No worries.  Like I said, just my preference that they not go all the way so to speak but I can see the appeal in that as well.  Although I would say it is not "we shouldn't sleep together cuz we respect each other," but moreso they both understand that it ends with the flirtation and the occasional kiss.
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Offline remydat

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #421 on: February 15, 2018, 09:15:47 AM »
If this series ends them with a clean slate, I'm both curious and (hoping/wishing/thinking?) about what might potentially happen now that Jean is back and single. Gambit and Phoenix has always been my number 2 for a few years, so...

Yeah I always thought he and Jean would be an interesting couple in the vein of opposites attract.  Gambit appears to have a thing for really powerful women while Jean could use someone that isn't as serious or brooding as Cyclops and Wolverine.
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Offline bark_no_byte

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #422 on: February 15, 2018, 09:43:14 AM »

Yeah I always thought he and Jean would be an interesting couple in the vein of opposites attract.  Gambit appears to have a thing for really powerful women while Jean could use someone that isn't as serious or brooding as Cyclops and Wolverine.

I'd be interested to see this as a dynamic as well, even if it just turns into a no-strings-attached type thing.

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #423 on: February 15, 2018, 11:42:49 AM »

I have to disagree with this a bit. Though I'm not opposed to your overall preference. Storm is a strong, beautiful, smart, sexy woman and Gambit would be insane to not enjoy her physically if it was on the table. An unattached mature sexual hookup between these two is exactly what they could use if the situation permitted. And I like your take on how Gambit reminds her of a free-er time and I think that perfectly lends itself to a "no strings attached" intimate encounter. I'm not big into the "we shouldn't sleep together cuz we respect eachother" stuff. These are sexy characters with hormones, in need of comfort and understanding sometimes. I think Gambit and Storm are a perfect match for this type of scenario.

I accept the concept of "hooking up" because I know its a real thing that people of all ages do, its just part of reality. Heck, I've done it. However, I find odd when people refer to it as "mature". I think its actually the opposite. What we call "hooking up" is nothing more than giving into our baser instincts and physical needs. Children do that on a regular basis. Being able to shut off emotional attachment to another person in favor of fleeting physical pleasure... Not too different than throwing a temper tantrum in a super market (I'm from a Jamaican family. Did that exactly one time with my mom and from what I'm told it never happened again. I learn quick.). I think hooking up is more about letting go of maturity and living in the moment, which IMO is very teenager-y. I guess the "mature" part is being to compartmentalize the emotion afterwards. Not allowing oneself to be overwhelmed or even effected by them just to it again, quite often with another person. In a way is a bit sociopath-ic if you think about it LOL. That can be very liberating and attractive for someone as pent-up as Storm. She has to maintain constant control of her facets or the nature of powers can reap havoc on the earth. We saw this after Wolverine died. Beast (I think it was Beast) had to take her into orbit just so she could breakdown and cry. Just my thoughts.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline remydat

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #424 on: February 15, 2018, 03:45:45 PM »
Hooking up is mature if it is in line with one's feelings and personality.  There is no requirement for all of us to want a monogamous relationship and I think it is mature to recognize in oneself that fact that you do or not not want one and to then act accordingly.  So I don't think it is binary in that one is mature and the other isn't.  I think the answer like most things in life is that it depends. 
"Let me go first Lorna.  I"m their freaking king!"

Offline wantutosigh

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #425 on: February 15, 2018, 05:57:35 PM »

I accept the concept of "hooking up" because I know its a real thing that people of all ages do, its just part of reality. Heck, I've done it. However, I find odd when people refer to it as "mature". I think its actually the opposite. What we call "hooking up" is nothing more than giving into our baser instincts and physical needs. Children do that on a regular basis. Being able to shut off emotional attachment to another person in favor of fleeting physical pleasure... Not too different than throwing a temper tantrum in a super market (I'm from a Jamaican family. Did that exactly one time with my mom and from what I'm told it never happened again. I learn quick.). I think hooking up is more about letting go of maturity and living in the moment, which IMO is very teenager-y. I guess the "mature" part is being to compartmentalize the emotion afterwards. Not allowing oneself to be overwhelmed or even effected by them just to it again, quite often with another person. In a way is a bit sociopath-ic if you think about it LOL. That can be very liberating and attractive for someone as pent-up as Storm. She has to maintain constant control of her facets or the nature of powers can reap havoc on the earth. We saw this after Wolverine died. Beast (I think it was Beast) had to take her into orbit just so she could breakdown and cry. Just my thoughts.

Well, giving in to base instincts and shutting off emotional attachments for fleeting physical pleasure is not how I'd characterize a sexual encounter between Gambit and Storm. It's not like it's a hook-up between a frat guy and a party girl. Gambit and Storm are super hero freedom fighters who have experienced hyper intense moments, loss, extreme pressure, and attraction with each other on many occasions for years. They are deeper than friends. If they find themselves in a situation to enjoy each other physically  with both understanding that they don't plan on being a couple, I say that's fair for them to do so. Maybe it helps rejuvenate their spirits and adds another dimension to their friendship/relationship. Sex doesn't have to be an excuse just to get off. It could be  another layer in which Gambit and Storm  know each other and have connected.  I feel Gambit and Storm are a perfect duo to pull off a mature "hook-up". No drama or pettiness, just the culmination of a unique friendship between two characters who have a deep connection with each other.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2018, 06:31:31 PM by wantutosigh »

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #426 on: February 15, 2018, 06:22:32 PM »
Did you try to post something?
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline anya

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #427 on: February 16, 2018, 10:50:10 PM »

The flagship titles are late in their runs.  R&G was a #1 issue.  Gold and Blue for example debuted with 114k and 109k respectively and that was at 4.99 and they double ship.

If R&G is only at 38 debut shipping monthly at 3.99 then not much reason for it to continue as an ongoing unless it somehow maintains those sales levels which is uncommon.
I was bringing up the flagship sales just to show sales are down overall. I don’t think you can compare sales on the heavily marketed relaunch of the flagship title to a non-event mini series. It’s apples to oranges at best.

Anyway, I like storm better as a brother/sister thing, but I suppose I could something casual. Though I guess, it would have to have been in the past, because I think she’s back with black panther.

Offline remydat

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #428 on: February 17, 2018, 10:56:38 AM »
My point was I don't know that they are down overall.  No 1 issues for both flagships still sold a ton of issues as No 1 issues generally do.  And I mentioned earlier that the Asmus No 1 series and the Deadpool vs Gambit mini No 1 both outsold R&G, the latter by a huge margin.

I don't know what amount of sales the mini needs to turn it into an ongoing but I am just saying if it starts out as low as 38k then there is no overwhelming financial reason to make it a mini.  Again now maybe it's sales stabilize or get a boost as Rogue and Gambit resolve their drama but books that start out with No 1 issues at 38k tend to end up somewhere in the 20k range by the time you are at say 12 issues or so.
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Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #429 on: February 17, 2018, 11:47:37 AM »
As a group that was over obsessed with the sales numbers for Asmus solo - which I get, we wanted that book to last for a long time. When it got to 38k range, there was already concern. Looking at a number 1 that only sold 38k for a company that did a reprint because they didn't expect it to do well, the under print gives false expectation. Perhaps they should have had 50k's worth of books from the get go? I don't know.

If an ongoing is desired, 38K isn't a solid number for that to happen unless you are Captain, Ms Marvel, Squirrel Girl or any other "agenda" book. This book doesn't fit an agenda.

The 38k is a book in the middle of a run amount, as we seen when observing other books.  Why this would grant an ongoing with this number would surprise me.

However if the sales go up because the book got better, things could change. Keeping in mind though, first impressions and R&G1 didn't do Gambit any favors and those hardcore fans may not have stuck around for the next issue.

My apologies if this is a debbie downer view.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2018, 11:50:34 AM by Nekobaghira »

Offline wantutosigh

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #430 on: February 17, 2018, 12:05:54 PM »
Though R&G does have really good word of mouth so who knows. I think a lot of people saw the the early promo stuff and Rogue being before Gambit and thought "forget this". Maybe this series can have legs.

Offline X-fan73

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #431 on: February 17, 2018, 12:23:58 PM »
Thought I heard issue #1 would get a reprinting? Honestly the series is doing respectable under the current climate.Buzz is good after two issues.After over a decade or so of bias against Romy, it didn’t take that much effort to show why Rogue and Gambit’s romance IS an iconic comic couple. How many couples have come and gone with ppl not caring other than the writer trying to make it work.

Offline wantutosigh

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #432 on: February 17, 2018, 12:30:20 PM »
After over a decade or so of bias against Romy, it didn’t take that much effort to show why Rogue and Gambit’s romance IS an iconic comic couple. How many couples have come and gone with ppl not caring other than the writer trying to make it work.

Couldn't have said it any better. People have hated on Romy for a while and the instant it's brought back and handled well, it's praised and the pair is back to being called one of the most iconic couples in Marvel history. See how easy that was? ;)  Honestly, I think the timing for it is fairly perfect. I think people are hungry for something like this. I think it's easy to forget how Gambit and Rogue were the "People's Couple" for a long time. And I agree, I think the current climate of Marvel comics makes numbers a little hard to read especially for two characters like this.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2018, 12:31:56 PM by wantutosigh »

Offline remydat

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #433 on: February 18, 2018, 11:14:45 PM »
Thought I heard issue #1 would get a reprinting? Honestly the series is doing respectable under the current climate.Buzz is good after two issues.After over a decade or so of bias against Romy, it didn’t take that much effort to show why Rogue and Gambit’s romance IS an iconic comic couple. How many couples have come and gone with ppl not caring other than the writer trying to make it work.

Well if it showed that you would expect more sales.  I don't know that this series does anything except convince the people that were already Romy fans.  You would need a lot more than 38k in sales to claim proof of iconic status.
"Let me go first Lorna.  I"m their freaking king!"

Offline anya

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Re: Rogue & Gambit- Discussion/ Spoiler Talk
« Reply #434 on: February 19, 2018, 10:08:57 AM »
Sales have been down at marvel, they have said that. They've been down for about two years? They did not say by how much or any details past that. But even Deadpool's been down (probably over extended) Marvel has also said that mini series always sell lower than ongoing sales, that's why they keep publishing so many ongoings even if they seem like mini series.