I remember Morrison stating that he didn't like characters like Gambit, Cable and Cecilia Reyes because their code names didn't match their powers...it was around 2000 when I read that interview.
I'm sort of remembering that now ... I remember thinking ... why would a code name make a big deal with a character. I chalked it up to not understanding any of the characters mentioned.
I like Morrison. He's done some great stuff for DC (his run on Batman and Robin is one of my favorite Dick Grayson story-lines ever) and I liked the first couple arcs of his New X-Men, but I'm not surprised to hear this stuff. Some of his thinking is a little out there and I can see how his ideas would be polarizing, especially to X-fans
Never read his DC stuff but I did read the praise it got from fans.
I tried one arc from his run. All because he was suppose to be doing all these wonderful things - The story arc was "Murder At The Mansion" .... A murder mystery ... I was thinking - great way to rope me in. I love murder mysteries ....
Well .... I can tell you it was a four issue arc and at the end, it was not a murder mystery. In fact, the person murdered didn't stay dead. I know why he couldn't let it go, Morrison loved Emma Frost.
Bottom line, what was promised was not delivered. And I never wasted another dollar on a book solicited in such a way for characters with no investment from me.
I know we're a tad off topic but til previews for issue #5, it might not be so bad. Up to you folks.
If there is some way to steer back though and someone has an idea - share it.