Author Topic: Disney Fox buy out?  (Read 47888 times)

Offline Nox

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Re: Disney Fox buy out?
« Reply #30 on: June 27, 2018, 08:21:16 PM »
Okay, I'll expand for the sake of discussion.
GotG2 was slightly lame, imo. "Brandy" by Looking Glass and "The Chain" by Fleetwood Mac while was purposeful for some of the scenes played too often. What made the soundtrack work for the first film is there was no repeat of the songs. "Brandy" was Ego's backstory and I didn't like that element.

IronMan 2 and 3 were weak story wise. Especially 3 with Pepper wanting him to destroy the suits which he did do, I can't even rewatch either of those films.
I couldn't get into Capt America: Winter Soldier. I don't see the appeal of Bucky, and wasn't vested in his plight enough to care.

I'm trying to pick the films that didn't interest me or felt bleh about. I am certain I've got a couple of others but for the most part I do enjoy Marvel Studios handling of their characters.
Here's an idea, lets Magic Mike Gambit and the movie will get done. LMAO - I kid of course.

Aww, really? Admittedly, I wasn't a fan of GoG Vol. 2's soundtrack (other than "The Chain", dammit, I love that song), but the movie made me laugh and I enjoyed it. Baby Groot was too. Damn. Cute.

Yes, I admit, Ironman 2 & 3 didn't hold up as well as 1, but I do love me some Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark, LOL. Maybe my standards vis-à-vis Avengers movies are a bit lower than for the X-men films? (Yeah, they probably are, ha.) In general, I can't think of one film I saw where I said, "that was terrible, I'll never watch it again". 

As a side note: I'm glad to see that someone else doesn't like Bucky either. What is his appeal (and why does he show up in so many Avengers films)?

MagicMike Gambit? Ha! I'm sure there's a market for it.  ;)

He's 38, so yeah, clock's ticking. I don't really want a 40yr old Gambit, though they do wonders with make-up these days LOL. Don't get me wrong, Channing's ageing quite well, it's just a "40 year-old Gambit" sounds strange to me.

Lordy, yeah. When you're building a franchise, the last thing you want to do is cast an actor who will need to be replaced in two years, lol.

Offline Paradox Jast

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Re: Disney Fox buy out?
« Reply #31 on: June 27, 2018, 11:52:21 PM »
Have Channing play Jean-Luc?

Yeah, if they want Gambit to hold down for multiple films, they need to cast someone young. I don't even mind if it's an unknown at this point, so long as we get a movie.

I was even thinking about this the other day...if they have them follow a bit of the comic formula, -and- if they continue to use Dafne Keen as X-23, she'll be old enough by the time the studio changeovers finalize, and maybe we can get the meet-up and brother/uncle/mentor angle going.

Will probably not happen, but still fun to think about.

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Re: Disney Fox buy out?
« Reply #32 on: June 28, 2018, 02:27:01 AM »
Gambit constantly getting overlooked in the X-Men movies is what led to him to get into long periods of limbo and being an incompetent X-Man in the 2000s. Starting with the big X-Men Relaunch in 2001 when Morrison and Casey kicked him out of Uncanny and Adjectivless...and Quesada cancelling the Nicieza 'Gambit' solo which was still selling okay. This is why I hold a long grudge against Fox.

It's only up until the last 2 years where Gambit-fans have been getting hired by Marvel to write their comics, in fact this year he was in R&G, Red and Gold...he actually hasn't had this much exposure since the 90's...and a possible Gambit movie (or at the very least a possible appearance in a re-booted X-Men movie series) will be a massive plus for his comic book future. For instance Domino's been everywhere lately...we all know why, don't we?

Offline bark_no_byte

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Re: Disney Fox buy out?
« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2018, 10:43:22 AM »
Okay, I'll expand for the sake of discussion.
GotG2 was slightly lame, imo. "Brandy" by Looking Glass and "The Chain" by Fleetwood Mac while was purposeful for some of the scenes played too often. What made the soundtrack work for the first film is there was no repeat of the songs. "Brandy" was Ego's backstory and I didn't like that element.

IronMan 2 and 3 were weak story wise. Especially 3 with Pepper wanting him to destroy the suits which he did do, I can't even rewatch either of those films.
I couldn't get into Capt America: Winter Soldier. I don't see the appeal of Bucky, and wasn't vested in his plight enough to care.

Yeah, Iron Man 2 has been my least favorite and I wasn't huge on 3 either. I thought the first Thor was kinda meh and didn't bother with the second. Dr. Strange was the main one I thought was over-hyped. It just felt like the first Iron Man with a different coat of paint on it (albeit a very pretty coat of paint).

But when the MCU has their hits, it's a lot of fun. Spider-Man, Infinity War, Thor Ragnarok and GotG were all great imo.

Offline Nox

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Re: Disney Fox buy out?
« Reply #34 on: June 28, 2018, 06:48:10 PM »
Have Channing play Jean-Luc?

Yeah, if they want Gambit to hold down for multiple films, they need to cast someone young. I don't even mind if it's an unknown at this point, so long as we get a movie.

I was even thinking about this the other day...if they have them follow a bit of the comic formula, -and- if they continue to use Dafne Keen as X-23, she'll be old enough by the time the studio changeovers finalize, and maybe we can get the meet-up and brother/uncle/mentor angle going.

Will probably not happen, but still fun to think about.

I'd love to see Marvel completely recast the films and hire some great young, relatively unknown talent in the roles. The benefits are twice fold: as they're relatively unknown, they'll be more likely to sign long-term deals for multiple films (instead of having to work around some superstar's schedule), plus they're likely to come from an indie film background, so they might have a bit more acting depth than someone like CT.

Offline bark_no_byte

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Re: Disney Fox buy out?
« Reply #35 on: June 28, 2018, 09:21:59 PM »

I'd love to see Marvel completely recast the films and hire some great young, relatively unknown talent in the roles. The benefits are twice fold: as they're relatively unknown, they'll be more likely to sign long-term deals for multiple films (instead of having to work around some superstar's schedule), plus they're likely to come from an indie film background, so they might have a bit more acting depth than someone like CT.

Same. That's how I am with a lot of comic book movies. If the actor is too well known and not necessarily a great actor then it's hard for me to see the character rather than the actor playing the character.

Offline bark_no_byte

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Re: Disney Fox buy out?
« Reply #36 on: July 19, 2018, 11:33:12 AM »

Offline Paneo01

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Re: Disney Fox buy out?
« Reply #37 on: July 19, 2018, 12:01:48 PM »
Comcast has officially dropped their bid:
apparently they are going after SKY now

Offline bark_no_byte

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Re: Disney Fox buy out?
« Reply #38 on: July 19, 2018, 12:27:13 PM »
apparently they are going after SKY now

Yeah, but the main thing that I'm getting from it is Comcast won't be getting the X-Men now

Offline bark_no_byte

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Re: Disney Fox buy out?
« Reply #39 on: October 04, 2018, 11:36:00 AM »
Sounds like the Merger could be finished sooner than expected:

Though the official forecast for the close of the DisneyFox merger is set for early 2019, personnel moves made this week by Fox have some insiders believing that the deal could be closed sometime this year.
Promotions for five top Fox executives were announced, along with several other organizational realignments, all of which are contingent upon the close of the $71.3 billion deal with Disney, Deadline reports. An announcement this early in the process has led some to surmise that a deal close between the two corporations could be happening sooner rather than later.
Shareholders of The Walt Disney Company and 21st Century Fox voted in July to approve the purchase of several key Fox assets by Disney, including control of Fox’s film and television production studios, bringing the X-Men, Fantastic Four and Deadpool properties into the Marvel Studios fold.

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Disney Fox buy out?
« Reply #40 on: October 05, 2018, 01:01:15 PM »
Marvel Studios is doing a better job with their properties, so I think its good that Xmen, FF and DP are back home with Marvel.

As for the deal being done sooner, thats good too. Maybe the iffy projects will have a better chance.
As I suspect or still believe, Fox will still be a brand for Disney. Keeping execs on and promoting is a good way of showing that its not just bringing Fox into the fold but use it as another brand for Disney to distribute material.