Author Topic: Who would you like to see play Gambit in the MCU?  (Read 24294 times)

Offline anya

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Re: Who would you like to see play Gambit in the MCU?
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2018, 09:41:34 AM »
I think a lighter accent is ok. After all, he did live in the city, and travel and watch regular tv, all things a lessening of any regional accent.  As for the original question, I'm with the rest of you and I'm ok with anyone by this point.

Offline bark_no_byte

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Re: Who would you like to see play Gambit in the MCU?
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2018, 10:12:43 AM »
they would probably need to cast someone in their twenties if they want to build a franchise for the X-men over a period of, say, 10 years or more.

I'm definitely with you on that and I feel like that's what Marvel will end up doing

Offline Dantay

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Re: Who would you like to see play Gambit in the MCU?
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2018, 03:30:36 PM »
Hey so i dont want to take up space and start another thread and this is kinda MCU related. Remember way back when there was some controversial remarks made by James Gunn about Gambit right around the time he was announced as GotG director? anyway on my drive home it hit me Peter Quill storyline is basically Gambit from the comics in a round about way. Kidnapped by a thief(Ravager/Smuggler) as a kid from outside a hospital (grated Gambit was a baby and inside the hospital) He is then raised by said Ravager instead of handing him over to the man that hired him, he grows up to be a handsome,  roguish thief, ladies man, finds out his real father is a very Sinister being and despite having the power to destroy the universe and despite his upbringing ultimately is a hero. Peter Quill is Gambit in the MCU

Offline bark_no_byte

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Re: Who would you like to see play Gambit in the MCU?
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2018, 03:47:06 PM »
Hey so i dont want to take up space and start another thread and this is kinda MCU related. Remember way back when there was some controversial remarks made by James Gunn about Gambit right around the time he was announced as GotG director? anyway on my drive home it hit me Peter Quill storyline is basically Gambit from the comics in a round about way. Kidnapped by a thief(Ravager/Smuggler) as a kid from outside a hospital (grated Gambit was a baby and inside the hospital) He is then raised by said Ravager instead of handing him over to the man that hired him, he grows up to be a handsome,  roguish thief, ladies man, finds out his real father is a very Sinister being and despite having the power to destroy the universe and despite his upbringing ultimately is a hero. Peter Quill is Gambit in the MCU

Yeah, I could definitely see the similarities. There's even the will they/won't they relationship with a powerful, brooding woman who is the daughter of a villain

Offline Miss Misery

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Re: Who would you like to see play Gambit in the MCU?
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2018, 04:38:13 PM »
I had completely forgotten what he said til I just looked them up. Yeah, it’s just another instance of someone saying something mean and then turning around and basically using Gambit as a prototype.

As for the accent, I know I listed it but it’s not really that much of a priority. Better no accent than any sort of bad one. And yes, older Remy shouldn’t have much of an accent. Actually, come to think of it, neither should younger Remy really. New Orleans is southern but also cosmopolitan.
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Offline Paneo01

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Re: Who would you like to see play Gambit in the MCU?
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2018, 12:54:56 PM »
If Travis fimmel were younger...he'd be great imo

Offline DikTator34

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Re: Who would you like to see play Gambit in the MCU?
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2018, 04:04:10 PM »

I'm not really sure as to why, exactly- still cant honestly pin my finger on why, but I still like the original idea of casting Keanu Reeves as Remy/ Gambit.  It still wouldnt be too late, in my honest opinion.  I think Gambit should be re-introduced onto the big screen as being a little older in years and mature.  Seeing Keanu Reeves recently in such films like "John Wick", he just appears to have the right physical look and features, build, height and hair etc.  That's just me.

Offline wantutosigh

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Re: Who would you like to see play Gambit in the MCU?
« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2018, 07:46:39 PM »
I'm really glad casting isn't up to fans on the internet in forums. I almost never like the choices people come up with. I'm willing to let the professionals figure it out. They might come up with someone I never in a million years would've thought of. Personally, I'd like to see a lesser known actor come in and make a big splash with a great performance/portrayal of Gambit.

Offline magicrubbish

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Re: Who would you like to see play Gambit in the MCU?
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2018, 05:31:29 PM »
Well, my choice would be Ben Barnes.   :coolsmiley: Not overtly exposed.  Got those high cheek bones , twinkling hot mischievous eyes.  Looks extra hot while smoking.  Tall and lanky.  Good actor .  Decent human being and dedicated professional.  Chiseled features.  Experienced.  Looks infinitely roguishly charming.  Can nail both innocence , and cunning sexiness and lethal deadliness .   :smitten: