Kneejerk reaction!
I really liked the story and characterizations of our leads, hate the exterior art, don't care for the interior art, either.
Shut up, Bobby. Shut up, Kurt. You don't wanna be on Team Gambit? Well, Team Gambit wouldn't WANT you anyway!
Shut up, Jubilee. New Orleans is a fine honeymoon destination.
And shut up, Hank. Stop getting on Rogue for wanting something other than a bulky, headache-inducing collar.
"Our friends are monsters."--Damn right they are.
That scene with Mystique went way too easily for her not to be up to something. But I am glad that Rogue was suspicious about the whole thing, though it's not the reaction I would've expected from her, given all that's happened. Then again, it's her wedding, so she's letting it slide for the moment.
I loved the bit with him and Storm asking her to stand with him.
All I got for now.