Well, I said I'd try to do a neutral review for those still on the fence about getting it, but by the time I got home from work and was able to read the issue, it seems as though everyone else has already gotten it.
Ah well. I'll just leave my own thoughts and rating then. Fair disclaimer that I'm a 'lapsed' Romy fan, I still enjoy reading it but I don't go out actively
looking for it like I used to years ago. I do still think they have and have had enough chemistry to stick together or play off each other for a while to come. I guess the rest will be up to Marvel editorial.
So... I'll just dive right into this issue then. If I was coming at this as a reader who had no interest in them as a couple but still like them as characters, this first book is a definite pull. There are very few new books where the first one can knock it out of the park at the get-go, but this one does it. Granted, it has some help piggy-backing off Gold #30 for those who read that, so there isn't any wasted story time in the beginning half of the book. It's a nice behind-the-scenes look, as it were.
The second half, beginning with the call... well, we the readers knew something would happen otherwise the entire point of the book is moot. It has its ups and downs, and Gambits anger and Rogues look of disappointment was appropriate actually rather well done. There was also a good explanation that fit for the suppression collar as to why they don't use them often, and a sarcastic line from big blue about why no mutants have 'bothered' to improve upon them.
If I have any qualms about this issue it is towards the very end, near the last 4 pages or so. Looking over it the first time is fine, but upon a second and third look through questions arise.
Gambit and Rogue are asked to do something that is 'important' with little to no information to go on. Seriously. Collect the package. It's 'important'. An 'old friend' let me know about it. Bring it home. Others will be after it. Gambit was correct in his incredulity, considering the 'others' ended up being the Imperial Guard.
We get to see a handcuffed Cerise in a couple panels, but she says nothing. The fight starts almost right away as the Guard tries to commandeer their ship without saying please first. Rogue manages to nab the package and through and eyebrow raising series of unfortunate events, somehow pops into a bed and wakes up next to Deadpool.
Find out all the things that weren't explained this time in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!.... or something like that.
But yeah, its obvious that the last few pages of the book had to 'hurry up' and get the hook in for the next issue, because there are a lot of question marks being thrown around all over the place. On one hand that's good because it gets people interested. On the other hand that can be bad, because it has a tendency to build early frustration. Sure, some things could have some easy explanations, but we're still gonna have to wait for the next one to find out the answers.
Now, for the 'scores':
Writing: 4.5/5 - good chat and banter for the first half, second half started getting serious but left a lot out as a lure for book 2
Art: 4/5 - the beginning was good, after the halfway point I thought it had a marked improvement. Backgrounds were very wow. Much amaze. Pretty stare.
Pull-o-meter: Tastes great, almost satisfied but the ending still left me hungry. Yep.
What I learned: Mystique is so obviously bipolar. There is medicine for that.
Favorite part: Laura offering to stab Remy to help him focus.
Least favorite part: Illyana's face doing a Yoda impression on the bottom left panel of page 6. Can't unsee.
PANEL TIMERAnd because it may or may not become a 'thing' for some people, I present.... dun dunnnn... the PANEL TIMER! This will probably also help those on the fence decide if they want to bother or not, by taking a more direct and mathematical approach to seeing if it is worth their time and money.
If Gambit or Rogue have any
part of their body, a
speech bubble, or the
affect of their powers show up in a panel, it counts towards the total.
Their name spoken in someone else's bubble (even if they share a scene) as a reference or to draw attention does
NOT count. Only the characters
presence or
actions count towards the total.
Total issue panels: 102
Rogue: 72 - 71% of the book
Gambit: 49 - 48% of the book
Not taking anything else into account, yeahhhhh that's a teensy bit cringey. Rogue got a whole extra scene with Illyana and Mystique so that sorta skewed it in her favor. Otherwise they were relatively equal. The next issue will likely have Rogue with Deadpool for a bit while Gambit figures out what's going on with the Imperial Guard until they meet up again.
Not to be a Debbie Downer or nothin', but we can see who gets to pal around (even for a brief stint) with the A-lister while the other gets stuck with the extras. I shall cautiously await the next issue.
Regardless of what's to come, though, this one was definitely a blasty blast for most of it. If folks are okay with this sort of review style, I'll continue it.
EDIT: Spoiler tags keep breaking