Author Topic: Mr. & Mrs. X #1 (Spoilers)  (Read 65320 times)

Offline remydat

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Re: Mr. & Mrs. X #1
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2018, 09:31:26 PM »

Lol, I would love to see how Gambit stole that jet.
I think next 2 issues should be enough to see if Gambit will have enough focus.
I think #1 was more Rogue focused only because wedding in Gold was Gambit centric. Will see.

Oh my concern about focus is less about the wedding and more about the fact Rogue and Deadpool ended up together while Gambit ended up with a bunch of characters no one cares about.

So I suspect Gambit will probably spend his time trying to find Rogue which renders his story being largely about her.  While Rogue will likely get some cool interactions with Deadpool.  Then when Gambit finally finds them, I am guessing he will spend some time being a bit jealous.

Of course, that is just pessimistic speculation but I would have preferred Rogue, Gambit, and Deadpool together or frankly Deadpool to not be included at all.  Too early for a guest star like Deadpool to overshadow the stars we haven't even spent proper time with yet and let's be real if Deadpool overshadows anyone, it will be Gambit and not Rogue.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2018, 09:33:54 PM by remydat »
"Let me go first Lorna.  I"m their freaking king!"

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Re: Mr. & Mrs. X #1 (Spoilers)
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2018, 09:49:26 PM »
The other thing a post on CBR made me remember is Mystique essentially tricked Gambit into sleeping with her by posing as twins and Rogue is aware of it as she was on the team.  Just odd for Rogue to just let that slide.
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Offline Miss Misery

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Re: Mr. & Mrs. X #1 (Spoilers)
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2018, 09:58:20 PM »
Kneejerk reaction!

I really liked the story and characterizations of our leads, hate the exterior art, don't care for the interior art, either.

Shut up, Bobby. Shut up, Kurt. You don't wanna be on Team Gambit? Well, Team Gambit wouldn't WANT you anyway!

Shut up, Jubilee. New Orleans is a fine honeymoon destination.

And shut up, Hank. Stop getting on Rogue for wanting something other than a bulky, headache-inducing collar.

"Our friends are monsters."--Damn right they are.

That scene with Mystique went way too easily for her not to be up to something. But I am glad that Rogue was suspicious about the whole thing, though it's not the reaction I would've expected from her, given all that's happened. Then again, it's her wedding, so she's letting it slide for the moment.

I loved the bit with him and Storm asking her to stand with him.



All I got for now.

« Last Edit: July 25, 2018, 10:16:18 PM by Miss Misery »
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Offline wantutosigh

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Re: Mr. & Mrs. X #1 (Spoilers)
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2018, 10:50:29 PM »
I really enjoyed the issue. KT kind of picks up right where she left off.

Negatives; The women's faces all looking similar. I can get over it though. Bobby and Kurt talking smack. Honestly, I'm fine with Bobby being a douche because there is established history with them not getting along. But the stuff from Kurt makes no sense. Don't understand what his problem is. I'm actually fine that Rogue is with Deadpool and Gambit is with the guards. Mostly because I'm not a big Deadpool fan and I think his inclusion in other's stories can sometimes grind things to a hault for "the Deadpool show". Gambit with the guards maybe allows him to shine and show his intelligence and his capability to get things done. I agree that having Deadpool come in in issue 2 when we haven't even spent much time with the leads is annoying.

Loved the line where Gambit says "I am a hopeless romantic at heart, and it's shameful dat none of you realize dis." Seriously, it's like a bunch of the X-Men still don't get him. Good line. I think the R&G mini and now this shows how Gambit and Rogue can be married and still be fun and exciting and not be dull. No other couple comes close to having the fun, charming, and sexy banter that these two have when there is a writer who gets it. The family vibe of the wedding was excellent and I have hope that we will have some bad assery from Gambit in the upcoming issues. I would expect in an ongoing with these two leads that Gambit will have to get some spotlight shown on him. At least for diversity's sake.

Interesting note, I know a few people who are Marvel/X-Men fans and Gambit and Rogue are not really their favorite characters but they plan on picking this issue up just because it's exciting that Gambit and Rogue after all these years are finally married and any characters in Marvel who get officially married is a pretty big deal. One doesn't even buy comics but he wants to pick this up.

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Re: Mr. & Mrs. X #1 (Spoilers)
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2018, 10:59:46 PM »
I think everyone has done a great review. Paradox Jast, great job. If you wish to do so ... keep going.

Sorry the tags keep breaking, might something else, I find I fix more things that I ever thought because of silly tags I didn't see.

I bought the issue, before I hear gasps and all that. I haven't read it yet. I can't get myself to do at this time. I did get a nice variant and was not raked over the coals for it. TBH, I think I'm in the phase of just give me art.

« Last Edit: July 26, 2018, 12:55:47 AM by Nekobaghira »

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Re: Mr. & Mrs. X #1 (Spoilers)
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2018, 11:45:05 PM »
My shop didn't have any variants, curses! I'll probably go to eBay or maybe go back o KT's shop get an 'autographed'. Since I've barely bought any comics in the past few years, I could splurge.

I liked it. I didn't take bobby/Kurt seriously, they're not so serious characters and probably joking around. This issue got away with a lot of naked, lol, I was kinda surprised.

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Re: Mr. & Mrs. X #1 (Spoilers)
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2018, 12:44:02 AM »
Good luck on ebay! Hope you get one you want! One of the variants from my shop was $40 and I passed. I was not that impressed with it but I would think others would love it though. It must be in a attach here somewhere. The one I got was the classic one, in their costumes, ring and wearing their old stuff.

Offline Rakkner

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Re: Mr. & Mrs. X #1 (Spoilers)
« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2018, 12:48:01 AM »
Loved the issue, I thought the art was great except for those female faces, sheesh.

This is almost inexcusable lol
« Last Edit: July 26, 2018, 12:50:06 AM by Rakkner »

Offline cc008

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Re: Mr. & Mrs. X #1 (Spoilers)
« Reply #23 on: July 26, 2018, 06:24:44 AM »
Loved the issue, I thought the art was great except for those female faces, sheesh.

This is almost inexcusable lol

I agree. That's ridiculous lol. Hopefully picking up my copy today. I'm glad to hear it's being received so well.

EDIT - Read it. Liked it. Let the hype get to me. I didn't think it was as amazing as some people are saying. Not a fan of Bobby or Kurt's remarks either and the art left something to be desired.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2018, 02:56:19 PM by cc008 »
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Re: Mr. & Mrs. X #1 (Spoilers)
« Reply #24 on: July 26, 2018, 06:42:34 PM »
Fun issue liked seeing Bishop interact with Gambit last time was during MC and they were on opposite sides, Bobby's comments made no sense while the were never close back in the 90s and he was closer to Rogue which is all he had to say, CC and Liu both established the two having become good friends, Bobby even helping him out when Remy was blind, it just did seem right there are dozens of characters to choose from and she chose two X-Men that are established as liking Remy , Kurt and Remy play ping pong together, but its a minor nitpick and the only thing i wasn't to fond of in an otherwise great first issue. Oh and the Romy stuff hate that too  :P

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Mr. & Mrs. X #1 (Spoilers)
« Reply #25 on: July 26, 2018, 08:03:02 PM »
I think it was less "good friends" and more Gambit not having any problems with Drake. Bobby even in Lui's run seemed to start all their conversations with apprehension. As if he wasn't expecting much of a response worth considering. And then get surprised by the answer.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline remydat

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Re: Mr. & Mrs. X #1 (Spoilers)
« Reply #26 on: July 26, 2018, 08:45:40 PM »
Certainly not best buds but Liu's AXM had Gambit playing big brother of sorts to Bobby which culminated in the Dark Iceman Saga.  Don't know that you can survive an experience like that with how the team fought for him as he tried to freeze the world and not come out of it being closer.

So yeah the Iceman thing really makes no sense.  Whatever beef they had in the past should have been laid to rest in AXM.
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Re: Mr. & Mrs. X #1 (Spoilers)
« Reply #27 on: July 26, 2018, 08:54:58 PM »
KT addresses some of fans' comments regarding M&MX #1 (about halfway through the interview):

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Mr. & Mrs. X #1 (Spoilers)
« Reply #28 on: July 26, 2018, 09:25:26 PM »
Certainly not best buds but Liu's AXM had Gambit playing big brother of sorts to Bobby which culminated in the Dark Iceman Saga.  Don't know that you can survive an experience like that with how the team fought for him as he tried to freeze the world and not come out of it being closer.

So yeah the Iceman thing really makes no sense.  Whatever beef they had in the past should have been laid to rest in AXM.

Bruh.... We're the only ones that reference AXM. It's almost as if it didn't happen. It's like Fight Club.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline belay

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Re: Mr. & Mrs. X #1 (Spoilers)
« Reply #29 on: July 26, 2018, 11:47:07 PM »
KT addresses some of fans' comments regarding M&MX #1 (about halfway through the interview):

Thanks for the link. That was a great interview and now I am super excited to get a glimpse of the 4 page fight scene between Gambit and Deadpool.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2018, 12:00:07 AM by belay »