X-Men > X-Men
Uncanny X-Men spoilers leaked...?
Take with a MASSIVE grain of salt - saw screen shots of the supposed leak over at Reddit. (Trying post the image but I’m on mobile and it’s being a pain)
If true, Gambit ends up on a team of Iceman, Rogue, Cannonball, Emma Frost, Cyclops being lead by Sunspot. They’ll end up on the adjectiveless title launching in January. It’s be ~darker~ (ugh). Written by Hickman.
EDIT: There we go!
Sounds alright, but the last big leak like this was pretty all made up.
Don`t believe this.
A little hard to believe. I wouldn't mind, though. Love to see Gambit in another team book.
Dang, I'm trying not to get my hopes up but that sounds amazing. I know a lot of people are already speculating Cyclops's return bc of that Extermination cover Mark Brooks did as well as Hickman being on Uncanny, so it could definitely just be someone feeding into that.
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