Author Topic: Mr and Mrs X #5  (Read 36170 times)

Offline Nekobaghira

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Mr and Mrs X #5
« on: November 17, 2018, 01:39:43 PM »

Preview from Gambit watch thread, thanks Purp.

Knowing this is released the day before Thanksgiving in the US, it might be crazy for some.

Here it is ..... discuss away!
« Last Edit: November 17, 2018, 04:18:41 PM by Nekobaghira »

Offline andresa

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #5
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2018, 11:31:57 AM »
I liked the issue for the most part, although it's far from being perfect.

I honestly don’t understand the reason to make Rogue’s powers even more complicated. She’s already a pretty powerful character so amplifying her absorption powers so that she can learn how to control them is weak since she’s never really had much control over her abilities to begin with. The way her powers were “broken” is very similar to when Gambit had his powers out of control. Also, Rogue and Xandra’s supposed deaths being just an illusion was lame and predictable. I was hoping for a much better resolution.

On the bright side, it's nice seeing Remy get angry with Rogue for acting on her own and tell her off for that, later he was there for her again. I did love how supportive he was without getting the short end of the stick (like in the previous issue and so many other times). He knew Rogue was going to push him away again but didn't back off.(O
(Of course, what I actually want to see is Gambit growing as a character on his own, outside of Rogue, but it’s their book and I think how mature and supportive he was is character development, even if it's still connected to Rogue, so it’s good enough for now).

I also liked how awkward they felt after coming back to earth and to normal. Everything happened so fast and on impulse and now they have to work things out. And the cats are obviously adorable. I think it was a decent end to the fist arc.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 03:12:32 PM by andresa »

Offline purplevit

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #5
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2018, 11:40:39 AM »
This issue had some good moments and conversation between Rogue and Gambit because KT understands characters and knows how to write them.

But I am dissapointed. Very predictable and weak final.

I am very dissapointed baecause I like both R&G and MMX books but so far KT wrote 2 arcs and both are Rogue centered.Rogue saved the day in R&G. It was a duo book. Rogue and Gambit must save it. It is not a solo book.

Now in MMX final Rogue saves the day again. It is duo book. It shouldn't be like this.

KT is a good writer but it seems for Romy book she has a formula. 1 cool issue for Gambit inside of arc so Rogue can save a day at the end.
It seems the same formula will be written for Mojo arc. Gambit will shine in issue 8 and then Rogue will save the day at the end of arc. KT writes Gambit and Rogue good but her writing formula is not right for duo book.

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #5
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2018, 11:48:00 AM »
I didn't see it as Rogue saving the day. It was more like Xandra did it.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 03:13:05 PM by andresa »

Offline remydat

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #5
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2018, 03:16:46 PM »
So basically Lavish and Rogue solve the Romy issues in the mini which centered on Rogue accepting Gambit. And Rogue and Xandra save everyone after Gambit gets impaled by Deathbird despite looking right at her. And now we know there will be a story related to Rogue's powers.

So far after 10 issues, everything is basically about Rogue. Rogue and her issues with Gambit drove the mini. Rogue and her relationship with Xandra drove this first arc and soon we will get to read more issues of Rogue dealing with her powers.  Gambit is basically comic relief and a side kick as Rogue and guest star of the arc do all the heavy lifting.

I also love how everything Gambit has an issue with Rogue, it is pretty much forgotten.  When he talked about feeling like the only one carrying the burden in the mini, it was never addressed in the mini.  When he talked her making the decision without him here, it immediately gets dumped because Rogue has issues with her powers.  KT basically has no commitment when it comes to anything related to Gambit.  It is like she throws a panel or two in their to give the impression she is being balanced but then it is simply forgotten as the focus shifts back on Glorious Rogue.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 03:21:08 PM by remydat »
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Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #5
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2018, 05:23:22 PM »
I was thinking similar thoughts Remydat. It would appear its the all Rogue show and the writer is doing what every other Marvel writer does when they get their hands on her. They write Rogue and every character around her is background/support and not nearly as important to story telling as Rogue. Rogue gets the story and saves the day.

Gambit using his powers well or being emotional/whatever support for Rogue isn't character growth for him.

Oh well, is what it is.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 05:53:45 PM by Nekobaghira »

Offline anya

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #5
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2018, 05:36:48 PM »
I didn't see it as Rogue saving the day. It was more like Xandra did it.
Yeah, it was Xandra's plan and (mostly) her powers, Rogue had very little to do with it.
Edit:and I guess he avoided deathbird's spear better than we thought, because he's walking around just fine, it must have barely gazed him, lol.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 05:40:57 PM by anya »

Offline remydat

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #5
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2018, 06:47:21 PM »
Yeah, it was Xandra's plan and (mostly) her powers, Rogue had very little to do with it.
Edit:and I guess he avoided deathbird's spear better than we thought, because he's walking around just fine, it must have barely gazed him, lol.

Xandra is just the latest character to be enamored with Rogue.  Rogue and Xandra develop the relationship together.  Gambit is just there as the guy who helped Rogue save Xandra.  All the character beats with Xandra are with her and Rogue.  Sure Xandra is the primary reason they are saved but she required Rogue not Gambit to do it.  And when she goes to say goodbye, she doesn't say goodbye to Gambit and Rogue, she said goodbye to Rogue.

So this first arc was literally Rogue and Xandra developing a bond and saving the day together while Cerise, the Starjammers, Technet, Deathbird, Imperial Guard and Gambit are just wallpaper to their relationship.
"Let me go first Lorna.  I"m their freaking king!"

Offline Dantay

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #5
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2018, 04:16:27 AM »
Gambit kicked ass this whole arc, he was never a damsel and didn't need saving, Xandra was OP and saved the day in the end. If you didnt like the first arc or how Gambit was portrayed or even how "its all about Rogue and Gambits just along for the ride" then now you know this book is not for you. Im enjoying Gambits portrayal in the book, however its very drawn out first arc should have been 4 issues and it kinda ended like a wet fart, i don't see this book lasting more than 10-12 issues and there will be a divorce at some point in the future, the angst is coming and this marriage wont last

Offline remydat

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #5
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2018, 10:59:50 AM »
Actually he did need saving.  He was speared because his super agility disappeared as the plot required and he couldn't dodge a simple spear from someone right in front of him.  One of the lamest showings by Gambit I have ever seen.  Rogue and Xandra state quite clearly that he and the rest of them needed saving as that is why they do their little trick.

Aside from feats, KT has had Gambit for 10 issues and nothing has been developed.  Rogue thus far has worked through her issues with Gambit mainly with Lavish, this whole arc here was really her and Xandra developing a bond and now we know there will be future stories regarding her powers.   

It is all about Rogue while Gambit jumps around looking good against no name scrubs but then getting taken out by the first character of note that challenges him.  It is lame.  Maybe you guys like watching Gambit defeat No Name Shiar Solider No 1 while getting speared by Deathbird but I don't see how that is a good look for Gambit.

I am already expecting Rogue to save the Guilds somehow when they show up and for Gambit to be fridged in order for Rogue to be single again and have a tragic backstory.  This is a Rogue solo with Gambit as support character.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2018, 11:05:37 AM by remydat »
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Offline remydat

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #5
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2018, 11:07:02 AM »
Also you know what would have been really cool, Gambit going berserk and kicking ass when he thought Rogue was dead. That would have been far better than everyone just leaving the whimpering fool there. The dude can make massive explosions and usually holds back because he is a hero but if I just saw my wife die, I would not just lamely sit there crying, I would end the people that did it but this version of Gambit is softer than Charmin.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2018, 11:11:35 AM by remydat »
"Let me go first Lorna.  I"m their freaking king!"

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #5
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2018, 03:34:36 PM »
Due to sensitivity to negativity - I'll try to be short. - Just an opinion.
this version of Gambit is softer than Charmin.

heh heh, and nobody cares that he's getting pooped on. Pun intended. Yes, very few care, all that is cared about is that he is married to Rogue (writer included).
« Last Edit: November 22, 2018, 03:42:20 PM by Nekobaghira »

Offline X-fan73

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #5
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2018, 04:27:09 PM »
Over all I got good vibes from the issue. 8/10 for the issue 7.5 for the story arc.
I don’t think Gambit would have been angry with Rogue. I think he should have been like “ wow I really thought you were dead,JFC.But I don’t think he would be upset with the illusion of it was just a limited time With Rogue’s power going haywire, you have to stop to think how intimidating it would be to have someone able to absorb your essence by just being around them. Sure this is probably a short term power gain. But damn.

The ring scene I found emotional touching, and pretty personal look into Rogue and Gambit’s feeling for each other.

Rogue definitely saved the day by her fake out .They were fighting for the fate of the Shi’ar Empire So this was probably one battle the Imperial Guard was not going to lose.Gambit still had a good showing.
Note:Not sure why some of my text got resized but I am not retyping on my phone, lol.

admin edit - fixing type and size.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2018, 04:40:45 PM by Nekobaghira »

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #5
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2018, 04:33:57 PM »
I dunno either with the text, size and all that stuff. One of these days I need to check settings for phones or something.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2018, 04:51:20 PM by Nekobaghira »

Offline remydat

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #5
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2018, 08:16:42 AM »
Due to sensitivity to negativity - I'll try to be short. - Just an opinion.
heh heh, and nobody cares that he's getting pooped on. Pun intended. Yes, very few care, all that is cared about is that he is married to Rogue (writer included).

Damn it I am upset I didnt think of the pooped on line.  Good one!
"Let me go first Lorna.  I"m their freaking king!"