I guess I was expecting too much from Kelly to give Rogue any real morals or common sense of right and wrong, that she's grown past from being this naive... well, my mistake, I know better now. But according to Thompson, she's a flawed character, Mag is just complex and it's all canon, nothing she can do about it... but isn't it canon that the very first person Rogue ever slept with was Sentry? Is that going to be mention or will Kelly just cherry pick what she likes as canon and doesn't? I can see that the G&R fan base is a little annoyed by this, but don't really care, looks more like desperation.
But it wasn't just that, this was crammed with too many subplots, nearly everyone is a Looney Tunes cartoon character and the artwork is just not good.
I'll just read this series off one of those websites where you can read comics for free, this isn't going to get anymore of my money, I won't even waste space on my computer to save the images.