KT is the writer. She can write any scene that she wanted. The conflict could have been written for Gambit to end it but she wrote it for Rogue to end it. Just like Rogue ends everything of importance in KT's writing. Going all the way back to the mini when the villain was obviously created for Rogue and Rogue alone to work through her issues and she ended it there as well.
Rogue will always be the one to end it because KT will specifically write the story in a way for her to end it. That is the point.
Did you then go around your current GF's back and meet with your ex to apologize?
Did your ex invite you to the engagement party then sneak out and meet you upstairs alone?
If not then your situations are not comparable. I would have no problem with my GF wanting to tell her ex about us. I would be livid if she went behind my back to do it. I would also be livid if I found out she shared details that she should be sharing with me. Finally, I would probably break up with her if she went out of her way to apologize to a dude when she refused to apologize to me for f***ing that same dude like 30 minutes before I pledged my eternal love to her. That is simply not someone you can fully trust. She makes accommodations for another dude that she never made for me. Nah homie don't play that.
yeah... I'm not defending the actions of a fictional character? I'm talking about the quality of the writing. I think it was a good read. Hell, no I wouldn't be ok with my wife doing something behind my back just as much as wouldn't be with me doing the same. You took this somewhere I wasn't going, or care to go. I was comparing her motivations, something I can relate to, I wasn't justifying her actions. If Gambit finds outs, I think he has every right to be pissed. You don't hide things from your spouse. But if he doesnt share his conversation with Rogue, same thing. Might want to go argue the virtues of Ann Marie with those nuts on CBR LOL, I'm not going to do that

. You seem bent on disliking it. That's cool. I liked this issue better than the last one for sure. I think it was good. No Gambit-khabab!
But, I like flawed characters. I love seeing characters make mistakes. From a character standpoint, Gambit didn't really come out any different. Did he invite Bell? I dont remember, but if he did, it was to the party, not how Rogue flew a half mile into the air to meet Magneto, it obvious because she knows he wouldn't be welcome. That meeting was in secret, which in my opinion was a mistake and violation of trust. I personally would love to see the opposites meet, but they write Gambit so self-deprecating, I fear it would annoy me.