Step 1: Start an arc with all the right cues, some witty banter and back and forth.
Step 2: Toss in a fight scene with either a ton of goons or a B lister at best.
Step 3: Dangle a little bit of angst.
Step 4: Marginalize Gambit somehow.
Step 5:

Step 6: Let Rogue pull out the win at the end of the arc while Gambit sits back and claps politely.
siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighI'm really trying to like this guys, I really am. I appreciate the call-backs and the wittiness from time to time, but after each arc is basically becoming the same thing with different dressing, I'm just getting exhausted. There are little gimmicks here and there to keep Gambit fans interested, but it's beginning to feel like that's all they are.
Spiral made a reference to how Rogue's vitals look different than what they remembered... wellllllll according to the last issue of Asmus' run, Gambit's should too.
So Magneto last issue, Longshot next issue...
Does Gambit have any old flames other than Belladonna that can show up?
It's kinda sad that I already started off with low expectations for this series, but I still held out hope that the arcs would be balanced in some way. I've gone from being excited to get the emails about the issues to now feeling ambivalent and wondering what I'll get this time, especially after this latest ending.