Author Topic: Mr and Mrs X #7 Thread  (Read 51727 times)

Offline Dantay

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #7 Thread
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2019, 11:11:39 AM »
I liked the issue. It was mad fun. The Moonlighting reference was great. I'm old enough to remember when it was on the air and in syndication. I used that comparison for what the book could have been like even before the debut. I'm surprised that KTs Mojo was as good as it was. I will say that the issue was wordy, but that's typical of her style from what I can tell.

I'm not sure what the problem is with KT using Rogue's powers as a subplot is. She didn't rebreak the character. Why not play with it? As for Longshot, why not? I've always wanted him and Gambit to interact more. Maybe a one-shot of them out on the town all Wedding Crashers. Mind you, before Gambit got married. I don't get the comparison to Magneto. She and Longshot were never a thing. She had a crush on him. Gambit's kissed half the female X-Men cast, I mean what do you want?

Outside of strange nit picks, the book was good. Enjoyed it a lot.
I never liked Mojo the dude is too goofy for the X-Men he'd be better served as a Deadpool, i skiped most stuff he is involved in and Spiral i dont know what the big deal is about her, i mean wasnt Mojo dead and there was a Mojo 2 even worse than him , didn't Dazzler and Longshot win the rebellion or some crap, and wasn't Spiral a hero and part of Storm's X-Force????? so many questions.
I am begining to think though that maybe KT doesnt have access to some better Villains like in the letters page someone asked about Sinister showing up and was given the usual answer that means NO but he gets to show up in that crap Iceman short
sorry rant over

I like the action in it Gambit trowing the cards without even looking and them hitting the mark is cool AF, Nice callback at the end with Longshot, what with Rogue having a crush on him and all many moons ago, its a very easy read , i liked Gambit in it, but the book still bugs me, it doesnt have long term written all over it and yet again she did the fake out death of a character this time Gambit instead of Rogue

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #7 Thread
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2019, 01:09:15 PM »
I liked the issue. It was mad fun. The Moonlighting reference was great. I'm old enough to remember when it was on the air and in syndication. I used that comparison for what the book could have been like even before the debut. I'm surprised that KTs Mojo was as good as it was. I will say that the issue was wordy, but that's typical of her style from what I can tell.

I'm not sure what the problem is with KT using Rogue's powers as a subplot is. She didn't rebreak the character. Why not play with it? As for Longshot, why not? I've always wanted him and Gambit to interact more. Maybe a one-shot of them out on the town all Wedding Crashers. Mind you, before Gambit got married. I don't get the comparison to Magneto. She and Longshot were never a thing. She had a crush on him. Gambit's kissed half the female X-Men cast, I mean what do you want?

Outside of strange nit picks, the book was good. Enjoyed it a lot.

Usually I think that your reviews are more or less exactly how book should be described.

I think Mags in issue 6 just kinda killed excitement for me for this book. MMX 7 was first issue that I wasn't excited to read. I read it. It was fine. Fun issue with good action. It wasn't deep. My favorite character just got killed and I didn't even care.

At this point I think Gambit will shine in MMX 8 as he shined in MMX 3 and then Rogue will save the day at the end of arc again.

I hope it will be different. MMX is the only book with Gambit. I want to be excited for all new issues. I hope MMX 8 will change the way I see MMX.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2019, 02:43:00 PM by purplevit »

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #7 Thread
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2019, 06:50:59 PM »
Yeah, his death didn't bother me at all because I know how the Mojoverse works. So it wasnt a big deal, and I don't think it's supposed to effect us. And no, the issue wasnt deep at all, but again, it's Mojo. Only going to go so far.

Mojos out of place antics doesn't fit the XMen at all, which I think is the point, right? To be honest, I think Deadpool would enjoy the Mojoverse, which makes him less useful. Yeah, I'm not sure what's going on with Spiral either. I had the same question, but Mojo did say something along the lines of making her inconsequential again, it may have had something to do with that?
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline Mateo3000

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #7 Thread
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2019, 06:23:20 AM »

Usually I think that your reviews are more or less exactly how book should be described.

I think Mags in issue 6 just kinda killed excitement for me for this book. MMX 7 was first issue that I wasn't excited to read. I read it. It was fine. Fun issue with good action. It wasn't deep. My favorite character just got killed and I didn't even care.

At this point I think Gambit will shine in MMX 8 as he shined in MMX 3 and then Rogue will save the day at the end of arc again.

I hope it will be different. MMX is the only book with Gambit. I want to be excited for all new issues. I hope MMX 8 will change the way I see MMX.
I completely agree with all of this. I'm actually not entirely convinced that Rogue even loves Remy, I voiced this exact same opinion in CBR appreciation thread a few weeks ago and got some interesting very insightful responses. How does she express her endearment towards him, by not running from him (but still not trusting him)?? I'm close to the point of just reading this book because it's the only thing that Gambit's in. I really wanted to like Romy in this because I haven't enjoyed reading the relationship in comics in truly a long time (Xtreme Xmen) but this seems like a Rogue solo where Remy is just a secondary character. I'm trying to stick with it because I know once MMX ends there's a big chance that Gambit will once again go years before being featured in another comic.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2019, 06:25:02 AM by Mateo3000 »

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #7 Thread
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2019, 06:38:13 AM »
Yeah, his death didn't bother me at all because I know how the Mojoverse works. So it wasnt a big deal, and I don't think it's supposed to effect us. And no, the issue wasnt deep at all, but again, it's Mojo. Only going to go so far.

Mojos out of place antics doesn't fit the XMen at all, which I think is the point, right? To be honest, I think Deadpool would enjoy the Mojoverse, which makes him less useful. Yeah, I'm not sure what's going on with Spiral either. I had the same question, but Mojo did say something along the lines of making her inconsequential again, it may have had something to do with that?

KT told that Spiral situation will be answered in book.

Mojo was good in it. He wasn't annoying or stupid. The whole issue was fun.

But for me it was just forgettable. I read it. It was ok. Move on. Nothing that I want to reread.

Even fight which was good, really missed smth. At the end it felt too long because it felt the same.

I dunno. Just add some ninja guy that threws a lot of knives that Remy can catch and send them charged back. Or make him charge the ground or use charged knout.

Instead we have panels where Gambit is just jumping. I love that he is agile again. But on his jumping panel like noone even shooting him. I think fight that missed smth was more Oscar's fault.
Skroce would give so many details that Gambit would dodge at least 5 spears on a panel with jump.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2019, 02:14:41 PM by purplevit »

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #7 Thread
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2019, 02:45:13 PM »
Mateo-I didn’t like the mags cameo, either, but everthing she said to him were things she had already told gambit. He knows she doesn’t really like the collar and he knows she’s freaking out about her powers. It was in #5. She clearly wants to talk about it more, but it’s still not anything she didn’t ‘trust’ him with in the first place.

Anyway on this issue, it was a fun set up. Mojo is best in small doses, but it has potentfor amusing meta-ness. The line about the online poll was very funny.

Offline RomeoSvengali

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #7 Thread
« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2019, 08:27:52 PM »
Yeah, it's hard to get excited for this and all because of that piss poor cameo that really just taints everything, Romy fans are trying their best to put a positive spin on that scene, but like I said it just comes across as desperate because they want this marriage to last and to be seen as good. As for this issue, instead of tackling there problems that were barely covered in the mini, this seems like another adventure that will, for the most part, be rather pointless and of course they are once again caught, tied upside down and another fake death (ugh!). It's only issue #7 and Thompson is repeating herself again, I guess she's all out of ideas or she doesn't think she needs to do anything different. I don't see the point in Longshot being here, other than to remind us that Rogue once had a crush on him, but this is a Rogue solo comic and it has to be about her, so there you go.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2019, 08:29:49 PM by RomeoSvengali »
-Romeo Svengali (Monican swordsman)

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #7 Thread
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2019, 02:58:44 PM »
Meh, I think it has more to do with with the state of mind. It was a lite read. At no point in this series am I expecting Mister Miracle or need to reread it like I would have needed with Si Spurrier's X-Men Legacy. Most of time I think fans read too deeply into things as if we're giving the writers too much credit.

I don't see how youd need to be a "Romy fan" to enjoy this for what it was or what anyone was expecting out of this issue. We've known for months that this issue was going to have Mojo in it, so being disappointed by it or the inclusion of Spiral and Longshot really has me puzzled. Calling this a "Rogue solo"... Well yeah I agree she's getting more attention but uhh... She's got more going on with her due to constantly being used over the years.

Gambit has popped in and out of limbo since X-Factor and even in that book he was quickly pushed into the background. Sadly, the only thing Gambit has going for him is his status with the Guild and his recent marriage. It is what it is. Rogue's powers are messed up. Been that way since the end of Uncanny Avengers vol 1. Why not let the writer go through the paces of addressing the issue without a quick fix?
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #7 Thread
« Reply #23 on: January 07, 2019, 03:21:41 PM »
Oh and again about Magneto... I don't think anyone raged against Magneto more than me and even I don't see the real problem with his use in the last issue. What was it? That he was used so 'early' (I don't see this or any book getting past 15, so early is a relative term) or that he was used at all? Because if it's about the latter then, again, I'm not sure what anyone expected with a book about relationships. I positively hate that the Rogue/ Magneto thing happened, but it did. Like the clown pants or Gambit getting punched out by Cap. What's the point of letting the reality of that upset you upon its mention?

If Gambit/Polaris happened and it broke down, I'd expect for her to be used. But we got Bella because, again sadly, all of Gambits "acquaintances" are original background art characters or dead. This is the X-Men at the of the day. I think the last decade or so made forget how much of a soap opera this can be for long stretches.

I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. I don't have this engrained disdain for Rogue and the last issue didn't irk me so I wasn't tainted going into this issue. I got a kick out several parts within the book, mostly the references such as the Moonlighting theme (I don't recall Bruce and the chick being theives but I was definitely will they/won't they) and Mojo citing the poll from last year. We're all entitled to like what do and dislike things in the same way.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline Mateo3000

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #7 Thread
« Reply #24 on: January 07, 2019, 06:44:01 PM »
Meh, I think it has more to do with with the state of mind. It was a lite read. At no point in this series am I expecting Mister Miracle or need to reread it like I would have needed with Si Spurrier's X-Men Legacy. Most of time I think fans read too deeply into things as if we're giving the writers too much credit.

I don't see how youd need to be a "Romy fan" to enjoy this for what it was or what anyone was expecting out of this issue. We've known for months that this issue was going to have Mojo in it, so being disappointed by it or the inclusion of Spiral and Longshot really has me puzzled. Calling this a "Rogue solo"... Well yeah I agree she's getting more attention but uhh... She's got more going on with her due to constantly being used over the years.

Gambit has popped in and out of limbo since X-Factor and even in that book he was quickly pushed into the background. Sadly, the only thing Gambit has going for him is his status with the Guild and his recent marriage. It is what it is. Rogue's powers are messed up. Been that way since the end of Uncanny Avengers vol 1. Why not let the writer go through the paces of addressing the issue without a quick fix?
Just because Gambit hasn't really had any development in years outside of the thieves guild or his relationship with Rogue doesn't mean that fans that lean towards Gambit should just shut up when the book (MMX) that was billed as the married adventures between Rogue AND Gambit is basically a Rogue solo with Gambit as a secondary character. I don't know if you remember or read comics back in the late 90s and early 2000s but there was a time when Rogue was lacking in development and Gambit was actually getting major development outside of his relationship. Then a couple writers came along that were very interested in exploring Rogue's character and over the past couple of years she's been featured much more and developed more outside of Romy. Basically my point is just because Gambit has not been developed much outside of the Guild or his marriage doesn't mean he shouldn't be developed in new ways.

You actually listed a fantastic example in Mister Miracle in what my dream for Gambit would be, something I actually pointed out today in the morning over at CBR. Mister Miracle is a character like Gambit in that before this past year he had barely been featured in comics nor had he had any significant memorable development in a while. In comes a creative bold writer, Tom King, who wanted to take the character in new directions and now his Maxi series has become the gold standard for the character. I would love for something like that to happen to Remy.

I would actually be fine with him continuing to get featured in X-men team books once Age of Xman is over, and if he got more character beats/development in MMX outside of very subtle emotional development where he basically reminds Rogue of her vows when she tries to push him away again (MMX #5). I don't hate Rogue nor do I hate Romy (I actually enjoyed reading it back before 2011) but these are glaring issues that are getting harder to ignore. Look I understand that Rogue doesn't have her powers under control and that her controlling her powers is at this moment the whole point of the ongoing. The problem with that is that we have no indication that MMX will actually last past 12 issues, all we have is that KT said on her tumblr (I finally checked it out) the thieves guild arc will be issues 11 & 12. So basically 10 issues will be much more Rogue focused and we might get (if any) some development on Gambit in the last 2 issues.

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #7 Thread
« Reply #25 on: January 07, 2019, 07:05:05 PM »
Oh and again about Magneto... I don't think anyone raged against Magneto more than me and even I don't see the real problem with his use in the last issue. What was it? That he was used so 'early' (I don't see this or any book getting past 15, so early is a relative term) or that he was used at all? Because if it's about the latter then, again, I'm not sure what anyone expected with a book about relationships. I positively hate that the Rogue/ Magneto thing happened, but it did. Like the clown pants or Gambit getting punched out by Cap. What's the point of letting the reality of that upset you upon its mention?

If Gambit/Polaris happened and it broke down, I'd expect for her to be used. But we got Bella because, again sadly, all of Gambits "acquaintances" are original background art characters or dead. This is the X-Men at the of the day. I think the last decade or so made forget how much of a soap opera this can be for long stretches.

I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. I don't have this engrained disdain for Rogue and the last issue didn't irk me so I wasn't tainted going into this issue. I got a kick out several parts within the book, mostly the references such as the Moonlighting theme (I don't recall Bruce and the chick being theives but I was definitely will they/won't they) and Mojo citing the poll from last year. We're all entitled to like what do and dislike things in the same way.
For someone who raged against Magneto, you really don't realize why some people may have been unhappy?? Ok, so I'll explain why I was I was unhappy and maybe others hold the same opinions as me. I'll begin by saying that no it was not because he was featured too early or because he was featured at all (this might be more accurate for hardcore Romy fans). I'll also say that no I don't hold disdain for Rogue, I'm not a big fan of her but she's had some good stories outside of Romy.

I'll start by saying that Gambit has been all in on Rogue since 2011 when he gave his safe harbor speech in X-men Legacy #248, he has never been as supportive towards Rogue as he has in MMX. Yet, Rogue apparently feels more comfortable and trusts Magneto more when it comes to discussing her relationship with Gambit. If she had discussed this with one of her close friends like Nightcrawler, Iceman, or some avenger than this would have made much more sense considering she has barely been in contact with Magneto since they broke up. And apparently she originally called Magneto, obviously without Remy's knowledge, to apologize to him for not telling him about the wedding. I understand that sometimes brides/grooms to be may feel the need to let exes that played a major role in their adult lives that they're getting married. But in this case this particular exe (Erik) orchestrated everything in Antarctica, that Rogue herself admitted was the root of all the trust issues between Romy, and you know this exe's actions nearly led Rogue to kill her current husband. I would've thought that Rogue, out of respect for Remy, would've been more reluctant to call Magneto to tell him she was sorry for not telling him  about a wedding that was spur of the moment and not confide to him about Remy. Look I don't want her to freak out about towards Erik but I was unhappy with the way their interaction was forced into MMX #6.

And this isn't even going into all the issues I had with Rogneto when it comes to how it reflected on Rogue and Gambit's relationship. You know the whole her going to Mag's room the same day as Remy's harbor speech and then reciting the parts about love from his speech to let everyone know why she's about to sleep with him. And the whole her not caring about Magneto's past (Antarctica and other crimes like mass murder) when she herself had given Remy a hard time all through the comics about his past. This is something that Thompson knows but just expects us to forget about, she literally admitted this on the podcast Xplain the Xmen back from March 2018. I can link you post that here if you want, I posted it on CBR a while ago. Hopefully this helps you see why some of us have issues with this part of MMX #6, we're not just haters as some Romy fans like to label us.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 08:56:15 PM by Mateo3000 »

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #7 Thread
« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2019, 07:23:53 PM »
Rogue's powers, almost since she has existed, have either been 'out of control' or 'uncontrolled' to various degrees. This isn't development for her so much as it is retreading familiar ground in slightly new ways. Gaining full control of her powers in Legacy, even if it was with a crutch and short-lived, was actual development for someone like her.

You know what would be an interesting thing that would actually make sense in a duo book? If Rogue's powers directly caused Gambit's to flare up again, considering his 'fix' at the end of his last solo. That would make for a good story. Well, for me, anyway.

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #7 Thread
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2019, 11:31:45 PM »
Just because Gambit hasn't really had any development in years outside of the thieves guild or his relationship with Rogue doesn't mean that fans that lean towards Gambit should just shut up when the book (MMX) that was billed as the married adventures between Rogue AND Gambit is basically a Rogue solo with Gambit as a secondary character. I don't know if you remember or read comics back in the late 90s and early 2000s but there was a time when Rogue was lacking in development and Gambit was actually getting major development outside of his relationship. Then a couple writers came along that were very interested in exploring Rogue's character and over the past couple of years she's been featured much more and developed more outside of Romy. Basically my point is just because Gambit has not been developed much outside of the Guild or his marriage doesn't mean he shouldn't be developed in new ways.

You actually listed a fantastic example in Mister Miracle in what my dream for Gambit would be, something I actually pointed out today in the morning over at CBR. Mister Miracle is a character like Gambit in that before this past year he had barely been featured in comics nor had he had any significant memorable development in a while. In comes a creative bold writer, Tom King, who wanted to take the character in new directions and now his Maxi series has become the gold standard for the character. I would love for something like that to happen to Remy.

I would actually be fine with him continuing to get featured in X-men team books once Age of Xman is over, and if he got more character beats/development in MMX outside of very subtle emotional development where he basically reminds Rogue of her vows when she tries to push him away again (MMX #5). I don't hate Rogue nor do I hate Romy (I actually enjoyed reading it back before 2011) but these are glaring issues that are getting harder to ignore. Look I understand that Rogue doesn't have her powers under control and that her controlling her powers is at this moment the whole point of the ongoing. The problem with that is that we have no indication that MMX will actually last past 12 issues, all we have is that KT said on her tumblr (I finally checked it out) the thieves guild arc will be issues 11 & 12. So basically 10 issues will be much more Rogue focused and we might get (if any) some development on Gambit in the last 2 issues.

Hmmm...I never insinuated anyone should shut up... I can't help but notice a lot of the criticism of the issue(s) comes frim how people feel about a characters actions in it or before it. I never once defended Rogue's actions. I said explicitly that I thought she was dead wrong. But a character doing something wrong doesnt make the scene(s) unenjoyable. I'm talking about this issue not defending Rogue lol. I was the one begging PAD to make Polaris Gambits love interest and Sage before that. So, you anyone bringing up the "Romy" angle isnt really a talking point for me.

I liked issue #6 because of the interactions and the script. I thought the art style was brave and fitting, though not my taste. I didn't dislike it because Magneto was in it. I don't hate Magneto and despite Rogues poor decision to meet with him (that was a mistake), it didn't ruin the issue for me or the next. From I can tell just because WE hate what Carey did (I disliked the Magneto thing more than anyone), Rogue still sees Magneto as a friend. And she spoke to him, as a friend, as undeserving as he is.

I didn't dislike #7 because of Mojo or because Rogue was in it. LOL c'mon, it's a duo book. Theres a 50/50 chance from jump that the story/panel/book will be about her. I didn't dislike it because Longshot was in it while the book takes place in Mojoworld. Last I checked Longshot had more connections here than just Rogue. He is a long time X-Man. I liked the Moonlighting theme and the 4th wall breaking. I do wish that the Guild Arc came before this, but i think this was a set up to tie up some plot before heading into that.

Now nowhere here did I insult anyone or say anyone was wrong for liking or disliking. I questioned some preferences and a couple finger points but it was largely my take on the book, not my opinion of what Rogue did, though I did give that. I'm a Gambit fan, through and through. My avatar is Gambit. I'm a contributor and mod on a Gambit board. My first article was about my favorite character, Gambit. Anyone that insinuates my intentions or suggests I'm less of a fan because  I'm not stabbing this series is... Tiring. Perhaps I'll join everyone with kicking the horse carcass.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #7 Thread
« Reply #28 on: January 07, 2019, 11:40:59 PM »
Rogue's powers, almost since she has existed, have either been 'out of control' or 'uncontrolled' to various degrees. This isn't development for her so much as it is retreading familiar ground in slightly new ways. Gaining full control of her powers in Legacy, even if it was with a crutch and short-lived, was actual development for someone like her.

You know what would be an interesting thing that would actually make sense in a duo book? If Rogue's powers directly caused Gambit's to flare up again, considering his 'fix' at the end of his last solo. That would make for a good story. Well, for me, anyway.

Yeah I've been hoping to have that addresses for ages. Itd be my preference. I really liked Remydat idea of that happening at the end of the last arc. Gambit just going into a rage or perhaps stopping just short when he found out it was a trick. I would have liked for him to be upset that way than what happened, then have Rogue be a bit taken a back by him not sharing his troubles with her. I believe spasticat wrote a pretty good fanfic where she brought that up.

These two went from dating to married with no lead into a wedding. Could have been a good lesson in what it's like to share your life with someone, really. At this point I think this is more like an advanced version of they had before. But again, you can only be disappointed if you're expecting something more.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 11:49:11 PM by DonPriceTag »
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

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Re: Mr and Mrs X #7 Thread
« Reply #29 on: January 08, 2019, 11:45:34 AM »

Hmmm...I never insinuated anyone should shut up... I can't help but notice a lot of the criticism of the issue(s) comes frim how people feel about a characters actions in it or before it. I never once defended Rogue's actions. I said explicitly that I thought she was dead wrong. But a character doing something wrong doesnt make the scene(s) unenjoyable. I'm talking about this issue not defending Rogue lol. I was the one begging PAD to make Polaris Gambits love interest and Sage before that. So, you anyone bringing up the "Romy" angle isnt really a talking point for me.

I liked issue #6 because of the interactions and the script. I thought the art style was brave and fitting, though not my taste. I didn't dislike it because Magneto was in it. I don't hate Magneto and despite Rogues poor decision to meet with him (that was a mistake), it didn't ruin the issue for me or the next. From I can tell just because WE hate what Carey did (I disliked the Magneto thing more than anyone), Rogue still sees Magneto as a friend. And she spoke to him, as a friend, as undeserving as he is.

I didn't dislike #7 because of Mojo or because Rogue was in it. LOL c'mon, it's a duo book. Theres a 50/50 chance from jump that the story/panel/book will be about her. I didn't dislike it because Longshot was in it while the book takes place in Mojoworld. Last I checked Longshot had more connections here than just Rogue. He is a long time X-Man. I liked the Moonlighting theme and the 4th wall breaking. I do wish that the Guild Arc came before this, but i think this was a set up to tie up some plot before heading into that.

Now nowhere here did I insult anyone or say anyone was wrong for liking or disliking. I questioned some preferences and a couple finger points but it was largely my take on the book, not my opinion of what Rogue did, though I did give that. I'm a Gambit fan, through and through. My avatar is Gambit. I'm a contributor and mod on a Gambit board. My first article was about my favorite character, Gambit. Anyone that insinuates my intentions or suggests I'm less of a fan because  I'm not stabbing this series is... Tiring. Perhaps I'll join everyone with kicking the horse carcass.

I know you weren't accusing anyone of being wrong for their opinions and I know you weren't insulting anyone so I'm sorry if my post came off as too confrontational. Nor was I or anyone else suggesting you were less of a Gambit fan. I know you're a huge fan and it's great to have people like you in this board contributing to my favorite fandom in comics, the Gambit fandom. It's great to interact with other Gambit fans and it's amazing when I can interact with others who still hold passion for the Gambit fandom considering it hasn't been in it's peak in years. My dream would've been to have a forum like this and to take part in it during the 90s when Gambit was at his peak in terms of popularity and appearances in comics.

I think I may have misinterpreted your posts as being like those from some (not all) hardcore Romy fans who can't fathom that we're not head over heels for MMX and basically call anyone a hater for having any sort of criticism for the book. I have encountered this on the CBR forums, where most of the Romy fans are great and very nice, but a few become pretty volatile when you don't gush over MMX.

In your posts what really stood out was when you said "Calling this a 'Rogue Solo'...Well Yea i agree she's getting more attention but uhh...She's got more going on with her due to constantly being used over the years." I inferred this as you suggesting that MMX should be focused more on Rogue just because she's been featured more in recent years, hence why I responded the way I did. You also posted "I don't see the real problem with his use in the last issue. What was it? That he was used so 'early' (I don't see this or any book getting past 15, so early is a relative term) or that he was used at all?". Here I really did think you were wondering why some of us may be upset that Magneto was featured the way he was featured in MMX #6 so I gave you my reasons for being disappointed with with how Thompson wrote in his appearance. I would've been fine with him appearing in other ways and I'm not one of those fans that wants Rogue to tell him off or for Rogneto to just be retconned. 

As for this being a duo book, so far I'm not sure if I can label it as that. If this ends at 12 issues then at least 10 of the issues will have been heavily focused on one character (Rogue) and that one character will have gotten most of the development and big character moments. The other character (Gambit) is literally just a support character at this point.

When it comes to MMX #7 I actually thought it was a decent issue. My only complaints for it were that it felt too much like an introductory issue where not much actually happened on page, I felt it was paced a tad bit slow. I wasn't one of those raging over Longshot appearing, I think that could bring some excitement into this series but hopefully his presence won't be as overwhelming as Deadpool felt at times.

When it comes to Gambit I would actually love to see him get some development outside of just the Thieves Guild or just his marriage. I would love to see him interact with other X-men/super heroes and I would love to see him take on other villains either with Rogue or with the X-men. I think there's a lot of potential for him outside of the Guild or his marriage, especially if the 90s and some of the 2000s are anything to go by. I would love to see him go up against Mister Sinister again, their dynamic was great. I would enjoy an arc with Remy and Rogue with Sinister as the villain more than anything on the horizon for that book.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 11:48:15 AM by Mateo3000 »