I suppose.
It's not unwarranted – KT's Gambit is not good characterization, in fact he's horrible. IMO. My goodness could he be any less of his character. Oh wait, we got a few more issues to go to see how low he'll go. This Gambit is awful. I don't have romy goggles to make this s*** good. It's not. He's not the character that was created at all. What he is - is married. I like marriage but this romance has sucked from the get-go. It was for drama and nobody wanted that.
Gambit hasnt been the Gambit that was created in a looooong time, no characters are they evolve with time and the different writers, people will point to UXM 350 as to the end of the Gambit we know and love but imo his characterization began to change well before that, Soon as Joesph showed up with Rogue he became petty and jealous and only ever seemed to side with Joesph to impress Rogue, even after he returned to the X-Men he still held onto his Jealousy towards Joe as seen in the Magneto War (UXM366) actually he was a dick in that issue even taking a dig at how Kurt lead Excalibur.
His role after he returned was nowhere near as prominent as before, but we did have his solo, however they mysterious character traits were gone , outside of the solo his biggest character moments were his return (UXM361), saving Marrow on the Skrull home world (UXM 370), giving the battle cry to the X-Men towards the end of their fight with Apocalypse (UXM377) then taking charge of a team of X-Men (UXM381) for that duration,
then we get X-Treme Gambit well written competent plays second fiddle to Rogue (which no one seems to complain about) he is not the same Gambit who was created but is close and that was the last good Gambit we got until X-Men200 , Austin, Milligan, Carey really ruined the character but to be fair with the first two they really didn't write any character in character they all sucked, Carey did to Gambit exactly what Claremont did during X-Treme but with less talent and more in your face about it and lack of Gambit kicking arse. Gage who i was willing to give the benefit of the doubt to went down like a wet fart.
Next up Liu a very Romanticized Version of Gambit but very capable it was X23's book i was surprised how much panel time Remy got and even in Daken's book he held his own , people complained about him losing to Daken but forget he whooped that boys ass until he was distracted, then in Astonishing he was the sudo leader and one stand out moment was when he sensed Iceman who was off panel when no one else did again this Gambit imo was fun and well written but far removed from the Gambit who was created. First time in a long time he wasnt a plot devise for Rogue.
Asmus i really don't get the negativity towards this run , it was awesome , a few A list villians would have been nice true but i dont think that was a choice for Asmus , his Gambit was the best version since the last solo, no where near the Gambit who was created but so much fun, his rogue and Gambit interaction was great and how i wish they were written, although my one nit pick is that Rogue asked Gambit to join the Avengers then bashed him in the assessment WTF
PAD just gave up simple as that, he had a long story planned, people weren't into it , forced crossover event, then cancellation loomed he rushed an ending and that was that, the whole book may as well have not happened , weather good or bad it really doesnt matter it has had no effect on any of the characters involved
since then we have had wallpaper Gambit in Astonishing, a low esteemed woe is me i have no friends Gambit in Gold 4 - 6 , avenging Gambit in Red 5/6 also squad leader Gambit in Red, also there is the minis and one shots too which have been good, the best being imo Storm & Gambit one shot,
all these traits are the Gambit we have , the Gambit who was created has long since gone , KT story is not good , the focus on Rogue is annoying but her Gambit is not the worse, hes no more developed than any previous incarnation but he also not faring too bad, he is better than the worse versions that we got
in terms of 616 Gambit i rank them
1. OG Gambit (1990 - 1995 minis included)[ unless we get a Gambit comic book fan from the early 90's writing an X book this version will never be seen]
2. Fabiens Gambit (1st solo) [also i know this was the same time frame as he returned and lead the X-Men but they are seperatly ranked]
3. Asmus Gambit (3rd solo)/ Storm&Gambit one shot/ Mackies Gambit
4.Claremonts Gambit Leader- Xtreme5. Liu's Gambit6. PAD Gambit/ Gambit in Red (does frig all but what he does do is awesome)
7. 96 + return Gambit up untill he becomes leader of the X-Men/ Layman's Gambit (second solo)
8. KT / Deadpool Vs Gambit9. Carey/Gage Gambit10. Austin Milligan Gambit