Neko made a great point. This forum is a place for all Gambit fans (and even non-fans too) to voice their opinions on comics. Whether you hate something unconditionally or love something unconditionally doesn't matter. The only thing that I think is important is that everyone is respectful and mindful of other's opinions. If you hate it feel free to post it and if you love it post about it too, but I think it's important that we are tolerant of other's opinions and nobody should be harassed. The guild is a great place to post your opinions on Gambit comics where you don't have to censor yourself and don't have to worry about draconian mods who will delete your posts/block you at the first sign of something they don't like (I'm looking at you CBR).
Now onto my thoughts on Issue 8 of Mr & Mrs. X:
I liked it and I think it was probably the best issue so far in the series in my opinion. The action bits with Gambit and Longshot, and with Spiral, were great. It's great to see Remy be both effective and ingenious in a battle. Both brawn and smarts were present in Remy. The dialogue read very well to me too and was believable, both from Rogue and Gambit. I liked the art, it wasn't great but I think it's solid enough, and the coloring is A-level. As a Gambit this is the most fun I've had reading Gambit in this entire series. I'm interested to see what exactly he's going to be stealing in the Mojoworld and I love the Blade Runner aesthetics of it all. The main gripe I have, and pretty much the main gripe I've had this whole series, is that I wish Remy's love for Rogue wasn't the only thing that defined his character. Thompson seems to be driving the point across, according to the last page, that Remy's love for Rogue is seemingly the only point of development he's had worth noting. While this love is important, I think that there's more to Remy than just his love for Rogue and this isn't the only thing that has driven his development. This is true for Rogue as well, however maybe Thompson disagrees with me and that's why she really hasn't given Remy any actual character development outside of being supportive towards Rogue (which he's been since at least Legacy in 2011). Overall though Issue 8 was solid and I think the pay off is gonna make or break this series.This issue really was the most fun to read as a Gambit fan, and the best he's looked while being written by Kelly Thompson. Both his dialogue and fight scenes were a blast. Hopefully the future issues hold up and hopefully he gets more development as well.
As to where Thompson is going with MMX, LegoLiz from CBR suggested that there must be some sort of pay-off that she is aiming towards. And that to me will basically make or break the series, especially for fans who lean more towards Gambit or Rogue. It's exhausting reading the same formula for the last 10+ years now of Rogue being unsure about Remy and Remy trying to find ways to prove himself. I thought maybe Thompson was moving past this in the mini, albeit in a very convenient way that ignored some of the biggest issues many fans had with the relationship, but then MMX has felt like retread for me with Rogue taking steps back. I understand Rogue lost control of her powers but she handled it the same way she would have before she got back together with Remy (and married him) as if the development she got from the mini just went out the window. Hopefully Thompson is working towards some sort of pay-off as LegoLiz mentioned. Whether it's Rogue finally being sure of Remy's love and learning to be just as supportive. Or with Rogue finally figuring it out that maybe she just doesn't love him and that she shouldn't keep leading Remy on by making him think that their love is mutual. Either would reflect growth in my book and I would be fine with either.
I also want to mention that whatever the pay-off is from this arc for Rogue, that Gambit hopefully develops from this as well. Like if Rogue finally admits that Remy's love is enough and that she needs to be just as supportive, then Remy will finally see that he can be more confident in himself (like he used to be) and no longer has insecurities about self-worth. Like he'll fully realize that he's enough and doesn't have to take s*** from anyone who doubts his trustworthiness. Or if Rogue comes out and finally admits that she doesn't actually love Remy, then Remy can fully realize that their love wasn't meant to be and that he should move on from Rogue onto different & better things.
But at the end of the day issue 8 was the most solid issue so far and probably the best Gambit has been portrayed by Thompson so far.