Neko made a great point. This forum is a place for all Gambit fans (and even non-fans too) to voice their opinions on comics. Whether you hate something unconditionally or love something unconditionally doesn't matter. The only thing that I think is important is that everyone is respectful and mindful of other's opinions. If you hate it feel free to post it and if you love it post about it too, but I think it's important that we are tolerant of other's opinions and nobody should be harassed. The guild is a great place to post your opinions on Gambit comics where you don't have to censor yourself and don't have to worry about draconian mods who will delete your posts/block you at the first sign of something they don't like (I'm looking at you CBR).
Thanks, said it better than I did but that is the point. Play nice is all.
Yes, I get it. Debbie Downers can be “tiring”. And its harder to take when you absolutely love whatever it is but …. keep in mind. This book isn't unique in that aspect. Many books and writers and artist have to deal with many views of their work. It is how people are when it comes to entertainment media. Folks, this place has been far harder on a whole bunch of books in the past than this one. Honestly, I've been at this forum a long time and what is said about this book is “nothing” in comparison with other things stated about other books.
Going back to my All New X-Factor analogy. Posters blasted that book monthly. Monthly. In the end its just opinion. Some even understood what was “wrong” in the book. Did it take away from the enjoyment, only if you let it. Don't let it. Only you can do that, that is a choice. Words only have power and meaning, if you give them power and meaning.
Asmus solo, I told you guys the nightmare of judgment without reading a word months in advance no less. At least we're not doing that, we're waiting, reading and discussing. Which is how it should be …. posting new content in regards to the book and waiting for release day to see what we're getting. I think that is better than in the past.
Play nice gang … love and dislike whatever … all good. We're too varied to be in agreement on everything. Life doesn't work that way. Life is too short to let something like a comic book opinion rule your day.
Because I feel I would have stalled the thread:
oh hey its valentines day
why do Rogue's ex's get her s*** on and not Bella showing up? i'm a Bemy Bemy is better im a Bemy supporter because no matter what she has stood by him, behind him, stabbed and tried to kill him but she has never stopped loving him God put them together now. Sorry my point is Gambits ex wife shows up and no one bats and eyelid its kinda biased
OMG – those are some funny ship names. … or Remdonna? I'm amused.
for the last part of your comment yeah cant argue with that it sucked so much oldman balls, f***ing Carey living through a fictional character, both Rogue and gambit work best when they are not together and not pining for one another or rather Gambit pining for Rogue
BTW – weren’t we harsh on Xmen Legacy? LOL Yes, yes, we were. (We as in the collective in general, no one specific or anything. Just a lot of comments regarding that material is all.)
I think that maybe as you and others pointed out as a flaw with the book, that Rogue show something toward Gambit. The "ILY" thing is what I'm referencing. I think its a valid observation. Probably should be fixed in theory. To show that its not one-sided. I would guess the material is already written or worked on and may not be able to be addressed.
I also think Gambit and Rogue work best when not together. It has nothing to do with the relationship, it really does come down to that the ability to write them in such a way that its not deemed slighted toward one of the characters is tough. Not easily done apparently.*shrug*