Author Topic: MMX 8  (Read 45791 times)

Offline Dantay

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Re: MMX 8
« Reply #75 on: February 14, 2019, 04:58:58 PM »
It is mojo world most likely because the writer wanted Longshot to appear so she created a narrative that allows that.  All of what you said are just rationalizations for the writer to bring Rogue's ex's in the book.

There is no logical reason in a book about Romy to give a s*** about Rogueneto fans.  KT only cares about them because she is also a Rogueneto fan so she is just living out her fanfic fantasies.
Ah but the reason they are in Mojo world is because Spiral wants Remy to do a job, and if KT was such a rogueneto fan then why did she have her marry Remy? why did she "fix" the relationship in the mini, Mags showing up the way he did and the dialog was badly done ill agree to that buuuuuut say mags and Rogue got married instead would you not like a similar scene between Rogue and Gambit where they are ex's who leave things amicable, also the reason in a Romy book you care about the Rogueneto fans is the Rogue part you want to keep those fans , keep the sales ya know........only reason Deadpool showed up, only reason for Longshot to show up too for fans of Mojo world to tune in, i mean i hate Mojo world and know f*** all about it but if you mention Mojo world i think Mojo, Spiral and Longshot

Offline remydat

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Re: MMX 8
« Reply #76 on: February 14, 2019, 05:05:53 PM »

Nah, you are wrong. I always write what I like in book and why I like it and then what I hate in it and why I hate it.

And you are just moaning. Every time.

You will write some wrong s***. I will show you with facts that you are wrong. You will tell that you don't care and can write whatever you want.

It repits every time.

It is sad because you can do better.

No you are getting emotional.  I said it was the best issue of the series and Gambit had his moments.  I then went on and said what I didn't like which is the fact this is the same story we have seen over and over again.  So not sure what your beef is.  These are subjective opinions.  You are free to have your subjective opinion and I am free to have mine. 

Probably the best issue of the series so far and Gambit has his moments. As a Gambit fan this narrative is just really boring. Rogue with power issues. Gambit fully devoted. Rogue being wishy washy about it. Rogue being the girl everyone wants (this is now 3 of her ex's or crushes in this series). This story has been told 100 times already. KT tells it well but I am just left not really caring about any of this.It would really be nice to read a Romy story where both of them are actually emotionally invested in Romy instead of this constant theme of Gambit having to chase Rogue while fending off other challengers. Might as well have Human Torch and Sentry show up in the next arc. Or s***, is Joseph still alive?
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Offline remydat

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Re: MMX 8
« Reply #77 on: February 14, 2019, 05:11:15 PM »
Ah but the reason they are in Mojo world is because Spiral wants Remy to do a job, and if KT was such a rogueneto fan then why did she have her marry Remy? why did she "fix" the relationship in the mini, Mags showing up the way he did and the dialog was badly done ill agree to that buuuuuut say mags and Rogue got married instead would you not like a similar scene between Rogue and Gambit where they are ex's who leave things amicable, also the reason in a Romy book you care about the Rogueneto fans is the Rogue part you want to keep those fans , keep the sales ya know........only reason Deadpool showed up, only reason for Longshot to show up too for fans of Mojo world to tune in, i mean i hate Mojo world and know f*** all about it but if you mention Mojo world i think Mojo, Spiral and Longshot

Spiral isn't a real person.  They are in Mojo world because KT wanted them there and she just wrote a narrative to put them there.

KT has said that she likes many of Rogue's ships.  She just likes Romy best.  So she had Rogue marry Gambit and not Mags because she likes Romy best.  As she also may like Roguepool, Rogueneto and apparently Rogueshot, she found reasons to include them in the book.

And no if Rogue married Mags instead, I would not give a s*** about Gambit appearing because I wouldn't care about the excuses.  I would just be happy that Gambit was away from that mess.  Hence why I argued that if Carey wanted to make Rogueneto happen he should have let Gambit go and let other writers use him rather than keeping him there.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 05:15:28 PM by remydat »
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Offline Dantay

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Re: MMX 8
« Reply #78 on: February 14, 2019, 05:44:05 PM »
Spiral isn't a real person.  They are in Mojo world because KT wanted them there and she just wrote a narrative to put them there.

KT has said that she likes many of Rogue's ships.  She just likes Romy best.  So she had Rogue marry Gambit and not Mags because she likes Romy best.  As she also may like Roguepool, Rogueneto and apparently Rogueshot, she found reasons to include them in the book.

And no if Rogue married Mags instead, I would not give a s*** about Gambit appearing because I wouldn't care about the excuses.  I would just be happy that Gambit was away from that mess.  Hence why I argued that if Carey wanted to make Rogueneto happen he should have let Gambit go and let other writers use him rather than keeping him there.
riiiiiiiight , see yes KT is the writer and control's the narrative, but in the story that she is writing Spiral is the reason they are in Mojo world, she wanted Gambit for his skills not Rogue, like it has nothing to do with Rogue why they are there , Spiral picked them because she wanted Gambit to do a job. A writer had a character choose our character to do a job based on his skills and saying he is the best and has nothing to do with his wife/the dreaded hag..................oh hey its valentines day
why do Rogue's ex's get her s*** on and not Bella showing up? i'm a Bemy Bemy is better im a Bemy supporter because no matter what she has stood by him, behind him, stabbed and tried to kill him but she has never stopped loving him God put them together now. Sorry my point is Gambits ex wife shows up and no one bats and eyelid its kinda biased

as for the last part of your comment yeah cant argue with that it sucked so much oldman balls, f***ing Carey living through a fictional character, both Rogue and gambit work best when they are not together and not pining for one another or rather Gambit pining for Rogue

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: MMX 8
« Reply #79 on: February 14, 2019, 05:55:05 PM »
Neko made a great point. This forum is a place for all Gambit fans (and even non-fans too) to voice their opinions on comics. Whether you hate something unconditionally or love something unconditionally doesn't matter. The only thing that I think is important is that everyone is respectful and mindful of other's opinions. If you hate it feel free to post it and if you love it post about it too, but I think it's important that we are tolerant of other's opinions and nobody should be harassed. The guild is a great place to post your opinions on Gambit comics where you don't have to censor yourself and don't have to worry about draconian mods who will delete your posts/block you at the first sign of something they don't like (I'm looking at you CBR).

Thanks, said it better than I did but that is the point. Play nice is all.

Yes, I get it. Debbie Downers can be “tiring”.  And its harder to take when you absolutely love whatever it is but …. keep in mind. This book isn't unique in that aspect. Many books and writers and artist have to deal with many views of their work. It is how people are when it comes to entertainment media. Folks, this place has been far harder on a whole bunch of books in the past than this one. Honestly, I've been at this forum a long time and what is said about this book is “nothing” in comparison with other things stated about other books.

Going back to my All New X-Factor analogy. Posters blasted that book monthly. Monthly.  In the end its just opinion. Some even understood what was “wrong” in the book. Did it take away from the enjoyment, only if you let it. Don't let it. Only you can do that, that is a choice. Words only have power and meaning, if you give them power and meaning.

Asmus solo, I told you guys the nightmare of judgment without reading a word months in advance no less. At least we're not doing that, we're waiting, reading and discussing. Which is how it should be …. posting new content in regards to the book and waiting for release day to see what we're getting. I think that is better than in the past.

Play nice gang … love and dislike whatever … all good. We're too varied to be in agreement on everything. Life doesn't work that way. Life is too short to let something like a comic book opinion rule your day.
Because I feel I would have stalled the thread:

oh hey its valentines day
why do Rogue's ex's get her s*** on and not Bella showing up? i'm a Bemy Bemy is better im a Bemy supporter because no matter what she has stood by him, behind him, stabbed and tried to kill him but she has never stopped loving him God put them together now. Sorry my point is Gambits ex wife shows up and no one bats and eyelid its kinda biased

OMG – those are some funny ship names. … or Remdonna? I'm amused.

for the last part of your comment yeah cant argue with that it sucked so much oldman balls, f***ing Carey living through a fictional character, both Rogue and gambit work best when they are not together and not pining for one another or rather Gambit pining for Rogue

BTW – weren’t we harsh on Xmen Legacy? LOL Yes, yes, we were. (We as in the collective in general, no one specific or anything. Just a lot of comments regarding that material is all.)

I think that maybe as you and others pointed out as a flaw with the book, that Rogue show something toward Gambit. The "ILY" thing is what I'm referencing. I think its a valid observation. Probably should be fixed in theory. To show that its not one-sided. I would guess the material is already written or worked on and may not be able to be addressed.

I also think Gambit and Rogue work best when not together. It has nothing to do with the relationship, it really does come down to that the ability to write them in such a way that its not deemed slighted toward one of the characters is tough. Not easily done apparently.*shrug*
« Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 06:42:39 PM by Nekobaghira »

Offline remydat

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Re: MMX 8
« Reply #80 on: February 14, 2019, 06:12:50 PM »
riiiiiiiight , see yes KT is the writer and control's the narrative, but in the story that she is writing Spiral is the reason they are in Mojo world, she wanted Gambit for his skills not Rogue, like it has nothing to do with Rogue why they are there , Spiral picked them because she wanted Gambit to do a job. A writer had a character choose our character to do a job based on his skills and saying he is the best and has nothing to do with his wife/the dreaded hag..................oh hey its valentines day
why do Rogue's ex's get her s*** on and not Bella showing up? i'm a Bemy Bemy is better im a Bemy supporter because no matter what she has stood by him, behind him, stabbed and tried to kill him but she has never stopped loving him God put them together now. Sorry my point is Gambits ex wife shows up and no one bats and eyelid its kinda biased

as for the last part of your comment yeah cant argue with that it sucked so much oldman balls, f***ing Carey living through a fictional character, both Rogue and gambit work best when they are not together and not pining for one another or rather Gambit pining for Rogue

My comments are not about the story as I already conceded it was the best issue of the series.  Getting them to Mojo invariably brings Longshot into it but there is no reason why the writer had to have Rogue and Longshot making out.  She did so because she wanted to.  That is the point.

If you are asking me whether I think KT would have created a pretense for them to go to Mojo if Rogue couldn't make out with Longshot then I would say that my honest answer is no.  So the point here is the writer wanted Rogue making out with Longshot and so she created a reason for that.  The fact that the reason was Spiral wanting Gambit doesn't change the fact her reason for doing so was so that Rogue would have a reason to make out with Longshot.  Now that is my speculation but it is entirely fair speculation given her comments on Rogue relationships and the fact she already had 2 of Rogue's ex's in the book.  I don't think it is just coincidence that Rogue made out with Longshot.  That was one of the reasons for KT wanting a mojo world story IMO.

If KT had Bella, Polaris and CeCe show up with one trying to flirt with him, Gambit confiding intimate details about himself with another, and then Gambit making out with the 3rd then I would expect Gambit to get s*** and rightfully so.  Instead Bella showed up to warn him about something and when she got snippy about Rogue, Gambit checked her.  Although my comments are not about Rogue.  They are about KT.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 06:17:06 PM by remydat »
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Offline Dantay

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Re: MMX 8
« Reply #81 on: February 14, 2019, 06:16:31 PM »

OMG – those are some funny ship names. … or Remdonna? I'm amused.


BTW – weren’t we harsh on Xmen Legacy? LOL Yes, yes, we were. (We as in the collective in general, no one specific or anything. Just a lot of comments regarding that material is all.)

I think that maybe as you and others pointed out as a flaw with the book, that Rogue show something toward Gambit.

I also think Gambit and Rogue work best when not together. It has nothing to do with the relationship, it really does come down to that the ability to write them in such a way that its not deemed slighted toward one of the characters is tough. Not easily done apparently.*shrug*
Remdonna sounds like an awesome band name or sex act  :D
X-Men legacy with Xavier was Meh at best but with Rogue as leader was so bad, not just the way Gambit was portrayed , i mean take him out of the book its still a badly plotted story just like Careys X-men start after Milligan, he had a really good roster too just poorly executed, wellllllll the one good thing he had going was Gambits subplot with Deathbit, he fixed it and i was interested in where it was going but after AoX it was dropped. wellllll ok maybe two things the Legion plot was interesting and that roster had so much potential but again he fafed it away maybe because he was leaving, Gage i had hopes for but he was more of the same really but he came in at a bad time

I kinda forgot/didnt notice Rogue hasn't told Remy "i love you" since XXM 18 and KT didn't even have her say it during the wedding vows, Remy said it, i really think its going to be a plot point or come up towards the end or their relationship, funny too how Asmus imo wrote a better Rogue and Gambit interaction and with Mann's art you could sense that they cared for one another, like they are ex'x but could be more, like Remdonna, spoilers: if i ever write for marvel its happening , SORRY NOT SORRY

Offline Dantay

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Re: MMX 8
« Reply #82 on: February 14, 2019, 06:24:24 PM »

My comments are not about the story as I already conceded it was the best issue of the series.  Getting them to Mojo invariably brings Longshot into it but there is no reason why the writer had to have Rogue and Longshot making out.  She did so because she wanted to.  That is the point.

If you are asking me whether I think KT would have created a pretense for them to go to Mojo if Rogue couldn't make out with Longshot then I would say that my honest answer is no.  So the point here is the writer wanted Rogue making out with Longshot and so she created a reason for that.  The fact that the reason was Spiral wanting Gambit doesn't change the fact her reason for doing so was so that Rogue would have a reason to make out with Longshot.  Now that is my speculation but it is entirely fair speculation given her comments on Rogue relationships and the fact she already had 2 of Rogue's ex's in the book.  I don't think it is just coincidence that Rogue made out with Longshot.  That was one of the reasons for KT wanting a mojo world story IMO.

If KT had Bella, Polaris and CeCe show up with one trying to flirt with him, Gambit confiding intimate details about himself with another, and then Gambit making out with the 3rd then I would expect Gambit to get s*** and rightfully so.  Instead Bella showed up to warn him about something and when she got snippy about Rogue, Gambit checked her.  Although my comments are not about Rogue.  They are about KT.
Ok firstly you have given me an idea for a new game called Flirt/Confide/Kiss ,so going by Gambits past intimate moments and not including Bella cause you f***ing marry Bella, who does what with Gambit - Polaris/Frenzy/CeCe    Flirt -Frenzy Confide-CeCe Kiss - Polaris.......well that was easy...stupid game , who came up with that.
Ok i misunderstood your previous comment , and i am afraid i may have miss understood what you just said, but are you saying KT designed a 3 arc story all so she could have rogue and Longshot make out?

Offline remydat

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Re: MMX 8
« Reply #83 on: February 14, 2019, 06:48:57 PM »
Ok firstly you have given me an idea for a new game called Flirt/Confide/Kiss ,so going by Gambits past intimate moments and not including Bella cause you f***ing marry Bella, who does what with Gambit - Polaris/Frenzy/CeCe    Flirt -Frenzy Confide-CeCe Kiss - Polaris.......well that was easy...stupid game , who came up with that.
Ok i misunderstood your previous comment , and i am afraid i may have miss understood what you just said, but are you saying KT designed a 3 arc story all so she could have rogue and Longshot make out?

I am sure KT's main focus appears to be exploring Rogue's powers and relationships and she designed the entire mini and ongoing for that reason.  I say that because it is Rogue's powers and relationships that are the focus of the book thus far.  Whether it be her control issues or her relationships with Gambit, Deadpool, Mags or Longshot, the focus here is in fact on Rogue.  The fact Gambit does things to fill up the comic doesn't change that fact.

When this arc is over, no one will likely remember or care what Gambit has stolen because it is just something to move the plot along.  What will be remembered is likely the time Rogue made out with Longshot and whatever resolution comes from her figuring out why she keeps killing Gambit.

In short, there are things in any story that are designed to move the plot along and there are things that are the focus of the story.  Gambit is here to move the plot along.  Rogue is the focus of the story. 

Put another way, if Rogue were at the time dating Mags not Gambit then all that would have happened is KT would have created a reason for them to be pulled to Mojo world so she could explore Rogue's power issues and have her make out with Longshot.  By contrast, if Gambit were dating Polaris then KT would have no interesting in writing a story about them because her focus here is not exploring Gambit.  It is exploring Rogue.  Gambit just happens to be Rogue's preferred Johnson at this present moment.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 06:50:32 PM by remydat »
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Offline Dantay

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Re: MMX 8
« Reply #84 on: February 15, 2019, 02:32:14 AM »
I am sure KT's main focus appears to be exploring Rogue's powers and relationships and she designed the entire mini and ongoing for that reason.  I say that because it is Rogue's powers and relationships that are the focus of the book thus far.  Whether it be her control issues or her relationships with Gambit, Deadpool, Mags or Longshot, the focus here is in fact on Rogue.  The fact Gambit does things to fill up the comic doesn't change that fact.

When this arc is over, no one will likely remember or care what Gambit has stolen because it is just something to move the plot along.  What will be remembered is likely the time Rogue made out with Longshot and whatever resolution comes from her figuring out why she keeps killing Gambit.

In short, there are things in any story that are designed to move the plot along and there are things that are the focus of the story.  Gambit is here to move the plot along.  Rogue is the focus of the story. 

Put another way, if Rogue were at the time dating Mags not Gambit then all that would have happened is KT would have created a reason for them to be pulled to Mojo world so she could explore Rogue's power issues and have her make out with Longshot.  By contrast, if Gambit were dating Polaris then KT would have no interesting in writing a story about them because her focus here is not exploring Gambit.  It is exploring Rogue.  Gambit just happens to be Rogue's preferred Johnson at this present moment.
Ok then, like ive asked peeps before, do you like the focus that Rogue is getting, as in do you think the story has done anything of note for her character? For one second look with unbiased eyes at how her story is going and tell me if you think its any good for her character?

Honestly so far Gambit has looked the best, Twice in the first arc Rogue could have had her powers sorted she didn't, she gave Gambit an out and he stayed with her, she hasn't even told him that she loves him, Her and Mags isnt a big deal for me i knew it would happen and there will be a payoff from it, but people don't like it and see it as her sneaking off behind Gambits back, Rogue is a whiney hole about her powers its the same f***ing thing for the past 30+ years change the record, the focus and development of Rogue in this book sucks and im glad that the focus is on her because if that kind of focus was on gambit we would all be complaining about that.

Rogue may be KTs favorite and this book maybe a Rogue vehicle but she's writing a better Gambit while she is focused on Rogue so i say keep going
« Last Edit: February 15, 2019, 06:44:04 AM by Dantay »

Offline remydat

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Re: MMX 8
« Reply #85 on: February 15, 2019, 10:47:11 AM »
Rogue is not a character I care about so I am probably not the best to judge.  I personally think her story is repetitive and boring but that may just be because I have no interest in the character.  It is obvious that some contingent or Rogue and/or Romy fans must like this as I am debating them over at CBR.

My beef is less about whether the focus is good and more about the writer making it obvious who she cares about.  The fact she may or may not have executed her vision of Rogue doesn't change the fact her eyes are firmly set on Rogue not Gambit.  Just like I may have thought Rogue came out looking disloyal during Legacy but at the end of the day she at least had a writer that was focuses on her.
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Re: MMX 8
« Reply #86 on: February 15, 2019, 02:15:56 PM »
6 pages? Wow. Just got the book in my hands.

Ok, another enjoyable read for me. Extremely character driven opposed to saving the world but I believe this is KT specialty. Other than the Longshot bit this was mostly conversation. However that's been the M-O of this run. Developing their dynamics. Getting to know these two as a couple. It's new territory for any two people to be married opposed to anything else and it matters for them to be fleshed out in their new form before they are used elsewhere. I think this was a fine issue.

While I (me) would go down different paths for the story, I can appreciate where we are being led here. Rogue is still leading in terms of focus but I dont hate the character, so it doesn't bug me. I'm looking forward to the next issue. We've never seen much of real Mojoworld. Seeing Gambit experience it should be fun. Also, I want to see what KT comes up with for Rogues block.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

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Re: MMX 8
« Reply #87 on: February 15, 2019, 04:45:10 PM »
Yeah problem is it is not new.  Same Romy story we have seen before.  Same story regarding control of powers.
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Re: MMX 8
« Reply #88 on: February 16, 2019, 12:11:40 PM »
I would like to state that if I actually hated or really disliked the book I wouldn't buy it. I've bought every series that Gambit has appeared in (like Legacy, ugh) until I knew he wouldn't be in it anymore, then I stopped. My purchasing habits revolve pretty much exclusively around Gambit appearances, so I think naturally my focus will gravitate towards him.

As a result I tend to compare the rest of the book with Gambit as the centerpiece, which is likely a different perspective from many others. Can I enjoy the book for what it is? Certainly, like I said - if I didn't like it at all I wouldn't support it with a purchase.

Seeing Gambit in combat is always cool - but he's not really doing anything that he hasn't done before. Even specific poses are callbacks to things he's done before. A lot of this series so far has re-tread familiar ground, and I'm still undecided if that's because it's being used as a plot device or if they're just cashing in on the nostalgia feels. Having to wait a month or more for issues feels like torture sometimes.

On another note, no 'I love you' from Rogue since XXM 18 is just plain tragic. That's like 15 years for us, no idea what it is in Marvel time... like 3? I wonder if KT will see this and just give her a full page spread of a pose and just those words whenever they finish what they are doing.

Edit: After reading other posts elsewhere like on CBR and Tumblr, I feel that I should clarify the 'I love you' thing. When Gambit says it, I don't think he's saying it just to say it, but more like he's putting an exclamation point on his feelings before going to do something that is dangerous, or wants to leave Rogue with a good memory. The last time Rogue said it was to put an exclamation on it, back in XXM 18, when Gambit was dying and she was being, as she said, 'selfish'. Hence the sour feelings about how long it's been since she's said it, and we know she's a runner.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2019, 02:23:07 PM by Paradox Jast »

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Re: MMX 8
« Reply #89 on: February 16, 2019, 10:18:48 PM »
Called her that a long time ago.
Ran from home
Ran from the brotherhood
Ran from Gambit
Ran from the X-Men
Ran from Gambit again
Ran from Magneto

As much as she's a flying brick, she's something of coward when things get rough or inopportune. I suppose it fits her name. I think my favorite part of the issue was when they cycled through the different genres. It reminded me of the Edge of Tomorrow "maggot" scene. There are a lot of cinematic elements in the series and KTs writing. It's far from perfect but it's entertaining enough for me.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony