So, I know Don has a thread about Gambit's role in the MCU but here's my question.
With the Disney thing official, would you want Tatum's Gambit to still go ahead or do you think it needs a clean slate? New director, new script new actor, the works? Do you think a solo movie is the best idea at all?
My opinion? Personally? Sorry Channing. You had a good ride, but this is your stop. I appreciate his passion for the project and what he did to try and get it made, but at this point, for starters, he's too old. Shallow opinion? Maybe. But Gambit is a young man in the comics. Tatum and sequel potential, I dunno, I don't want an Old Man Gambit movie in 17 years. Also, I never saw Tatum as Gambit. Never. I just accepted it because he was what we were getting and he was super into the character. Now that it's dead in the water and Disney owns Fox? Let's just start over.
Secondly, and I know that this isn't Channing's fault entirely, but after reading the article about Wyatt's vision for the film (which was awesome and so tragic that it was cut short RIGHT BEFORE PRODUCTION) and what Channing tried to turn it into - a romantic comedy - I just...nah man I can't get behind that. Not a romantic comedy. That's not the Gambit I love. I loved edgy 90's Gambit. Not KT's Gambit, which is romantic comedy Gambit. Give me rough around the edges, smokes a lot of cigarettes, beats you up for mistreating your girlfriend Gambit. Granted we won't get him with Disney. But anything other than romantic comedy Gambit will do me, thanks! Plus Deadpool kinda cornered that market, didn't he?
Last of all, what do you think about a solo film at all? If Disney handles the X-Men as well as they did the Avengers, with the same (mostly, after the first few years) talented writers and directors, I just want him to be a member of the team, really. A substantial role would be nice. Less Falcon or Vision, More Thor or Hulk, you know? That would be nice.