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Book Community and SJW's
Warning first - liberal use of the eff word in the article.
While I don't expect too much discussion from this article. It is a worthy one. To you creative folks .... keep at it. Don't be bullied and don't let the SJW's win.
The article is by Larry Correia
As someone who has been bullied for a story I wrote (fanfiction), which I took down despite its kudos, likes or what not. I feel for the author who was victimized to the point of not publishing her book.
Article might have been taken down but the link is not working for me. Seems like an interesting read.
Sorry to hear you caught grief for something you wrote. Discussions and dissenting opinions are great, it helps expand our world view, but people being bullies seems all too common.
Agreed. I'm good with discussion and certainly if one is able to make me see another view. Great.
I've had to take a more harsh pov - I have literally stated in summary or where ever, "don't like, don't read, don't comment" and I'll delete comments too. And will state that I'll do that as well. I'm too old for that s***. LOL
Google should be able to find it. It was posted Jan 31, 2019.
The link works for me, not sure why its not working for you. Let me see if I can find another way.
On the right side of the page, the article should be at the top. Actually, right now its the article on the main page.
Article title is:To The Book Community: Go f*** Yourself. An Anti-Apology
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