Author Topic: To Channing or not to Channing  (Read 19597 times)

Offline Spoonz

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To Channing or not to Channing
« on: March 22, 2019, 02:48:31 AM »
So, I know Don has a thread about Gambit's role in the MCU but here's my question.

With the Disney thing official, would you want Tatum's Gambit to still go ahead or do you think it needs a clean slate?  New director, new script new actor, the works? Do you think a solo movie is the best idea at all?

My opinion?  Personally? Sorry Channing. You had a good ride, but this is your stop.  I appreciate his passion for the project and what he did to try and get it made, but at this point, for starters, he's too old.  Shallow opinion?  Maybe.  But Gambit is a young man in the comics.   Tatum and sequel potential, I dunno, I don't want an Old Man Gambit movie in 17 years.  Also, I never saw Tatum as Gambit. Never.  I just accepted it because he was what we were getting and he was super into the character.  Now that it's dead in the water and Disney owns Fox?  Let's just start over. 

Secondly, and I know that this isn't Channing's fault entirely, but after reading the article about Wyatt's vision for the film (which was awesome and so tragic that it was cut short RIGHT BEFORE PRODUCTION) and what Channing tried to turn it into - a romantic comedy - I just...nah man I can't get behind that.  Not a romantic comedy.  That's not the Gambit I love.  I loved edgy 90's Gambit.  Not KT's Gambit, which is romantic comedy Gambit.  Give me rough around the edges, smokes a lot of cigarettes, beats you up for mistreating your girlfriend Gambit.  Granted we won't get him with Disney. But anything other than romantic comedy Gambit will do me, thanks! Plus Deadpool kinda cornered that market, didn't he? 

Last of all, what do you think about a solo film at all?  If Disney handles the X-Men as well as they did the Avengers, with the same (mostly, after the first few years) talented writers and directors, I just want him to be a member of the team, really.  A substantial role would be nice.  Less Falcon or Vision, More Thor or Hulk, you know?  That would be nice.


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Re: To Channing or not to Channing
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2019, 04:18:43 AM »
I am in Tatum team.

If Feige liked Tatum`s vision for character then he will probably stay. If not or don`t have any plans for Gambit now then it will be a completely new actor.

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Re: To Channing or not to Channing
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2019, 10:59:54 AM »
I'd rather see a younger, preferably unknown actor, take over the role. I've never thought Tatum was a good choice, anyway. I was only on board with him playing Gambit because of his enthusiasm and passion for the character. He had his chance and unfortunately couldn't get this movie off the ground so he should move on.

Offline RomeoSvengali

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Re: To Channing or not to Channing
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2019, 11:48:39 AM »
I was never thrilled about Channing as Gambit, from the few movies that I've seen him in... he can't act or emote emotion and he doesn't know what a good script is, which would explain his career. It's time for someone else for the role. Like I said before, I would rather Gambit already be part of the team, anything about his past should be saved for a miniseries.
-Romeo Svengali (Monican swordsman)

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Re: To Channing or not to Channing
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2019, 01:15:30 PM »

I appreciate his enthusiasm for the character, but no to a romantic comedy solo film starring a 40yr old Gambit.

Offline Spoonz

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Re: To Channing or not to Channing
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2019, 03:29:20 PM »
Yeah also the thing is, Channing Tatum IS Channing Tatum. I can't see him as Gambit because I see him as Channing Tatum. If it's an uknown actor then I'm more likely to see him as Gambit rather than the actor, know what I mean?

Offline Dantay

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Re: To Channing or not to Channing
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2019, 05:25:27 PM »
90% of actor's chosen to play a comic book character has ever been fully supported by the fan base , Michael Keaton imo the best portrayal of Batman was s*** on by the fans , Christopher Reeve was'nt fully supported by studio, Ben Affleck was a great Batman in BvS look how people responded to his casting, Hugh Jackman was'nt even second choice to play Wolverine, RDJ did'nt have alot of confidence from the studio of fans to begin with, Toby Maguire was'nt fully accepted at first but they all knocked it out of the park,

when Taylor Kitsch was cast as Gambit i thought it was great casting, i'm a big fan of FNL but his performance was terrible , the character was all wrong too, he basically was playing Riggins from FNL with powers, but worse it was a wooden performance. Alot of fans were happy with the casting and disappointed after the release,

my point is this he may not look the part but he can definitely act the part, he can do a good cajun accent, he is an A list actor and has a huge fan base i think he could do a good job

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: To Channing or not to Channing
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2019, 05:28:39 PM »
The only thing about Channing Tatum is so far he has yet to successfully helm an action flick. "G.I. Joe"? Nope. "Jupiter Ascending"? Nope. Yes, we can blame script and all of that but it still doesn't change poor action movie choices. Hello - "John Carter." His action star cred would help if he was in an action film that did well.

However ... Magic Mike ... three movies - so ... unless they want to Magic Mike Gambit, not sure. And he's not getting younger.  ;)
« Last Edit: March 22, 2019, 06:26:36 PM by Nekobaghira »

Offline anya

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Re: To Channing or not to Channing
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2019, 11:00:16 AM »
To be fair, John Carter was Taylor Kitsch and it was actually a pretty good movie...but generally I agree, he never had a track record in action movies. Comedy is his real strong point, IMO. I was ready to give him a shot, but it’s too late now. Gambit doesn’t fit as the oldest man besides wolverine.

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Re: To Channing or not to Channing
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2019, 02:10:46 PM »
Whoops .... don't care for Taylor Kitch either. LMAO. Thanks for the correction. Kitch hasn't done a good action film either.

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Re: To Channing or not to Channing
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2019, 04:05:08 AM »
lol, I loved John Carter. Taylor Kitsch wasn't too bad as a young Gambit, a bit short though.

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Re: To Channing or not to Channing
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2019, 11:36:40 AM »
When I finally saw John carter on DVD, I really did like it. Don’t know why it got a bad rap like it did.

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Re: To Channing or not to Channing
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2019, 02:01:13 PM »
I watched John Carter on ppv or something. I thought it was okay at best. Kitch starred in Battleship, and it was also only okay for me.

Offline Dantay

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Re: To Channing or not to Channing
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2019, 05:35:45 PM »
When I finally saw John carter on DVD, I really did like it. Don’t know why it got a bad rap like it did.
One of the reasons it got a bad rep is because it was nothing new and seen as a bland ScFi movie, half the reviewers didnt realize John Carter of Mars was written in the 1800's and ispired modren ScFi like Star Wars, Star Trek, Flash Gordon and the like, another two reasons 1. instead of going by the original title John Carter of Mars they simply called it John Carter and 2. Taylor Kitch is not an A list actor or proven box office draw,

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Re: To Channing or not to Channing
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2019, 05:53:32 AM »
I liked 'John Carter', too.  I wasn't even planning to see it even though I'm a fan of Burroughs, something about the promos just put me off.   I ended up stumbling across it on HBO or something one night and it completely drew me into that world.  There was a lot wrong with it, pacing. . .  characterization. . .  I could probably make a list, but it was still very enjoyable to me.