Author Topic: Vote for Gambit in CBR's Poll!  (Read 17393 times)

Offline thjan

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Vote for Gambit in CBR's Poll!
« on: September 28, 2019, 02:38:36 PM »
If you haven't already, be sure to vote for Gambit in CBR's top 100 Marvel and DC characters poll.  Here is the link and unfortunately the deadline is Sept. 30(sorry found this so late)-

You can read the guidelines and where to email your votes at the link but the most important rule that I saw was that you have to separately list a full 10 Marvel characters and a full 10 DC characters in order for your vote to not be disqualified and not counted.  So don't just list a couple characters for each universe.  Also list them in order of preference too.

Anyway, for fun here are the lists I sent in -
1. Gambit
2. Rogue
3. Thor
4. Adam Warlock
5. Captain Britain
6. Professor X
7. Jean Grey
8. Storm
9. Daredevil
10. Excalibur(Faiza Hussain)

DC(although I haven't read a current issue of DC since the New 52 reboot)
1. Superman
2. Lois Lane
3. Batman
4. Martian Manhunter
5. Cassandra Cain
6. Wonder Woman
7. Green Lantern(Hal Jordan)
8. Flash(Barry Allen)
9. Plastic Man
10. Starfire