Site Stuff > Meet 'n Greet
Requesting a Dragon
I have a request. I know we've got talented artists that visit here.
My avatar in my signature is very small. I love it but I can't do anything with it because its so small.
Would anyone creative be willing to draw my dragon larger so that I might use it as an avatar or something?
I wrote a story for my dragon and I can't use the image.
Do you want it to look like that dragon, just bigger? Do you want to keep the pixelated look?
Hmmm, I am the only one who don't see a dragon?
Anya - I want it to look like that dragon, no to pixelated look. I just want it bigger. color wise a little darker but I'm not that fussy about that.
Purp - I'll post a link to a website that should be able to show you what it looks like.
How's my dragon coming along? LOL
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