X-Men > X-Men

Magneto Giant Sized Xmen


Magneto is getting another one shot.
As is Jean Grey and Emma Frost.
You know what .... Marvel has more characters than the ones they only seem to care about. Oh well, :)

Agreed. I thought this whole "relaunch" of the X-men was supposed to bring everything back to a simpler more consistent world. Not only are things more convoluted than ever, the characters all seem off and not acting like themselves. Extremely disappointing. Makes me a little worried for the movies, whenever those happen.

That’s why I rarely read an X-Men book that doesn’t have Gambit in it nowadays. It’s been about the same (dull) characters for a long time and I doubt things will change unless the movies do something different because they’ll definitely impact the comics (don’t know whether for the better or worse, though).


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