Got to keep in mind a lot of these sites will tow the line just ensure they continue to get press passes, advanced copies of books and exclusive interviews. Most media sites, especially pop-culture sites are dominated by the threat of "access". Also, there are just people out there that like this sort of writing. Personally, it's not for me. I read to get into a story. I love Gambit, but I'll read books that he's not in, as long as it's a good read! This... isn't a good book. It's not well constructed, or paced. The dialogue and script are choppy and, as we've said, the characterizations are horrible. When writing characters in a shared universe, a writer has to keep in mind how the characters are behaving outside of their book. Apocalypse isn't speaking or behaving in other books as he is here. Rogue and Gambit are not the same ones we saw coming out of R&G or MMX. Jubilee's personality is completely different and Betsy is unrecognizable. A woman with the background she's had with deathseed and horsemen is really OK being around Apocalypse, and just let him smash a teammate in Gambit without blinking an eye? Betsy's historically too passionate, honorable, and loyal to act like this throughout 6 issues.