X-Men > X-Men

What is your favorite "under" X-Men moment or, "down time" X-Men moment?


Hey folks. Know I haven't been around much in the last...decade...but, uhm lets have some fun shall we?

What are your favorite X-Men tender moments or down time fun moments. Y'know like, Magik's death or Remy comforting Rogue on the rooftop, a softball game, the Thanksgiving football game, the post-apocalypse pancakes. Post your favorites here!

Or, uh, else. Yeah.

I liked Gambit with his kittens. Basketball game where Rogue thought Gambit was cheating.

Gambit and Wolverine stealing the batmobile. Or when they went to that bar and women flocked to the Gman. :)

Love all of those, but, never saw the bar scene!! Wait, was that when they were in japan?

yeah, Madripoor or something like that.


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