Author Topic: Straight Speculatin': What Could a Gambit Solo Look Like Today?  (Read 51569 times)

Offline DonPriceTag

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Straight Speculatin': What Could a Gambit Solo Look Like Today?
« on: February 15, 2020, 09:32:05 PM »
X-Men are all the rage again. Whether we agree with the saturation of the market, or not - it's happening. I think it's only fair that our favorite Cajun got in on the fun. We all know that prior to the train wreck that Excalibur has become, Gambit was part of two duo-series alongside Rogue, and played a role in Astonishing X-Men, as well as a couple stints in X-Men: Gold. Seeing him stuck in the book that he's in right now is kind of a bummer, but we have been teased with hope. Marvel-darling Donny Cates has shown interest in writing a solo series for Gambit. Cates may not be anyone's first choice - but with the amount of clout and the great track record he has, it's not a bad bet. From the standpoint of sheer muscle and influence, we could do a lot worse. With Cates would come a measure of freedom most Gambit writers have ever had, short of Fabian Nicieza and Chris Claremont.

Here's my question for the Guild. What could a Gambit solo series look like in today's X-Men infested-world? I want your wishes and your expectations. One rule - you have to keep in mind what's happening. Krakoa exists, mutants have diplomatic immunity, if they die they're 'reborn', Gambit is the leader of the ITG etc. Again, if it's Cates, someone that's been given control over an entire company-wide crossover event. I think this would be the first time in years that Gambit would really be able to explore the Marvel universe without having all the writer's ideas turned down. Cameo's and and top-tier guests wouldn't be a thing of the past any longer. Well, GG, what do you want to see?
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Straight Speculatin': What Could a Gambit Solo Look Like Today?
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2020, 09:51:35 PM »
First-off, I'd hope that Gambit would be reassigned to another book. I think he'd be much better suited in Marauders or X-Force. Heck, at this rate I wouldn't say 'no' to Hellions. At least there we could explore the Mister Sinister angle. Either way, if you know me, then you know I love the concept of Gambit being the actual King of Thieves and how much I hated how it was squandered in All-New X-Factor. MY first hope would be Gambit addressing balancing his priorities there while being a citizen of Krakoa.

The mutant nation has both a strangle-hold on the world-economy, as well as influence over the black market. Something that should interfere with the ITG's daily operations. It'd be utter nonsense to think that Guilds world-wide aren't forcefully taking their their share of the pie. It would undoubtedly bring them into direct conflict with the Hell Fire Club. A writer wouldn't be able to tackle all of them, but could focus on one, and how Gambit dealt with it would be an example to the rest. I'd recommend the New York guild led by Odessa Drake. If you're not familiar with the name, don't feel bad. She originates from the Spider-Man corner, Black Cat to be exact. Yes, like the Scarlet Spider before her - its another case of Marvel mining Gambit's lore to use elsewhere, while not acknowledging him or cross-marketing it in his own series'.

She's, as I said, the leader of the New York chapter. She's supernaturally immortal and ruthless. Black Cat, who she's seemingly interested in, is a member of her guild. This would be a great opportunity to reunite an estranged portion of Gambit's lore.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline purplevit

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Re: Straight Speculatin': What Could a Gambit Solo Look Like Today?
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2020, 03:27:03 AM »
Cool thread, Don!

If Cates would write it then it would be big and epic. Not one more small thief story or smth like that.

I would love this to be one of plots in it. From the start Gambit comes to council at Krakoa and tells that good Council is all just an illussion and he will look after it's decisions. He offers his services and Guilds which bring spies, thieves, possibility to get anything and deliever anything better then Hellfire. He becames adversary of Frost and Hellfire.

His main thing is to check Apoc motives and other that are not worthy at Council. Became 13th member.

His explosions would be massive and dangerous. Not a flash of lights. Charisma, agility and h2h at his top.

He is smart, dangerous and others know it.

Later he finds facts that Apocalyose and Council is broken and lying. So Council kills him. Not all Council. Xavier, Mags and Apoc. Later they brings him without memories about facts and rebooted.

On the ceremony of Gambit's return, real Gambit that faked his death because he knew about Coucil plans comes out and reveal everything. That council is garbage and that POD people are just clones. Nit original and without soul.

It will lead that Gambit, Mystique, Rogue, Wolverine probably will leave Krakoa and become rebels. His clone will leave too.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2020, 03:29:53 AM by purplevit »

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Re: Straight Speculatin': What Could a Gambit Solo Look Like Today?
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2020, 03:29:13 AM »
I asked Rich Johnston from Bleedingcool about Cates thing and if it means anything or he heard smth.

He answered that he thinks that Cates just answered a question.

Of course it means nothing but will see.

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Straight Speculatin': What Could a Gambit Solo Look Like Today?
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2020, 06:53:54 AM »
Cool thread, Don!

If Cates would write it then it would be big and epic. Not one more small thief story or smth like that.

I would love this to be one of plots in it. From the start Gambit comes to council at Krakoa and tells that good Council is all just an illussion and he will look after it's decisions. He offers his services and Guilds which bring spies, thieves, possibility to get anything and deliever anything better then Hellfire. He becames adversary of Frost and Hellfire.

His main thing is to check Apoc motives and other that are not worthy at Council. Became 13th member.

His explosions would be massive and dangerous. Not a flash of lights. Charisma, agility and h2h at his top.

He is smart, dangerous and others know it.

Later he finds facts that Apocalyose and Council is broken and lying. So Council kills him. Not all Council. Xavier, Mags and Apoc. Later they brings him without memories about facts and rebooted.

On the ceremony of Gambit's return, real Gambit that faked his death because he knew about Coucil plans comes out and reveal everything. That council is garbage and that POD people are just clones. Nit original and without soul.

It will lead that Gambit, Mystique, Rogue, Wolverine probably will leave Krakoa and become rebels. His clone will leave too.

Wow you came up with a whole arc. Let me modify that a bit. I don't think they'd add another member but let's say a Cates Gambit solo was in the works. With what Shaw is up to, Id love to see them remove him from his chair, and replace him with Gambit, not because of his stature but mostly because of his control over the thieves guilds and influence on the black market.

If your not following the rest of the X-Men; Shaw is a member of the council because of his business connections. It allows them to control the flow of their drugs worldwide without needing to deal with official channels. That's something Gambit could do without Shaw's help - but then, he may be offered the Black King as well. He is one of the most politically powerful mutants on Earth. Or should be.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

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Re: Straight Speculatin': What Could a Gambit Solo Look Like Today?
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2020, 07:13:53 AM »

Wow you came up with a whole arc. Let me modify that a bit. I don't think they'd add another member but let's say a Cates Gambit solo was in the works. With what Shaw is up to, Id love to see them remove him from his chair, and replace him with Gambit, not because of his stature but mostly because of his control over the thieves guilds and influence on the black market.

If your not following the rest of the X-Men; Shaw is a member of the council because of his business connections. It allows them to control the flow of their drugs worldwide without needing to deal with official channels. That's something Gambit could do without Shaw's help - but then, he may be offered the Black King as well. He is one of the most politically powerful mutants on Earth. Or should be.

Woul love that! Love your change. Works great. Would love to see that.

I read review threads so I know what is happening. But don't read books current because don't enjoy them enogh to support. Only X-Force is good. Love it.

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Straight Speculatin': What Could a Gambit Solo Look Like Today?
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2020, 09:22:50 AM »
Yeah, but Shaw straight up murdered Kitty. Kind of a bad plan that will most likely blow up in his face.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline purplevit

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Re: Straight Speculatin': What Could a Gambit Solo Look Like Today?
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2020, 10:08:09 AM »
Yeah, but Shaw straight up murdered Kitty. Kind of a bad plan that will most likely blow up in his face.

It was forced, really. No real reason to kill her. Definitely will blow up in his face.
So far he wasn't really needed or very important so to be ressurected after HOXPOX.

Offline malachi

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Re: Straight Speculatin': What Could a Gambit Solo Look Like Today?
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2020, 07:56:00 PM »
As it is now. Gambit exists Excalibur after issue 8 or 9. Whenever that warwolf arc is over. He feels that people aren't listening to him and letting Apocalypse do whatever he pleases. He goes back to his guild life and outside interactions.
Mystique contacts him about her plot to bring down Krakoa. We have some issues where a team is being setup that includes Mystique and Gambit. Gambit brings in Laura to have someone he can trust. It makes sense since Laura also has doubts about krakoa. They will then need a telepath. Not yet sure who. Betsy is off. Kwannon is to unskilled. Emma and Jean are engaged with the island. It's hard to pick one.

I want Rogue to not be part of this. She will have a crucial moment in later on where she realises that Gambit was more right then wrong. Says she is sorry. A reversed antartica scene. Either it will break them up or make them even stronger.

Perhaps it would be fun to use Legion or X-man as the telepath. They might need some strong unpredicable force to get results.

Maybe they fail to expose Krakoa and the plots. Still they get Destiny back. So it's lose some and win some.

gambit should be doing a lot of stealth missions. Duels with others when the situation needs it.

Trying to be one step ahead of Mystique and then later on just to have an panic switch to press when the time requires it. One fun thing would be if Mystique has to fully trust him to pull it off. One reason why she has disliked him so much. Destiny revealed that not only will Rogue marry him but Mystique will also have to be 100% honest with him and put her trust in his hands. With no garantue from Destiny that it will work either. She will have to do this to get Destiny back.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2020, 07:57:38 PM by malachi »

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Straight Speculatin': What Could a Gambit Solo Look Like Today?
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2020, 12:04:30 AM »

As it is now. Gambit exists Excalibur after issue 8 or 9. Whenever that warwolf arc is over. He feels that people aren't listening to him and letting Apocalypse do whatever he pleases. He goes back to his guild life and outside interactions.
Mystique contacts him about her plot to bring down Krakoa. We have some issues where a team is being setup that includes Mystique and Gambit. Gambit brings in Laura to have someone he can trust. It makes sense since Laura also has doubts about krakoa. They will then need a telepath. Not yet sure who. Betsy is off. Kwannon is to unskilled. Emma and Jean are engaged with the island. It's hard to pick one.

I want Rogue to not be part of this. She will have a crucial moment in later on where she realises that Gambit was more right then wrong. Says she is sorry. A reversed antartica scene. Either it will break them up or make them even stronger.

Perhaps it would be fun to use Legion or X-man as the telepath. They might need some strong unpredicable force to get results.

Maybe they fail to expose Krakoa and the plots. Still they get Destiny back. So it's lose some and win some.

gambit should be doing a lot of stealth missions. Duels with others when the situation needs it.

Trying to be one step ahead of Mystique and then later on just to have an panic switch to press when the time requires it. One fun thing would be if Mystique has to fully trust him to pull it off. One reason why she has disliked him so much. Destiny revealed that not only will Rogue marry him but Mystique will also have to be 100% honest with him and put her trust in his hands. With no garantue from Destiny that it will work either. She will have to do this to get Destiny back.

How I see it, I doubt Gambit would ever leave Krakoa without Rogue. At least not permanently. I think they can survive without being up under each other. Being married doesn't mean their superhero careers are eternally linked. You brought up a good problem to solve. If Gambit does dive back into the guilds, he'll quickly find himself alone.

The Guilds always been hostile and I cannot believe it'd be any better after Krakoa seeing as most of them are humans. They may not be in agreement with what's happening to their business or the situation, especially knowing their King is a mutant and citizen.

What would make sense is Gambit enlisting a small group of people he can trust to work as his inner circle. I can see people like Hellion, Frenzy, X23, and maybe Bling! (From his X-Men training squad and gave him his rings for this wedding).

Perhaps she'd suggest a friend like Anole, who's ability to camouflage might make him a great fit. I could buy Gambit reaching out to someone like Karma to join him. Now I'm not suggesting all these, but some.

The only one that might not work is X23. Unless the writer is actually Cates level - they are probably going to say she's too big a draw to be supporting character in a solo. If I could softball his Krakoa contingent for him it'd be;

Hellion, Frenzy, Karma, and Bling!

Dream contingent while still realistic;
Frenzy, X23, Hellion, and Bishop
« Last Edit: February 17, 2020, 12:07:39 AM by DonPriceTag »
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

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Re: Straight Speculatin': What Could a Gambit Solo Look Like Today?
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2020, 02:47:29 AM »
Yeah, Gambit won`t leave without Rogue. She is his wife and he must protect her no matter what. Remy won`t leave because people aren't listening to him and just won`t let Apocalypse do whatever he pleases. He would find a way to show people the truth.

Offline malachi

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Re: Straight Speculatin': What Could a Gambit Solo Look Like Today?
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2020, 07:19:09 AM »
Yeah, Gambit won`t leave without Rogue. She is his wife and he must protect her no matter what. Remy won`t leave because people aren't listening to him and just won`t let Apocalypse do whatever he pleases. He would find a way to show people the truth.

I have given up on that happening in Excalibur. More precisly I have given up on that happening in a satisfying maner in a resonable timespan.

How I see it, I doubt Gambit would ever leave Krakoa without Rogue. At least not permanently. I think they can survive without being up under each other. Being married doesn't mean their superhero careers are eternally linked. You brought up a good problem to solve. If Gambit does dive back into the guilds, he'll quickly find himself alone.

The Guilds always been hostile and I cannot believe it'd be any better after Krakoa seeing as most of them are humans. They may not be in agreement with what's happening to their business or the situation, especially knowing their King is a mutant and citizen.

What would make sense is Gambit enlisting a small group of people he can trust to work as his inner circle. I can see people like Hellion, Frenzy, X23, and maybe Bling! (From his X-Men training squad and gave him his rings for this wedding).

Perhaps she'd suggest a friend like Anole, who's ability to camouflage might make him a great fit. I could buy Gambit reaching out to someone like Karma to join him. Now I'm not suggesting all these, but some.

The only one that might not work is X23. Unless the writer is actually Cates level - they are probably going to say she's too big a draw to be supporting character in a solo. If I could softball his Krakoa contingent for him it'd be;

Hellion, Frenzy, Karma, and Bling!

Dream contingent while still realistic;
Frenzy, X23, Hellion, and Bishop

It's odd because while I agree with you on the popularites of the chracters the reverse happened with Gambit in X-23. It depends on the editors. I would take a guess and say that Laura isn't a priority currently at the x-office. She might be up for a guestrole in Gambit's ongoing.

For me if Gambit gets a solo it must be interwoven with Krakoa. I think it's nigh impossible to launch anything x-men related now that isn't. With the odd shot at someone who is friends with Hickman talks him into using Gambit for a solo that is removed from Hickmans plans. Simply because Hickman hasn't shown any interest in using Gambit. You have to weigh Hickmans control desire versus his disinterest in Gambit.

I guess for me it's not impossible that Rogue and Gambit simply comes to an understanding that Rogue rather stay in Excalibur to help Betsy then Gambit continues to be Apocalypses errand boy. I can see that go undramatic(of course not under Tini's pen). Maybe It's just me but I have no interest in seeing Gambit trying to twarth Apocalypse because it's so obvious. He's up to no good. Either he's got diplomatic immunity and can't be touched, the rest of the team is kind of okay with it or they are too stupid to notice. Neither of those scenarios makes me interested in seeing that plot persued.

So I rather just move him away from that title. I'm not fond of the overprotective Gambit and have no problem disregarding that character.

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Re: Straight Speculatin': What Could a Gambit Solo Look Like Today?
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2020, 07:46:14 AM »
Yeah, we all don't expect anything good from Excalibur.

For me it would be ok if Gambit and Rogue would join different teams from the start that could be dangerous for them. It is ok for Rogue to be on her own and Gambit doing his own thing.

But Excalibur is a diffrernt thing. Remy knows that Apoc ia on team. Just leave team and leave Rogue there won't work for me. Damn, even leaving stupid Cap Britain with Apoc won't work for me. He knows that Apoc is planning some evil stuff. If Gambit would leave and Apoc does some evil stuff and someone would get hurt from team then Gambit would feel that it is his fault. Because he left team and did nothing. He is a scoundrel but self loathing always eats him from inside.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2020, 08:16:10 AM by purplevit »

Offline malachi

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Re: Straight Speculatin': What Could a Gambit Solo Look Like Today?
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2020, 08:53:07 PM »
I'm going to change my idea to reflect what Don said.

I like the idea of Gambit starting his ongoing with a six issue arc where he has to steal something. Assemblying a team of mutants suited for that pursuit. Bling makes a good candidate with her diamonds reflecting light and being used to cut. Anole would be fun. Perhaps Mercury too. I would even think about using Pixie. Gambit training them with the help of his guild.

Then of course it leads to some bigger plot and not everything goes well. I want him to help these kids with their issues. Focus on one of them to help in a shorter arc. 2-3 issues.

A shorter arc with Laura. Gabby too. To further the continuation of what they discovered in the first arc.

Would be fun to also show us how Far Laura has come in contrast to her old new X-men friends. Showing us that a bit of this is due to people like Gambit stepping in helping Laura.

A 4-6 issues arc where Gambit has to help the quiet council. Perhaps help Apocalypse or spy on Apocalypse. A fun thing would be Gambit traveling between portals to other diemensions stealign stuff for Apocalypse. Facing some tough ethical dilemmas.

Depending how the big overarching plot goes it ties up with the krakoa mission. So a breather issue focues on perhaps a party or some other light hearted story. Maybe a new orleans story about the guild.

Then we have a 6 issue arc where Mystique wants Gambit to help her with a problem. This will give some balance to their realtionship where mystique has to come to Gambit. Of course she tries to manipulate him.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2020, 08:55:33 PM by malachi »

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Straight Speculatin': What Could a Gambit Solo Look Like Today?
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2020, 11:59:10 AM »
I'm going to change my idea to reflect what Don said.

I like the idea of Gambit starting his ongoing with a six issue arc where he has to steal something. Assemblying a team of mutants suited for that pursuit. Bling makes a good candidate with her diamonds reflecting light and being used to cut. Anole would be fun. Perhaps Mercury too. I would even think about using Pixie. Gambit training them with the help of his guild.

Then of course it leads to some bigger plot and not everything goes well. I want him to help these kids with their issues. Focus on one of them to help in a shorter arc. 2-3 issues.

A shorter arc with Laura. Gabby too. To further the continuation of what they discovered in the first arc.

Would be fun to also show us how Far Laura has come in contrast to her old new X-men friends. Showing us that a bit of this is due to people like Gambit stepping in helping Laura.

A 4-6 issues arc where Gambit has to help the quiet council. Perhaps help Apocalypse or spy on Apocalypse. A fun thing would be Gambit traveling between portals to other diemensions stealign stuff for Apocalypse. Facing some tough ethical dilemmas.

Depending how the big overarching plot goes it ties up with the krakoa mission. So a breather issue focues on perhaps a party or some other light hearted story. Maybe a new orleans story about the guild.

Then we have a 6 issue arc where Mystique wants Gambit to help her with a problem. This will give some balance to their relationship where mystique has to come to Gambit. Of course she tries to manipulate him.

I like your ideas.. other than using Gabby and Apocalypse. I personally can't stand Gabby - she's typically pointless to most plots she's a part of. Gambit should realistically want nothing to do with Apocalypse. The only thing that Excalibur got right. Spying on him, I guess could be subplot, but who'd want to read that for a whole issue or arc? I think it'd be much more interesting for him to work with/under Magneto or Mister Sinister. Perhaps Shaw and be offered a place in the Hellfire Club (which he should turn down). Magneto for the obvious banter we haven't seen. There's a pissing contest to be had there. Mister Sinister because... why the hell not? It's criminal that they've had no interaction thus far since Dawn of X began.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony