Author Topic: Diamond Comic Distributors Addresses Coronavirus’ Effect  (Read 135102 times)

Offline Icefanatic

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Diamond Comic Distributors Addresses Coronavirus’ Effect
« on: March 24, 2020, 10:27:52 AM »
Wasn't sure where to put this as it affects the whole comic/gaming industry. Diamond Press Release at the link.

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Diamond Comic Distributors Addresses Coronavirus’ Effect
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2020, 02:32:48 PM »
This part is fine.

There is a lot parts for distribution of books and games, it doesn't surprise that some stuff will be shut down.

Non-essential shops are to be closed in my area/state.

Wash hands .... cough into your elbow ... keep your immune system up ... be social distant. Stay home as much as possible.

Having said all that .... keep in touch with family friends ... easy to do with today's tech, with facetime, skype and various voice servers.

Offline Icefanatic

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Re: Diamond Comic Distributors Addresses Coronavirus’ Effect
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2020, 07:37:43 PM »
This part is fine.

There is a lot parts for distribution of books and games, it doesn't surprise that some stuff will be shut down.

Non-essential shops are to be closed in my area/state.

Wash hands .... cough into your elbow ... keep your immune system up ... be social distant. Stay home as much as possible.

Having said all that .... keep in touch with family friends ... easy to do with today's tech, with facetime, skype and various voice servers.

My state literally just went to non-essential shops being closed starting today, my LCS was already doing curbside pickup and plans to continue staying open doing that as that is allowed under the new rules here.

This is going to be a blow to the industry, not sure how big. Comics is a 'habit' for a lot of people. Buying, reading, just going to the shop... You break any part of that habit, especially with how much dissatisfaction there is with the industry right now in general, and some percentage of people are not going back when things start back up. Dissatisfied fans are always looking for what feels like a good jumping off point. If I hadn't switched over to mostly Indy fair I would be one of them.

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Diamond Comic Distributors Addresses Coronavirus’ Effect
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2020, 08:55:28 AM »
We've got curb-side stuff too and I think thats a good thing.

Here is the thing though, this would be the time to take advantage of the digital market. Amp up the appeal and boost sales.

It can save itself ... and then put those paper product out when its safe to do so.

Offline Icefanatic

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Re: Diamond Comic Distributors Addresses Coronavirus’ Effect
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2020, 02:01:58 PM »
We've got curb-side stuff too and I think thats a good thing.

Here is the thing though, this would be the time to take advantage of the digital market. Amp up the appeal and boost sales.

It can save itself ... and then put those paper product out when its safe to do so.

There was talk in a BC article of doing something with digital. It would  be the smart play and it's something I thought of immediately, but I have little confidence in the people running things to effectively pull it off.

And of course the big issue would be what titles/issues would they release as essentially digital-only for a period where they know a lot of fans that don't like digital would simply not be buying/reading. In interconnected universes with major events going on right now I just don't see much of that happening. If you don't release everything that way, books are going to be completely out of sync with each other and events in one book will be spoiled by another.

I can see it working for companies like Image and some of the Indies a lot better than DC/Marvel. Events and interconnectedness have painted them into a corner with being able to do stuff more on the fly.

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Diamond Comic Distributors Addresses Coronavirus’ Effect
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2020, 02:51:23 PM »
LA is cracking down on curb-side purchases, threatening to turn off power and other stuff.
So, if you are planning on visiting  your local shop, call them first. :)