Nice collection.
There is gold, silver and bronze Gambit coins. I never got the gold one because I could not find it or I would have it. I haven't looked for in some time, it might be out there somewhere. I have the silver and bronze. Very cool looking. I'll attach a pic of the back of the silver one and face of the bronze one. The image is same for all coins as is the text on the back.
They minted 25,000 of bronze, 5000 silver and I have no clue for the gold one. I have a Storm one too. Never found any others but I stopped going crazy on ebay for my own wallet. LOL
Whoa, the text didn't come out good.
It says:
"A New Orleans native Remy Lebeau can harness the energy in any object and release it...with explosive results! A former member of the Thieves Guild, Lebeau now treads the straight and narrow as the Xman called Gambit."
Coin date is 1997.