If Gambit ends up in Knights of X, I insist we all call it Kox. Not an acronym. K-o-x, but actually pronounce it as ‘Kox.’Then we can say: “did you hear, Kox out this week!” “Did you see solicits for Kox?” “Kox just isn’t doing it for me lately.” Or “gosh, I am so excited for Kox! I can’t wait for more Kox!”I think the best case scenario is Williams writing this book, really, unless it’s an entirely different writer altogether we haven’t heard of or had hinted at. I don’t mind her dialogue because she actually writes a team book and everyone has something to say. compare that to X-Men, which is basically a Larraz coffee table book of beautiful pictures and Duggan occasionally throwing in a word bubble per page. Takes less than 2 minutes to “read” XMen. At least Williams isn’t Hickman, who drowns you in plot points so confusing you need a diagram to figure out what just happened. And then he literally gives you a diagram. Howard tosses up word salad while the characters do inexplicable things. I’ll take the Claremontian style dialogue bubbles where we actually know what the characters are thinking, feeling, and WHY they are doing the things they do.
Nothing to do with Gambit other than he has cats.And to tease Don.
Remy cher, is dat you? From X-Men #6, maybe? Pepe? Can anyone confirm?
the only thing gambit did in today's excalibur is to ask where his cats were at.everyone else stood around and told betsy she was great or talked about how great she is.
and fall.. He did a lot of falling, too. Cant forget that. One of the most agile X-Men characters there is... falling, sliding, and being an idiot.
The art isn't very good either. IMO
to be fair...all the characters suck. they are the absolute worst versions of themselves.let's look at the award-recipients for this year:jubilee - worstest mom awardrictor - whiniest babyman awardgambit - stupidest himbo awardbetsy - entitled self-absorbed b!tch awardhonorable mentions:jamie - conveniently useless awardbird-lady - who are you and why are you even here awardshatterstar - piece-of-@ss awardcongrats to all our losers! and on a special note, Gambit was the proud recipient of the Piece-of-@ss award last year, so him falling out of the stupid tree and hitting every branch on the way down is actually an improvement! Good for him.Too cartoon-y. Everyone looks like they are 14-yr olds, even if they are given proper features. Laziness.
That will actually get me to buy a comic book again! Great news.