Okay - I finished it.
It is an AU retelling of Rogue's origin that hits the familiar beats while giving us nothing new. There are better unpublished AU fanfictions out there that give us Rogue but in a way that is more interesting. But there are published fanfictions out there (cough Twilight cough) that are downright horrible. It is not Meyers-level bad. That said, familiarity is comforting, this story is unchallenging, and is good enough for rainy days on the couch or going to the beach.
Gambit is no different than your average YA-male love interest. Like kinda bad, but not really. He is sparkly vampire bad. He's around, and he helps Rogue figure out she's a mutant. But it does say "Rogue" in the title, so let's not forget that she's the star of the story so him being 'nerfed' is expected. Like Rogue, his story gets the same retelling, nothing new.
While Rogue and Gambit got a bland AU makeover, the reimagining of other characters was gross. Just bleagh. Can we NOT with the "crazy ex-girlfriend"?
The action scenes were nonsensical. Like how ninjas take turns and line up to get punched out by Daredevil, some of the sequences of events made zero sense.
That's my review. My 76 year old dad saw I was reading a Marvel novelization and he got all excited. So I think he will be getting a Thor book for Father's Day.