What do you want to see for Disney+ XTAS Gambit?
No headsock? Third-person talk? End up working for Sinister at some point?
1. A better display of Gambit's thieving skills.
2. The Sinister connection.
3. Some references to Nicieza and Asmus' solo runs. Courier, Joelle etc...4. From a ROMY perspective, a bit more progression other than just having Rogue rebuff him and then fretting over him whenever he's in danger. Probably an X-Men #24 adaptation could be a good starting point.
5. Gambit and Wolverine team-ups.
6. Jean-Luc Lebeau appearance, unfortunately they missed an opportunity with 'X-Ternally Yours'
7. If they do costume redesigns. I'd go purple and black, I think the Disney avatar has that.
8. No third-person talk, if they REALLY must do it. Minimize it.
9. The cats.