Author Topic: Gambit Watch 2022  (Read 301360 times)

Offline hairlesscat

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Re: Gambit Watch 2022
« Reply #195 on: June 21, 2022, 09:25:54 PM »
I'm not familiar with Williams, but neither KT and ML write Gambit that well IMO. I feel like the last writer who really got Gambit was James Asmus.

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Re: Gambit Watch 2022
« Reply #196 on: June 21, 2022, 10:56:38 PM »
...ah @&$&.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony


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Re: Gambit Watch 2022
« Reply #197 on: June 22, 2022, 07:44:39 AM »
I'm not familiar with Williams, but neither KT and ML write Gambit that well IMO. I feel like the last writer who really got Gambit was James Asmus.

i wasn't specifically saying they should write gambit, but that they have a good handle on family dynamics (spouses/partners, children, friendships).

i appreciate liu for giving us a more grown-up gambit.

i don't think KT wrote a bad gambit. i think she wrote a boring gambit. he was a foil for rogue's development. otherwise rogue would be talking to a wall. at least he was a sexy wall.

fabnic, asmus, then maybe cc are best at gambit.

...ah @&$&.


he is FREED from being under her pen! rejoice!

Offline Zoks

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Re: Gambit Watch 2022
« Reply #198 on: June 22, 2022, 09:59:58 AM »

he is FREED from being under her pen! rejoice!

Don't celebrate too quickly. Between the Siege Perilous and whatever the f*** he was doing with his tarot cards (that last page suggests he wasn't being suicidal entirely and he had a backup plan involving his tarot cards) I suspect he will be back by the end of the mini.

Offline hairlesscat

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Re: Gambit Watch 2022
« Reply #199 on: June 22, 2022, 11:12:00 AM »

i wasn't specifically saying they should write gambit, but that they have a good handle on family dynamics (spouses/partners, children, friendships).

i appreciate liu for giving us a more grown-up gambit.

i don't think KT wrote a bad gambit. i think she wrote a boring gambit. he was a foil for rogue's development. otherwise rogue would be talking to a wall. at least he was a sexy wall.

fabnic, asmus, then maybe cc are best at gambit.


he is FREED from being under her pen! rejoice!
Oh no, I get what you're saying. I'm just saying that neither one wrote a particularly good treatment of Gambit. ML's Gambit was mature, but he was also boring. And Gambit is anything but.

Personally, I would say FabNic > CC (Iconic OG portrayal) > Asmus.

Offline Zoks

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Re: Gambit Watch 2022
« Reply #200 on: June 22, 2022, 11:47:17 AM »
Btw I do like Tini's plot ideas, she is just so bad at using the characters, and the dialogue is disjarring. I think our boy got off easy. I know we are a Gambit fan community but after seeing how Rachel was written I would gladly take what happened to Gambit, rather than having their lines and roles switched.

Offline Nekobaghira

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Re: Gambit Watch 2022
« Reply #201 on: June 22, 2022, 12:50:41 PM »
Okay, something happened? Clue me in please, its been so long since I've read a comic book. Is Gambit free of TH?
Agree with the boring thoughts (pov) from those here, I can understand it even if I did like ML.
KT was completely boring and TH is just clueless. I also understand why the romy fandom loved KT's run. Not my jam but okay.

So - who is Williams and what book in-case I try it.
edit: based on info, one of us should tell Remydat. LOL
« Last Edit: June 22, 2022, 12:57:08 PM by Nekobaghira »

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Re: Gambit Watch 2022
« Reply #202 on: June 22, 2022, 01:08:36 PM »
Don't you bring Remydat into this. He's busy enjoying his kid. No need to sully that... My concern isn't Gambit's death... It's that when mutants die in Otherworld, when they are brought back - they are different. Sometimes drastically. Most often mentally and psychologically completely different... Have you seen Rockslide lately? Or Gorgon?
« Last Edit: June 22, 2022, 01:26:43 PM by Nekobaghira »
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

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Re: Gambit Watch 2022
« Reply #203 on: June 22, 2022, 01:26:08 PM »
I didn't know Remydat had a kid - Congrats to him and family.

No, I haven't seen Rockslide or Gorgon. I've been MIA for a long time despite keeping this place rolling.
At least its 'Otherworld', not sure what it means but  ... I'm alright being clueless.
With his death, does it mean his marriage is over?

Don't forget the spoilers for a week, unless this isn't really new. LOL


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Re: Gambit Watch 2022
« Reply #204 on: June 22, 2022, 02:59:08 PM »
Otherworld = Magical Realm, some kind of universal nexus. Die here, you come back as a combo of all potential YOUs in any universe/reality. Rockslide died and was resurrected as a living paperweight.

Alternatives to "traditional" Egg resurrection:

Siege Perilous (the whole reason they are in Otherworld right now). Caveat with this method: Come back as a ninja assassin in a navy blue thong uniform you're damned to wear until the end of time.

Omega-level Mutant. There's at least a dozen reality warping mutants now, and half of them are hanging out in Otherworld. They can just straight up give him a Phoenix Down and revive him. <--that's a Final Fantasy reference, btw.

Spell casting. Gambit died by charging a magical tarot card, tapping into its magical potential. Apparently the spell backfired, killing him. He states he has a "plan", but previous plans included selling black market PopTarts, so who knows. But he is Death, as he tells Merlyn. Does the tarot spell card actually kill, or just change him? Anyway, it appears he exploded himself in a blast of purple light and is pictured in a pool of blood with the card partially destroyed.

Offline Zoks

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Re: Gambit Watch 2022
« Reply #205 on: June 22, 2022, 03:44:28 PM »
After some thinking I think this comic is Gambit's best showing in this era.

He did well as a leader considering Rachel's one-track minded behavior, and kept the team focused on what was important: rescuing those in need.  And then when Betsy arrived on the scene he immediately ceded his leadership position and took back his traditional role of a stealth specialist with some fire power if needed. This is well in character because he does not want to lead if he knows there is someone else who is at least as qualified as him, if not more. His self-sacrificing behavior is also actually quite in character when you consider his history. He is probably still haunted by the Morlock Massacre. That was the first time he came across a small community of mutants in danger, and he chose to do nothing until the last moment despite his doubts, ending up with so many of them dying. We can see that creates a trigger for him. If there is a small community of mutants at risk and he has his doubts, he is going to be preemptive in his actions, even if it isn't the smartest idea. We saw this in action back in the 198 days when he chose to become Death in an attempt to keep Apocalypse in line, and we saw it again in KoX #3 when he used that huge blast to ward off Merlin, though we do need to wait until next month to see if it was actually worthwhile. Damn shame we finally get a good showing for him and he ends up dying.

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Re: Gambit Watch 2022
« Reply #206 on: June 22, 2022, 04:19:18 PM »
Ok... That wasn't even worth pirating. It was 3 panels. Not even well staged.
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony


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Re: Gambit Watch 2022
« Reply #207 on: June 22, 2022, 07:41:27 PM »
If you look real close, you can see Gambit left a message:tell my cats I love them

Offline DonPriceTag

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Re: Gambit Watch 2022
« Reply #208 on: June 22, 2022, 10:52:12 PM »
If you look real close, you can see Gambit left a message:tell my cats I love them

That's a joke... Right?
Rogue being flung vagina-first at the first male that pops up on her radar isn't how I'd define "romance," but Marvel must be using a different dictionary than me.- NicoPony

Offline Sparta

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Re: Gambit Watch 2022
« Reply #209 on: June 23, 2022, 02:27:34 AM »
Don't you bring Remydat into this. He's busy enjoying his kid. No need to sully that... My concern isn't Gambit's death... It's that when mutants die in Otherworld, when they are brought back - they are different. Sometimes drastically. Most often mentally and psychologically completely different... Have you seen Rockslide lately? Or Gorgon?

Firstly, congrats to Remydat, that's wonderful news to hear.
About the spoiler post...
That's my concern too, it's not the death that worries me, (what I've read of the death scene tells me there's much more to play out)'s what happens afterwards and who writes it. But I think they are trying to fix the Otherworld resurrections in the upcoming stories, and there are a few avenues for Gambit to be restored again, there are theories about the Siege Perilous, the Death persona etc.